He advanced from common soldier, winning several decorations for braveryin battles with the Goths along the Danube and the Franks along theRhine. Fought against the Britons. Retired and became a mercenary. Thelast man to fall when the barbarians attack Venator's group.

  Shark. Code name for Holus in the assault on the Lady Flamborough.

  Sharp, Lily. A professor of anthropology at the University of Colorado.Finds the Roman coin while excavating at the site near Ardencaple Fjord.Injured when Gronquist crashes one of the rescue snowmobiles into asevered wing from Nebula Flight 106. Saved by Pitt.

  She later shows up at Pitt's home dressed seductively.

  Pitt takes her into the bedroom and has sex with her.

  In the car chase -with Ismail, she receives a bruised left cheek and ablack eye on the right side.

  Shaw, Elmer. Assistant secretary of the Navy.

  Sherlock. A robot submersible operated from the Polar Explorer. Hastwo movie cameras and one still camera. Used to photograph theAlfa-class submarine located by Pitt.

  Shiite. Sect of the Muslim religion most Iranians belong to. Said tobe more bloody and revolutionary than the Sunni sect.

  Simon, Lieutenant Cork. The leader of the Polar Explorer'sdamage-control experts. Sent to the wreckage of Nebula Flight 106.

  Described as stocky.

  Situation Room. Area in the White House where the president views allthe assembled intelligence data and plans the recovery of the LadyFlamborough.

  Slade, Lieutenant Colonel James. Air Force pilot of the SR-90 Casperwho photographs Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego. Home base is in theMojave Desert.

  Sounder. NUMA research vessel assigned to a sonar mapping project ofthe continental slope off southern Brazil. The vessel's sonar gear cancut a swath two miles wide, and she carries a submersible. Pittrequests the ship to search for the Lady Flamborougk Launched at aBoston shipyard in 1961, the vessel spent three decades chartering outto oceanographic schools. Purchased by NUMA in 1990, she was completelyoverhauled and refitted. Her new 4,000-horsepower diesel engine wasdesigned to push Sounder at a speed of fourteen knots.

  Stewart and the engineers managed to reach seventeen knots. Has twincycloidal propellers, one forward, one aft. Arrives at Santa InezIsland and tows the Lady Flamborough away from the glacier.

  Soviet Alfa submarine. A nuclear-powered, titanium-hull, nonmagneticand noncorrosive Soviet submarine with the latest in silent-propellertechnology. Said to be the deepest-diving and fastest submarines ineither the U.S. or Soviet navy. Holds one hundred fifty men. Sherlockshows a gash down her side as if she tore her side out on a jagged edgeofthe crater she lies inside. What Pitt and Giordino on board the PolarExplorer are seeking. They have just found it when Nebula Flight 106passes overhead.

  Special Operations Force. U.S. military service integrated elite force.In the fall of 1989, the Army's Delta Force and its secret aviation unitnamed Task Force 160 were merged with the Navy's SEAL Team Six and theAir Force's Special Operations Wing. These soldiers are heavily trainedin guerrilla tactics, parachuting, wilderness survival and scuba diving,with a special emphasis on storming buildings, ship and aircraft forrescue missions.

  SR-90 Casper. Top-secret U.S. Air Force reconnaissance aircraft capableof reaching Mach 5 or just under five thousand kilometers an hour. Theclosest SR-90 to South America is based at an airfield in Texas. Thepresident wants pictures of the Lady Flamborough and is told it willtake five hours for the flight over and photographic development. TheSR90's fuselage is made of an incredibly tough, lightweight plastic skinthat was tinted gray-white. Nicknamed Casper after the friendlycomic-book ghost.

  Stealth parachute. Special nondetectable parachute used by the DemonStalkers.

  Stewart, Frank. Captain of the Sounder. Described asnarrow-shouldered, with slicked-down long, burnt toast-brown hair.

  Looks like a small-town feed-store merchant and scoutmaster. A seasonedseaman, he can swim but refuses to learn how to dive.

  Tehnuk, Ibn. Ammar's servant and friend. Described as a swarthy typewith a curly mass of ebony hair. He is present when Ammar parachutesfrom Nebula Flight 106. Later helps Anunar hijack the Lady Farnborough.

