Later ordered to kill Kamil in Colorado. Is killed himself when hisMercedes goes over a ski jump and lands on its roof, crushing everyoneinside.

  Jones, Isaac. The third officer on the Lady Flamborough. Described asa Scotsman with red hair.

  Jones, Lieutenant Samuel T. Works for Dodge in the Special OperationsForces Readiness Command.

  Keith, General. General at the Pentagon who informs Nichols that anelite Special Operations Force has left an hour ago for Tierra delFuego. Nichols informs the president.

  KH-IL5. Type of U.S. spy satellite.

  Khomeini, Ayatollah. Mullah who rose to power in Iran after thedeparture of the Shah. A fanatical Muslim.

  Klein Side scan Sonar. Brand of sonar being used aboard the PolarExplorer.

  Knight, Commander Byron. U.S. Navy commander.

  Skipper of the Polar Explorer.

  Kornilov, Sergei. Head of the Soviet space program.

  Has a son who works at the Soviet embassy in Mexico City.

  Korolenko, Aleksey. Soviet deputy chief in Washington, D.C. Describedas heavy-bodied; his face wears a fixed jovial expression.

  Labarum. What a banner was called in Roman times.

  Lady Flamborough. British cruise liner that Ammar hijacks from Puntadel Este. Beautiful, with a streamlined superstructure. Instead of thetraditional British black hull and white on the upper works, the ship ispainted entirely in a soft slate blue with a sharply raked funnel bandedin royal purple and burgundy.

  She is one hundred one meters in length and features only fifty largesuites catered to by an equal number of staff. Home port is San Juan,Puerto Rico. Diesel powered with big bronze screws (propellers). AfterAmmar sails the ship and the hijacked passengers into the ocean, theLady Flamborough is disguised with the 325 clever use of fiber-boardpanels and paint to appear as the General Bravo. Forty kilometers offthe starboard bow from the General Bravo's scheduled destination of SanPablo, Argentina, the ship veers and continues south. Hidden by Ammaralongside a glacier on Santa Inez Island, the ship is later liberated bythe Special Operations Force and towed back to Punta Arenas by theSounder.

  Lake of the Ozarks. Chain of lakes in Missouri that is the location ofthe president's hideaway cottage.

  The president meets here with Nichols, Schiller, Senator Pitt andSandecker. The president, on Wismer's i I advice, wants to turn theexcavation of the Alexandria Library over to the military. Luckily forNUMA, the story about the possible find has already broken in thenewspapers.

  Landsat. See Earth Resources Tech Satellite.

  Laser parabolic. A sensitive microphone that receives sounds frominside a room by vibrations on a windowpane, then magnifies them throughfiber optics onto a sound channel. Used by the mercenaries hired byYazid to record the conversation that explains Kamil has been taken toBreckenridge.

  Lemke, Captain Dale. Commercial airline pilot due to fly Nebula Flight106. Murdered and replaced by Ammar. His body is later found in thetrunk of a car parked at Heathrow.

  Lola. Large custom-designed motor yacht owned by Rivera. Forty metersin length with a beam of eight meters.

  Rivera was hosting a party for Argentinian and Brazilian diplomats whenthe Lady Flamborough rammed the Lola and broke the vessel in two.

  Rivera and his wife plus twenty-three guests and five crew members wereaboard.

  Loper, Armando. The president's senior director of Latin Americanaffairs.

  Luger. German 9-milftmeter handgun carried by Fawzy. He uses it toshoot Ammar after he stabs Yazid to death.

  Macer, Latinins. A Gaul who is chief overseer of the slaves.

  Described as a huge, hard-bitten character. A giant, he stands a goodfull head above everyone else.

  Has great hips and shoulders joined nearly as one and a pair of oak-beamarms ending in hands that drop almost to his knees. Killed by thebarbarians.

  Machado, Juan. Captain of the General Bravo. He and his crewof-eighteen are transferred to the Lady Flamborough after the GeneralBravo is scuttled.

  Works for Topiltzin. Has oily hair and dirty fingernails.

