Conrow Guyot. X seamount near Soggy Acres with a smooth summit thatPitt heads for in Big John. The sea floor rises up, and it is onlythree hundred ten meters to the surface.

  Coffegidor Island. Island at the mouth of Manila Bay in thePhilippines. Where Mancuso believes Yamashita's Gold is buried.

  Corregidor was the location of General MacArthur's headquarters beforehe evacuated to Australia.

  CPDA-1 red blood cell bags. What Pitt steals from the hospital on thefourth floor of Soseki Island. Usesthe bags to drain his own blood. Later uses the blood to fool Katamorithat he was killed.

  Deep Quest. NUMA submersible that is sitting on the dock in Los AngelesHarbor. Sandecker wants to have the twelve-metric-ton Deep Questair-dropped from a U.S. Air Force C-5.

  Deerfield, Dr. Harry. Doctor who cares for Knox aboard Shanghai Shelly.Described as having graying bald hair and a warm twinkle in his eyes.

  DEFCOM. Level of nuclear preparedness. DEFCOM One is a launch.

  Delta One. The U.S. military team that is scheduled to remove the MAITteam from Soseki Island when they signal.

  Delta watch. Special watch that beeps to alert the wearer that a codedmessage has been received. Labeled a Raytech so it looks ordinary.

  Jordan wears one.

  DeLuca, Lieutenant David. The navigational officer on board Tucson.

  Dennings, Major Charles. Pilot of the B-29 that takes off from ShemyaIsland bound for Osaka. Spent two years as one of the top bomber pilotsin Europe, with more than forty missions to his credit. His plane andcrew perish when they are shot down by a Japanese Zero and the B-29bursts into flames.

  Dennings' Demons. Boeing B-29 carrying the atomic weapon bound forOsaka. At takeoff, the plane is fully loaded at sixty-eight tons withher tanks filled to capacity with more than seven thousand gallons offuel.

  With the forward bomb bay holding the six-ton atomic bomb and carrying acrew of twelve, the plane is seventeen thousand pounds overweight.

  It is powered by four 3,350-cubic-inch Wright Cyclone engines. Theengines' combined power is 8,800 horsepower, and they spinsixteen-point-five-foot propellers. The fuselage is ninety feet longand made out of polished aluminum.

  The wings are one hundred forty-one feet, and the rear stabilizer isthree stories tall. The insignia is a devil clutching a pitchfork inhis right hand, a bomb in his left, with his feet clutching gold barslabeled "24K," a reference to the crew calling themselves goldbrickersafter they are reprimanded for tearing up a beer hall in California.

  Diaz, Senator Mike. U.S. senator who advocates stern measures againstJapan. A widower in his late forties, his wife died of diabetes shortlyafter he was elected to his first term. Lives full-time in his officein Washington, D.C. No children. Was an army helicopter pilot inVietnam who was shot down and wounded in the knee. Spent two years as aPOW, but his jailers never properly attended to his wound, so he walkswith a limp and the aid of a cane. Attended the University of NewMexico and became a lawyer. Hair is pure black and swept back in a highpompadour. His face is round and brown with dark umber eyes and a mouththat flashes perfect white teeth. Kidnapped by Suma's men from hisfishing lodge and taken to Soseki Island. later rescued by Pitt andgroup.

  Divine Lake. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles that isfive days out of Los Angeles.

  Divine Moon. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles thatoff-loads in Boston.

  Divine Sky. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles that isscheduled to dock in New Orleans within eighteen hours. Suma orders thevessel to divert to Jamaica.

  Divine Star. Huge Japanese auto carrier. Her upper works stretch fromblunt bow to a perfectly squared stern. The ship has five decks and ahuge, completely automated wheelhouse. Seven hundred feet in length, itwas delivered March 16, 1988. Owned and operated by Sushimo SteamshipCompany Limited. Her home port is Kobe, Japan. When found by theboarding party from the Narvik, she's loaded with 7,288 Murmotoautomobiles due to be delivered in Los Angeles.

  Blown to bits when one of the boarding party from the Narvik shoots abullet into the atomic bomb in a Murmoto.