  After the shoot-out with Pitt, he helps Anunar escape Santa Inez Islandand make his way back to Egypt. Later tries to kill Pitt in Roma with apistolized shotgun, but Pitt cuts off his fingers with a Roman sword.

  Seconds later, he is blown to bits in the C-6 explosion.

  Temple of the Magician. Pyramid temple in Uxmal where Topiltzin gives aspeech.

  Teotibuacan. Site of ancient pyramids, where Topiltzin preaches.

  Terra-cotta amphora. Pitt sees an amphora on the sea bottom near theSoviet Alfa-class submarine. The Greeks and Romans used amphoras totransport wine and olive oil.

  Texas A&M. University in Texas that translates the stone tablet Trinityfinds. The tablet is from Venator and describes the location of theAlexandria Library.

  Tezeatfipoen. One of the Aztecs' revered gods.

  Theodosius. Emperor who orders the Alexandria Library destroyed.

  Venator instead leads a group that hides the library in a series ofcaves. Died in 395.

  Thephflos. The patriarch of Alexandria who, along with Theodosius,ordered the Alexandria Library deStToyed. Bishop of Alexandria.

  Thompson submachine gun. Weapon of choice for Pitt on Santa InezIsland. Uses round drums that holds fifty .45-caliber shells.

  Thule Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in Greenland that sends helpto the site where Nebula Flight 106 crashes.

  Tiber. Once-glorious city in the Roman Empire. Now a slum. Mentionedby Sevenis when talking to Venator.

  Tierra del Fuego. Tip of Argentina cut off from the rest of the countryby the Straits of Magellan.

  Topiltzin. Described by Senator Pitt as a Benito Juarez/Emilio Zapatamessiah who preaches a return to a religious state based on Aztecculture. Described as short, with long hair he ties at the base. Has asmooth, oval face that suggests Indian ancestry. Has dark eyes.

  Rivas describes him as not looking a year over thirty.

  Wants to take over Mexico and rename the country Tenochtitlan, its Aztecname. Nahuatl will be the official language. Population will bebrought under control, foreign industry will become property of thestate and only native-born people will be allowed to live in thecountry.

  No more goods will be bought from the United States, and no oil will besold to the United States. Topiltzin also wants the return ofCalifornia, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. In actuality, he is RobertCapesterre and brother of Paul, who is acting as Yazid. Killed by Pittin the excavation on Gongora Hill.

  Trinity, Sam. Resident of Roma and proprietor of Sam's Roman Circus, aconvenience store, gas station 341 and Roman artifact museum. Has whitehair and a dark calfskin-colored face. Very tall, skinny as a fencepost, arms slender, shoulders narrow, but with a voice that has vigorand resonance. Loves to golf and dig for artifacts. Owns the twelvehundred acres of land surrounding where the Alexandria Library isburied.

  The land has been in his family since Texas was a republic. Is paid atax-free ten million for the Alexandria Library by the U.S. governmentand takes off on a tour to play the top one hundred golf courses in theworld.

  T FATOR. Inscription on the coin found by Sharp.

  Tula. Site of ancient pyramids where Topiltzin preaches.

  Unde Tleodore's boat. One of the Capesterre uncles' yachts.

  Forty-five meters in length, the vessel is Dutch built withaircraft-style lines. The vessel has transoceanic range and a cruisingspeed of thirty knots. Site of the meeting between Topiltzin and Yazid.

  UNESCO. Acronym standing for United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization.

  University of Colorado. University located in Boulder, Colorado.

  Institution sponsoring the archaeological excavation near ArdencapleFjord. The archaeologists find that the site contains proof that a bandof hunters inhabited it nearly two thousand years ago.

diocarbon dating on the excavated relics indicates the site wasoccupied from A.D. 200 to A.D. 400.

  Vazquez, Lieutenant Eduardo. Works under Rojas's command.

  Venator, Julius. Approaching his fifty-seventh year, with a gray, linedface, sunken cheeks and the tired, dragging steps that reflect theweariness of a man who has no more heart for life. A Greek wise man. Incharge of the group that hides the Alexandria Library.