  One whiff is enough to realize he seldom bathes. Ammar concludes thatTopiltzin intends to have Machado murder him and his crew. Killed bythe Special Operations Force when they storm the Lady Flamborough.

  Machineel. Also called poison guava, it is native to the Caribbean andthe Gulf Coast of Mexico. It comes from a tree that bears a deadly,sweet-tasting, apple shaped fruit. Poison that was placed in thepassengers' meal on Nebula Flight 106.

  Magellan Islands. String of islands around the Straits of Magellan.

  Landmarks include Break Point Peninsula, Deceit Island, Calamity Bay,Desolation Isle and Port Famine.

  Mahfouz, Mustapha. Identity Ammar uses to gain access to Yazid's hometo murder him. The real Mahfouz is allegedly an uncle of Yazid.

  Mercedes-Benz 300 SDL. Car driven by Ismail when he chases Pitt in theCord. Powered by turbocharged diesel engine, it is capable of twohundred twenty kilometers an hour. Ismail's two cars were driven acrossthe Mexican border to Colorado and are registered to a nonexistenttextile company in Matamoros, Mexico.

  Giordino tosses a socket wrench through the windshield of one of twoMercedes following the Cord and smashes its windshield, causing a wreckwith the 300

  SDL behind it. When Pitt takes the Cord down the ski slope, the firstcar is smashed in the mogul field.

  Pitt tricks Ismail's driver into going off a ski jump.

  Metcalf, General Clayton. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  Jack. Pilot of the helicopter that takes Pitt, Sandecker, Sharp andGarza from Corpus Christi to Roma.

  Nfiguel Aleman. Town on the Mexican side of the border across fromRoma.

  Military Command Center. Area in the Pentagon where planning for therecovery of the Lady Flamborough takes place.

  Milihiser, Marlys. Author of The Threshold, a book Sharp is reading.

  NEnerva. Brand of vertical-lift aircraft that resupplies Gronquist BayVillage every two weeks.

  Moheil Mussa. A famous Egyptian writer. In his mid-sixties, he isdescribed as a witty, urbane and articulate man with a slow and graciousmanner. A journalist who is Yazid's chief propagandist. Is present atthe meeting with Yazid where the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough isplanned.

  Monte Alban. Site of ancient pyramids, where Topiltzin preaches.

  Mount Italia. Mountain on Tierra del Fuego where a glacier flows downto the ocean.

  Mount Sarmiento. Tierra del Fuego mountain where a glacier flows downto the ocean.

  mullah. Islamic religious leader.

  Narrow-gauge locomotive. Found by Pitt at the zinc mine on Santa Inezisland, the locomotive is a @ wheel arrangement. Commandeered by Pittand his crew.

  Nebula Air. A plush airline that caters to VIPs. Operates on charteronly. The airline's colors are three stripes running down the hull,light blue and purple separated by a band of gold.

  NebWa Flight 106. United States chartered flight that is carryingKamil. A Boeing 720-B. After Ammar kills the crew and steers the planenorth, he bails out over Iceland. The plane continues on to Greenland,where it crashes in Ardencaple Fjord.

  Nichols, Dale. Special assistant to the president of the United States.Gives off the image of a college professor, which he had been atStanford before the president persuaded him to switch jobs. Has athicket of coffee-brown hair, neatly parted down the middle, andold-style spectacles, with small round lenses and thin wire frames.

  Wears a bow tie and smokes a pipe.

  Learned Spanish during a two-year stint in the Peace Corps.

  No Name Hill. True location of the Alexandria library.

  Noricus, Artorius. A young legionnaire under the command of Severus.

  First to alert Severus and Venator the barbarians are attacking.

  NUMA Seasat. NUMA-operated satellite mentioned by Dodge on page 333.

  O'Hara, Sergeant. U.S. Army sergeant whom Cranston orders to clearGongora Hill.

  Obsidian knife. Weapon used to
remove Rivas's heart.

  Obsidian is stone, and the knife is razor-sharp.