  Divine Water. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles thatis off-loading in Los Angeles.

  Dragon Center. What the detonation center for the Kaiten Project iscalled.

  DSMV Acronym for Deep Sea Mining Vehicle. Also known as Big John.

  Edo City. Set in a landscaped park and covered by a huge solar plasticdome, Edo City was named after the city renamed Tokyo. Designed andbuilt by Suma, Edo City is a scientific research and think-tankCommunity that supports sixty thousand people. Shaped like a giantcylinder around an atrium, the twenty story circular complex containsliving quarters for the scientific community, offices, public baths,convention halls, restaurants, a shopping mall, library and its ownthousand-member security force. Smaller underground cylinders connectedby tunnels to the main core hold the communications equipment, heatingand cooling systems, temperature and humidity controls, electrical powerplants and waste-processing machinery. The elaborate structures areconstructed of ceramic concrete and reach fifteen hundred meters deep inthe volcanic rock.

  Enola Gay. The plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. AsDennings' Demons is settling onto the sea floor after being shot down,Enola Gay is just lifting off.

  Enshu, Ashikaga. An investigator and art dealer who specializes inhunting down rare paintings. Described as having a perfect mane ofsilver hair, heavy eyebrows and a full mustache. Is actually adisguised Hanamura. When he goes to Suma's office to sell him apainting, he bugs the office.

  Epee. Discipline in fencing.

  Fat Boy. Code name of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.

  Fazio, Lieutenant Commander Ken. Executive officer on board the Tucson.

  Federal Headquarters Building. On Constitution Avenue in Washington,D.C it is a shabby-appearing six story building. It looks to be indisrepair, but that is a facade created to ensure secrecy. After takingthe elevator up, Pitt and his group enter a giant gleaming controlcenter manned by U.S. intelligence agents.

  Five-oh-ainth Bomber Squadron. Squadron to which the Enola Gaybelonged.

  Foil. Discipline in fencing.

  Ford Club Coupe. Pitt's maroon 1947 model was the first car in hiscollection.

  Ford's Theater. Where President Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth.

  In Washington, D.C between E and F streets on Tenth. Where Meekerbriefs Jordan that they are certain that the Divine Star blew up in anatomic explosion.

  Foster, Brian. Tourist on the beach at Marcus Island when Big Ben comesashore. Married to Shelly.

  Fox, Stacy. Camera woman aboard Old Gert. Pretty, with long, straightblond hair that falls around her face. Looks younger than herthirty-four years. Her eyebrows are thick and her eyes wide apart, heririses a soft green color. Her lips sit above a determined chin and arealmost always parted in a bright, eventoothed smile. Once a Californiabeach girl, she majored in photographic arts at Chouinard Institute inLos Angeles. Twice married and twice divorced, with one daughter wholives with her sister. Is actually a covert U.S. intelligence agentworking for the National Security Agency. After she arrives at Pitt'shome and gives him a massage, they make love. Later, she breaks intothe underground parking garage at the Pacific Paradise Hotel and disarmsone of the bombs in a Murmoto. She later enters Soseki Island and iscaptured. A judo expert. Rescued by Pitt. After Pitt is believeddead, she has lunch with Smith.

  Frick, Bill. Special agent with the FBI. Leads the group that stormsthe vault at the Pacific Paradise Hotel.

  FSX fighter jets. Jets used by Japan's Self-Defense Forces. Built by apartnership of McDonnell Douglas and Mitsubishi.

  Furukawa, George. Suma's agent in the southwestern United States.

  Vice president of the Samuel J. Vincent Laboratories. Known inintelligence circles as a sleeper. His family immigrated to the UnitedStates after World War II. Raised to be a leader of American businesswith help from mysterious funds wired from Japan. Recei
ved a Ph.D. inaerodynamic physics. Recruited for the Kaiten Project by Suma inHawaii.

  Gaijin. Japanese term for foreigners. Means outside person.

  Gailand, Adolf. One of the leading German aces in World War II. Saidof the Messerschmitt 262, "It flew as though the angels were pushing."