  Has a wife and daughter awaiting his return at the family villa inAntioch. Assembles a fleet of sixteen ships including the Serapis tocarry the contents of the library. Described by Rothberg as the leadingintellectual of his time. A renowned scholar and teacher who was hiredaway from one of the great learning centers of Athens to become the lastof the Alexander Library's curators. Wrote more than one hundred booksof political and social commentary. When the barbarians attack hissoldiers and kill them, Venator attempts to swim out to the Serapis butis unsuccessful.

  He later describes what happens on the stone tablet found by Trinity.

  After escaping the barbarians, he made his way south, where he was takenin by a primitive pyramid people. Seven years later, he returned toRoma, then sailed for the Mediterranean but was never heard from again.

  Vyhousky, Yuri. The Soviet Embassy's special advisor on Americanaffairs.

  Webster, Henry. Doctor aboard the Lady Flamborough who treats Pittafter the gunfight at the ore crushing building. Described as a littlebald-headed man.

  Wismer, Harold. Present at the meeting at Lake of the Ozarks. An oldcrony and advisor to the president.

  Wears rirffless glasses with pink lenses. A snarled beard almost hideshis thin lips. Described as bald as a basketball. Has brown eyes.

  Yazid, Akhmad. Leader of the fanatical mullahs who seek to overthrowthe Egyptian government. An Islamic law scholar. Orders the murder ofKamil by destroying Nebula Flight 106. Fashions himself as a MuslimGandhi. Described as young, no more than thirty-five. A small manwhose face does not have the precise features of most Egyptians, thechin and cheekbones softer, more rounded. His eyes seem to shift incolor from black to dark brown. Claims to have spent his first thirtyyears in the Sinai Desert talking to Allah. Claims to have been born insqualid poverty in a mud hut near the City of the Dead in the garbagedumps of Cairo. Claims his father and two sisters died from diseasebrought on by fflthy living conditions. Claims his only formalschooling is what he received from Islamic holy men and also claims theProphet Muhannnad speaks through him. Linked to terrorism that includesthe murder of a high-ranking Air Force general, a truck explosionoutside the Soviet Embassy and the execution-style killing of fouruniversity professors who spoke out in favor of Western ways. Inactuality, he is Paul Capesteffe and brother of Topiltzin (RobertCapesteffe). Killed with a carbon-composite knife by Ammar at his housein Egypt.

  Yazid's house. Located twenty kilometers from Alexandria, the smallvilla squats on a low hill overlooking a wide sandy beach. Has anornate doorway for honored guests and a small side door used by thosewho work for Yazid.

  Ybarra, Eduardo. A member of the Mexican delegation on Nebula Flight106. Once served as a mechanic in the Mexican Air Force. Described ashaving a round and brown face. His hair is thick and black with tracesof gray. Has brown eyes. Helps Rubin in the cockpit of Nebula Flight106 after Ammar parachutes out over Iceland. Killed in the crash ofNebula Flight 106. Is a suspect in the poisoning of the passengersbecause he didn't eat the in-flight meal, claiming to have an upsetstomach. Later, the flight attendant notices him eating a sandwichtaken from his briefcase.

  DragonAcosta, Rico. A mining engineer attached to the Philippine securityforce looking for Yamashita's Gold.

  Described as tall for a Filipino, with eyes that indicate more than atrace of Chinese ancestry. His grandfather was in the 57th PhilippineScouts, captured by the Japanese and imprisoned at Fort Santiago. Thegrandfather never returned.

  Ajima Island. Island in Japan that was later renamed Soseki Island.

  Location of the Dragon Center. About sixty kilometers off the coast dueeast of Edo City.

  Akagi spy satellite. Japanese spy satellite.

  Andersson, Olaf. The assistant chief engineer of the Narvik. Goes withthe boarding party to the Divine Star.

  Arizona. Code name for the operation to have Pitt place an atomic bombon the fault line and wipe out Soseki Island.

  Arnold, Lieutenant Joseph. Navigator on Dennings' Demons flight toOsaka.