  Operation Stogie. Code name for the theft of Sandecker's cigars.

  Launched by Giordino and an old AirForce buddy who is now a professional burglar for an intelligenceagency.

  Orinoco River. River in Venezuela. Pitt wonders if it is where Venatormight have buried the Alexandria Library.

  OsmaN Mustapha. Arab who reports that Pitt's group has taken over thecrushing mill and has possession of the escape helicopter.

  Osprey assault aircraft. Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that theSpecial Forces unit takes to Argentina.

  Has a tilt rotor. The bullet-shaped aircraft takes off like ahelicopter but flies like a plane in excess of six hundred kilometers anhour. Has a terrain-following computer that controls most flightoperations.

  Oswald, Jerry. Copilot on Nebula Flight 106. Described as a big manwith the pinched features of a desert prospector. After being injectedwith the hypodermic containing the nerve agent sarin, he fights withAmmar and almost succeeds in strangling him before the poison ends hislife.

  Papyrus. A tropical plant. The Egyptians made a paper like writingmaterial out of Papyrus stems.

  Parent. Also called vellum. It is produced from the skin of animals,especially young calves, kids or lambs. Used as a writing material.

  Parker, Herbert. Second officer on the Lady Farnborough. Described asphysically fit, suntanned, with asmooth boyish face that seems as if it only needs a razor on Saturdaynight. Ammar, disguised as Collins, slips up and calls Parker by hisfirst name, something the real Collins would never do.

  Partido Revolucionado donal. Also known as PRI, the political partythat dominates Mexican politics.

  Patton, Vic. Green's supervisor at the National Security Agency.

  Pharos of Alexandria. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

  A famed lighthouse that once stood a towering 135 meters. Near whereTopiltzin meets Yazid.

  Pilum. A two-meter throwing and thrusting sword.

  Weapon used by the centurions.

  Pliny. A celebrated Roman of the first century A.D.

  who wrote the world's first encyclopedia while with the AlexandriaLibrary.

  Polar F-rplarer. A sturdy new vessel especially designed for sailingthrough ice-covered waters. The massive boxlike superstructure toweringabove the hull resembles a five-story office building, and her greatbow, pushed by her 80,000-horsepower engines, can pound a path throughice up to one and a half meters thick. Based in Portsmouth, NewHampshire.

  President of the United States. Described as having silver hair andliquid gray eyes. He is tall, weighs two hundred pounds and has abone-crushing grip.

  Ptolemy. One of Alexander the Great's generals.

  After Alexander's death, his empire was divided by his generals.

  Ptolemy took Egypt and became a king.

  He also managed to get Alexander's corpse and encase it in agold-and-crystal coffin which he enshrined in a mausoleum. Around themausoleum, he built a city which became Alexandria. Ptolemy started theAlexandria Library.

  Punta Arenas. The southernmost large city in the world, on theBrunswick Peninsula in Chile. The Special Operations Force bases itsoperations there.

  Punta del Este. Coastal city in Uruguay. Location of an internationaleconomic summit meeting.

  Pythens. Famous Greek navigator who made an epic voyage in 350 B.C.

  'the legends say he sailed north and eventually reached Iceland.

  Qaddafi, President Muammar. President of Libya.

  Mentioned by Brogan when talking to the president.

  Here we catch Clive predicting the future incorrectly: the presidentmentions to Brogan that Qaddafi died of cancer. As of this writing,he's still alive.

  Quetzalcoad. Five-step pyramid in the Toltec city of Tula. Site whereRivas is sacrificed. Named for one of the Aztecs' revered gods.

  Redfern, Dr. Mel. A tall man with blond hair that has receded into awidow's peak. Wears designer glasses.

  Has blue-gray eyes. Still reasonably trim for a man of forty but has aslight paunch. A former college basket 333 ball star who passed onplaying in the pros to earn his doctorate in anthropology. One of theworld's leading experts in classical marine archaeology. Whileanalyzing the tablets Pitt had removed from the Serapis, Redfern findsthe reason for the voyage: to hide the Library of Alexandria.