  Gentle Giant. The Lockheed C-5 that drops Big Ben with Pitt inside intothe ocean near Dennings' Demons. Specially modified for aerial drops.Hit by a Toshiba surface-to-air missile, it lands at Naha Airfield onOkinawa.

  Giordino, Alfred. What Kamatori calls Albert when he first meets Smith.

  Glomar Explorer. Famous deep-sea recovery vessel constructed by HowardHughes for the Central Intelligence Agency.

  Golanov, NickoW. Soviet counterpart to Jordan. Title is Director ofForeign and State Security for the Politburo.

  Golden Dragons. A Japanese secret society begun after World War II.

  Gray Horse. Code name for the team that recovers a bomb car inMinnesota.

  Great Karnac. The latest in underwater visual technology. The Tucsonis the first submarine to have the system. Kamac was developed by NUMA.

  Groves, General Leslie. General in charge of the Manhattan BombProject.

  Haider, Gert. German minister of historic works. Rewards Pitt forfinding the missing artwork by giving him a Messerschmitt 262.

  Hanamura, James. MAIT member of Team Honda and CIA field agent.

  Assigned to the internal Japan investigation. Lives in Redondo Beach,California, and drives a new Corvette. On the trail of the KaitenProject, he impersonates an engineer to gain access to Edo City. Findsthe blueprints that show the underground tunnel. Chased by guards, heraces in his car over back roads to Tokyo. Hands the blueprints to atruck driver to deliver because he is shot and bleeding. When capturedby Kamatori, he bites a poison capsule. Later beheaded by Kamatori andhis head mounted on the wall in the study at Soseki Island.

  Harper, Commander Wendell. Captain of the Ralph R. Bennett. Describedas tall and beefy with a solid paunch.

  Harris, Keith. NUMA project seismologist at Soggy Acres. Has a graybeard that matches his hair. Explains to Pitt that the explosiontriggered the fault line near Soggy Acres -and they need to evacuate.

  Hatchet fish. Silver with deep bodies that flatten on the sides. Haveslender tails and rows of light organs that flash along their lowerstomachs. Their eyes are disproportionately large and protrude fromtubes that rise upward.

  Hauser, Lieutenant Commander Sam. U.S. Navy lieutenant commander whoworks for the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory. Is on board theTucson to measure the radioactivity from the atomic bomb explosion onthe Divine Star.

  Hedgehog. Nickname for a pulley device that attaches to the side ofductwork and used for covert entry to buildings. Used by Fox andWeatherhill when they break into the underground parking garage at thePacific Paradise Hotel.

  Henrico County Sheriff's Department. Helicopter with Giordino aboardthat assists Pitt and Mancuso in chasing the limousine they think Smithis aboard.

  Iilispano-Suiza. A red 1926 drop-head cabriolet manufactured in Paris.

  Has an eight-liter six-cylinder engine. Features a flying storkradiator ornament. Car driven by Cussler in the race against Pitt inRichmond.

  Hokkaido. One of the four main islands of Japan.

  Honshu. One of the four main islands of Japan.

  Hutcheson, Francis. A Scot philosopher quoted by Pitt on page 191:"Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the t best ends by the best means." Orthe more common bastardization: "The end justifies the means."

  This X-20. Ultralight power gliders that took like pint sized Stealthbombers. They have a dark gray paint job and the same Buck Rodgersshape as Stealth bombers.

  Designed for one-man reconnaissance flights, they feature the latest incompact turbine engines that provide a three hundred-kilometer cruisingspeed with a range of one hundred twenty kilometers. Pitt and Giordinofly them from the Ralph R. Bennett to a crash landing on Soseki Island.

  Ingram, Clyde. The director of science and technical datainterpretation for the National Security Agency at Fort Meade.

  Invincible. The British research vessel that is connected to Old Gert.

  ltakurs, Admiral. Japanese admiral assigned to the Japanese embassy inWashington, D.C. Italian dueling saber. Weapon used by Pitt to defeatKatamori. A nineteenth-century sword with a ninety centimeter blade.

  Jordan, Raymond. Director of central intelligence and head of theNational Security Service. Reports directly to the president. Has aphotographic memory and speaks seven languages. Described as medium inheight, late fifties, with a healthy head of silver-gray hair. He has asolid frame with a slight paunch and kindly, oak-brown eyes. Marriedfor thirty-seven years, he has twin daughters who are in college.

