Kurojima, Takeda. Chief director of the Dragon Center. The technicalbrain who headed the Kaiten Project from start to finish.

  Kyoto. City in Japan that is the backup target for tM atomic bombcarried by Dennings' Demons.

  Kyushu. One of the four main islands of Japan.

  Lange, Chancellor. Chancellor of Germany.

  Langley Field. Airstrip near the headquarters of the CIA where the jetcarrying Smith, Diaz, Suma and Toshie lands.

  Liquid-metal fast breeder. Type of nuclear reactor in Japan. Alongwith power, it also produces plutonium and converts lithium intotritium, both essential ingredients for thermonuclear weapons.

  Lockheed C-5 Galwq. The largest cargo plane in the world. Built by theLockheed Corporation. Maximum cruise speed four hundred sixty knots.

  Lovin' Lilly. B-29 that was in the air flying toward Japan when Bock'sCar dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki.

  Lowden, David. Chief vehicle engineer at Soggy Acres. Has a prettywife and three kids. Wears rimless glasses. Pilots one of thesubmersibles to the surface.

  Magiev. Short for magnetic kvitation. Perfected by the Japanese andused to move trains and such. Works on the principle of repulsionbetween magnets.

  MAIT. An acronym standing for Multi-Agency Investigative Team. A MAITis assembled in the Federal Headquarters Building to combat the KaitenProject.

  Mancuso, Frank. U.S. government intelligence officer working withPhilippine intelligence in an attempt to locate Yamashita's Gold.

  Described as forty-two with the long-limbed, thin body of a basketballplayer. Has brown hair and a soft, round, Germanic face. Has blueeyes. Smokes a pipe. Graduated from the Colorado' School of Mines andspent his early years prospecting and working mines in search ofprecious gems such as opals in Australia, emeralds in Colombia andrubies in Tanzania. He also did a fruitless three-year hunt on Japan'snorthern island of Hokkaido for the rarest of rare gems, Red Painite.

  Shortly before he reached thirty, he was courted by an obscureWashington intelligence agency and appointed a special agent undercontract. Once inside the tunnel on Corregidor, Mancuso finds a numberof trucks and a small auto house trailer made of aluminum. Thatconvinces him that the Japanese returned for Yamashita's Gold. When hemeets Pitt at the Federal Headquarters Building, he is described as athin older man with shoulder-length hair. Enters Soseki Island but istaken prisoner. Freed by Pitt, he returns to the United States.

  Manganese nodules. Black and round-shaped like cannonballs. They arelittering the bottom of the ocean in a thick layer where Old Gert lands.A swath is cut through the field of nodules in a straight line like avacuum cleaner would make. The swath is where Pitt and crew used BigJohn for underwater mining.

  Manhattan Project. The code name for the project based in Los Alamos,New Mexico, that resulted in the atomic bomb.

  Marcos, Ferdinand. Former leader of the Philippines who found severalhundred tons of Yamashita's Gold.

  Marcus Island. Island 1,125 kilometers southeast of Japan. Turned intoa resort by a Japanese developer.

  Location where Pitt drives Big Ben ashore.

  Marmon. Famous American automobile. A 1931 Marmon V-16 town car is atthe race in Richmond. Pitt has a Marmon in his collection.

  Manser bolt-action. Type of rifle carried by Keegan.

  McCurry, Bill. One of the National Security Agency's top investigators.Described as having long, sun bleached hair and skin darkened by theCalifornia sun.

  McGoon. What Pitt and Giordino call the robot guard that watches themafter they are captured on Soseki Island.

  McGurk. One of the robots guarding Pitt and Giordino.

  Meeker, Curtis. Deputy director of advanced technical operations.

  Basically a shy man but acknowledged as the best satellite photo analystin the world. A nice looking man, black hair sprinkled with gray, kindface, easy smile and eyes that reflect friendliness.

  Mendicino Fracture Zone. Location near Soggy Acres that Pitt andPlunkett must pass through on their way to Conrow Guyot. Said to dwarfthe famous tourist site in northern Arizona, its steep escarpmentsaverage three thousand meters high.