  Rio Grande. The river that divides Mexico and the United States andforms the Texas-Mexico border.

  Known as Rio Bravo in Spanish.

  Rivas, Guy. Special representative for the president of the UnitedStates. Picked because he speaks Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs.

  His family immigrated to America from the Mexican town of Escampo, wherehe was taught Nahuatl at a very early age. Married, he has fourchildren. After being sent to meet with Topiltzin, his heart is removedwith an obsidian knife, and he is skinned.

  Rivera, Victor. Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies in Uruguay. Ownedthe Lola, named for his wife, which the Lady Flamborough rammed andsank.

  Rojas, Colonel Jose. Uraguayan chief coordinator for special security.

  Trained with the British Grenadier Guards.

  Roma, Texas. Town near the site where the Alexandria Library wasburied. On seven hills like its namesake in Italy. Viva Zapata, aMarion Brando movie, was filmed in Roma.

  Rooney, Teri. An actress who is asked to be a double for Kamil.

  Rothberg, Dr. Bertram. A professor of classical history at theUniversity of Colorado. Rothberg has made the study of the AlexandriaLibrary his life's work. Described as having a jolly smile beneath asplendid gray beard. Has sparkling blue eyes and a swirling mass ofgray hair.

  ROV. Stands for Remote Operated Vehicle. A tethered underwater viewingsystem.

  Rubin, Gary. Chief steward on Nebula Flight 106.

  Takes over the controls after Ammar parachutes out the hatch. One ofthree survivors of the crash.

  Rufinus, Cuccins. Captain of the Serapis. Employed by Nicias, a Greekshipping merchant from the port city of Rhodes. Has a daughter namedHypatia who travels with him on his voyage to bury the AlexandriaLibrary.

  Ruger P-85. American-made semiautomatic 9-millimeter handgun that Ammaruses to shoot Pitt in the back.

  Sadat, President Anwar. Former president of Egypt who was assassinated,mentioned by Kamil on page 237.

  Salazar, Nbguel. Mexico's director of foreign financing.

  Sam Trinity Sand and Gravel Company. Front for the actual excavationsof the Alexandria Library being carried out by Sharp.

  Santa Inez Island. Island in Chile that has glaciers.

  Spot where Pitt concludes the Lady Flamborough is hidden. Described assixty-five kilometers wide by ninety-five kilometers in length. Thehighest point is Mount Wharton at thirteen hundred twenty meters.

  Sarapis. The Roman ship found by Pitt near Gronquist Bay Village. Thought to be from the fourth century. Pitt dives through the ice in adry suit using surface-supplied air and examines the wreck. Pitt findsthe wreck has no stern rudder and a lead-sheathed bottom. Asked toexamine the stern post, Pitt finds a hardwood plaque with the Greekletters spelling Serapis and a face with curly hair and a heavy beard.

  Graham explains that the letters are not Classical but Eastern Greek andthat it is the name of a Greek Egyptian god. Pitt enters the hull andfinds the galley in order but no bodies inside. Roaming through theship, he examines the cargo hold and finds the crew, eight in all,perfectly preserved and crowded around an iron stove. Pitt theorizesthey were killed by a buildup of carbon monoxide. After the ship isexcavated from the ice, it is measured at just under twenty meters inlength with a beam of seven meters.

  Schiller, Julius. U.S. undersecretary for political affairs. Owns abeautiful thirty-five-meter motorsailer where poker games and politicsoccur with Soviet politicians. Married, he has a house in Chevy Chase,Maryland. Holds a clandestine meeting with Kamil at Senator Pitt's skichalet in Breckenridge.

  Severus, Do
niitius. The Roman centurion who runs the infantry unit thatprovides protection for Venator. Has 336 the muscled arms of a soldier.Trained for the sword and the shield. Described as merciless, a savage.The personal symbol of the military detachment he leads is Taurus theBull atop a lance. A Spaniard. Severus had volunteered for the RomanLegion when he was sixteen.