  Consumes Maalox as if it were popcorn.

  Junshiro, Prime Minister Ueda. Prime minister of Japan. Described ashaving short-trimmed white hair and defiant brown eyes. The presidentorders him to resign after the Kaiten Project.

  Kaiser, Sonar Man First Class Richard. U.S. Navy sonar man assigned tothe Tucson. Hears "Minnie the Mermaid" playing from Big John'sunderwater speaker.

  Kaiten Project. Suma's plan for Japanese domination of the world. Onehundred thirty atomic warheads are placed in fifteen countries.

  Translated, means "a change of sky," but in Japanese it has a broadermeaning: "a new day is coming, a great shift in events."

  Kamatori, Moro. Suma's oldest friend and his chief aide. Meticulousand devious, he manages Suma's secretive projects. Has a stolid,resolute face flanked by oversized ears. Has heavy black brows and darklifeless eyes that look through thick-lensed rimless glasses. He is aman without emotions or convictions whose greatest talent is huntinghuman game. Over the course of twenty-five years, he has killed twohundred thirty-seven people. His father was a fencing master at auniversity in Japan. Hobby is hunting people. After he decides to huntPitt but is eluded, Pitt returns and engages him in a sword fight. Pittsevers his hand, then pins him by his groin to the wall in the study onSoseki Island and kills him.

  Kami. A Shinto word meaning "the way of divine power through variousgods."

  Kano, Daisetz. Top-level robotic engineer who works on Soseki Island.

  Kappabashi. Street near the Tawaramachi subway station.

  Kataginu. An Edo-period silk brocade sleeveless hunting jacket worn byKatamori when he hunts Pitt.

  Katana. Japanese ceremonial sword.

  Kawanunai Tours. Painted on the side of a small bus that picks up thecrews from Soggy Acres and Old Gert after they are helicoptered toHawaii.

  Keegan, Dan. Wyoming rancher who dies when one of the Kaiten Project'satomic bombs is set off with a rifle shot. Married.

  Kenjutsu. Japanese sword sport.

  Kern, Donald. Jordan's deputy director of operations.

  Bony-thin, small and lean. Has intensely cool bluegreen eyes that seemto reach into everyone's inner thoughts.

  Kiai. Method of concentration used by Japanese sword masters. An innerforce or power attributed to accomplishing miracles, especially amongthe samurai class.

  Knox, Jimmie. Old Gert's surface controller. Described as a jollyScot. When the Invincible begins to sink, he leaps from the deck andgrabs a piece of wood. Later picked up by the Shanghai Shelly. Diesfrom a super lethal dose of radiation before he can explain whathappened.

  Koror. Island in the Palau Republic chain that will house the U.S.intelligence information-gathering and collection point for the MAIT.

  The person in charge is Penner.

  Korvold, Captain Arne. Captain of the Norwegian Rindal Linespassenger-cargo liner Narvik. Norwegian by birth, he is described as ashort, distinguished man who never makes a hurried gesture. Hisice-blue eyes seldom blink, and the lips beneath his short, graying,trimmed beard seem constantly frozen in a slight smile. Has spenttwenty-six years at sea, mostly on cruise ships. Killed when the DivineStar blows up in the atomic blast.

  Koyams, Masuji. Suma's expert technician in defense detect

  Kudan HiB. Hill in the middle of Tokyo atop which Yasukuni sits.

  Kudo, Toshie. Suma's secretary. Much taller than her native sisters.

  Willowy, with long legs, jet-black hair falling to her waist andflawless skin enhanced by magical coffee-brown eyes. Boasts an IQbordering on 165.

  The daughter of a poor fisherman and the fourth of eight children.

  Was a skinny, unattractive child until she blossomed. Suma noticed herfishing and bought her from her father. In time, she has grown to enjoyher role as Suma's secretary and mistress. Speaks English, French,Spanish, German and Russian. Removed from Soseki Island by Pitt and thegroup, she is later remanded into Giordino's custody.