  Asakusa. An area northeast of Tokyo in a section known as Shitamachi.

  Part of the old city of Tokyo.

  Atomic bomb. The one carried by Dennings' Demons is described as agigantic overinflated football with nonsensical boxed fins on one end.

  The round ballistic casing was painted a light gray, and the clamps thathold the bomb together around the middle look like a huge zipper.

  Avanti. Automobile produced by Studebaker and later other companies.

  Car used by Fox and Weatherhill when in Las Vegas.

  Beanbag gun. A spring-powered piston tube with a wide-diameter barrelused to shoot the hedgehog.

  Used by Fox and WeatherhiU as they break into the underground parkinggarage at the Pacific Paradise Hotel.

  Big Ben. The DSMV, a later version than Big John, that Pitt uses todrive the atomic bomb from Dennings' Demons to the fault line toeradicate Soseki Island. Weighs thirty-five tons. The top speed hasbeen increased over Big John's.

  Big John. The DSMV Pitt is driving when he rescues the crew of OldGert. Big John has tractor treads that can propel it at five kilometersan hour. On the front are a grappler and a scoop. The pilot sitsbehind a clear bubble shield. It is powered by a small nuclear reactor.Weight is fifteen tons. After Pitt drives Big John to Conrow Guyot, heis met by Giordino and Sandecker in a submersible.

  Giordino cuts off parts of Big John with an arc torch to allow it torise to the surface. When the ascent begins to slow, Giordino grabs BigJohn with an arm from the submersible and pushes it to within ninetymeters from the surface before the submersible begins to falter.

  'nere Pitt and Plunkett escape from Big John and swim to the surface,and Big John sinks again to the bottom.

  Black Horse. Code name used by Frick's team.

  Black Sky. Criminal organization that dominated Japan after the turn ofthe century. Korori Yoshishu and Koda Suma, father of Hideki, weremembers.

  Black smokers. Oddly sculpted vents on the sea floor that emit365-degree-Celsius clouds of black steam underwater. Pitt and Plunkettpass one on the way to Conrow Guyot. Around the vents are tube worms,white mussels and varieties of clams Plunkett has never seen before.

  They survive on bacteria that converts hydrogen sulfide and oxygenoverflow from the vents into organic nutrients.

  Blood Red Brotherhood. Japanese terrorist society described asfanatical butchers. A few are Japanese, butmost are East Germans trained by the KGB. Tsuboi wants them to kidnapSmith and Diaz.

  Blue Horse. Code name for the team that recovers a bomb car in NewJersey.

  Bock's Car. Name of the B-29 that dropped the atomic bomb named Fat Boyon Nagasaki. Piloted by Major Charles Sweeney.

  Brogan, Martin. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

  Byrnes, Commander Hank. Weapons engineer on Dennings' Demons flight toOsaka. Is tasked with monitoring the atomic bomb. The only U.S. Navyofficer aboard the plane.

  Building C. Part of the National Security Agency at Fort Meade,Maryland. Location where Ingram studies pictures of the ocean bottomand locates Dennings' Demons.

  Buson. Japanese poet who once wrote, "With his hat blown off/thestiff-necked scarecrow/stands there quite discomfited." Quoted by Sumaon page 404.

  C-8. Plastic explosive used by Mancuso at Soseki Island.

  CAD/CAM. An acronym for Computer-Aided Design/Computer-AidedManufacturing. Yaeger uses the system to help Pitt and Nash discoveratomic bombsare being smuggled into different countries in the Murrnoto's airconditioners.

  Cain, Edward. Tourist on the beach at Marcus Island when Big
Ben comesashore. Married to Moira.

  Central Command. Main base of operations for the MAIT. Housed in theFederal Headquarters Building.

  Clausen, August. Farmer in Germany whose tractor falls into theunderground cavern containing German jet fighters and expensive artwork.Lives near Bielefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany.

  Described as a big, hearty man just past seventy-four.

  Has a wife and two daughters. Fought in World War II in the Panzerbrigade.

  Congressional Country Club. Where the president is playing golf whenJordan briefs him about the progress on Soseki Island.