  Messerschmitt 262. The German Luftwaffe's first turbojet airplane.

  Also called Swallows. Has a slim cigar shape to its fuselage, avertical stabilizer and ungainly jet pods that hang from knife likewings. Has four 30 millimeter cannon for armaments. Pitt is given oneby Halder. Pitt arranges to ship it to his home. After Pitt is feareddead, Giordino vows to restore the plane.

  Metcalf, General Clayton. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  Midgaard, Arne. Seaman from the Narvik who is on the boarding partythat enters the Divine Star. Alerts Steen to the automobile in thecargo hold with its hood up. Dies from radiation poisoning.

  Midway. Island in the Pacific that sends rescue units to the site ofthe Divine Star explosion.

  Miller, W. A. Name on the dog tags of a skeleton Mancuso and Acosta findin the excavation of Corregidor.

  "Minnie the Mernudd." Famous B. G. DeSylvia song.

  Played by Pitt over Big John's underwater speaker when he rescues thecrew of Old Gert.

  Mitsubishi A6M Zero. Plane Okinaga is flying. Powered by an1,130-horsepower Sakae engine. Armed with two machine guns and two20-millimeter cannons.

  Mitsubishi Ravens. Jet interceptors in the Japan Air Self-DefenseForces that are dispatched to shoot down the tilt-rotored airplanecarrying Pitt and the group from Soseki Island.

  Nfiwa, Suboro. Person who detonates the atomic bomb on Keegan's ranch.Claims to be an engineer with Miyata Communications. Married, withthree sons. Member of the Golden Dragons.

  Nflyata Connnunications. Company Miwa claims to work for.

  Nfiyaza, Jiro. One of Suma's chief structural engineers at Edo City.

  Has a wife and two children. Resembles Hanamura in face and body, soHanamura impersonates him to gaim access to Edo City and find theblueprints that show the underground tunnel. Miyaza recognizes he isbeing impersonated when he notices Hanamura wearing his security badge.

  Alerts the guards, who chase Hanamura.

  Monroe, Roy. Secretary of the Navy.

  Morrison, General Harold. Special deputy to General Leslie Groves whois head of the Manhattan Bomb Project. Briefs Dennings and his crewbefore their mission. Was both a master flight mechanic and aircraftengineer during his early Army Air Corps career. AsDennings' Demons lifts off the runway, he can hear one of the cylindersin one of the engines not firing.

  Morse, Clayton. Geophysicist at the National Earthquake Center.

  Morton, Commander Beau. U.S. Navy commander and skipper of the Tucson.

  Mosely, Sergeant Robert. Flight engineer on Dennings' Demons flight toOsaka.

  Mothees Breath. Code name for the atomic weapon carried by Dennings'Demons. Morrison believes that President Tnirnan came up with the name.Measures nine feet in length and five feet in diameter. An implosiontype bomb.

  mother's Pride. Nickname for the atomic bomb loaded on Lovin' Lilly atGuam. After Fat Boy was dropped on Nagasaki, the bomb was shipped backto Los Alamos.

  Muraski. Name of the robot guard that watches Pitt and Giordino afterthey are captured on Soseki Island.

  it means purple."

  Murmoto four-wheel-drive- pickup truck Hanamura drives in Japan.

  Powered by a V-6 engine.

  Mumoto limousine. Type of automobile Suma owns.

  Black and custom-built, it is powered by a twelve-cylinder600-horsepower engine.

  Murmoto Motor Distribution Corporation. Located in Alexandria,Virginia. The building is described as modern red brick with largewindows. Giordino goes there to find out where the Murmotos carryingbombs were shipped.

  Murmoto SP-500 sports sedans. Model of car that contains the atomicbombs. To be identifiable, the bomb laden cars are painted a putridbrown color.

  MurmOtO sPOrtS car. Automobile Furukawa drives.

  Powered by a 400-horsepower, 5.8-liter, thirty-two valve V-8, it has asix-speed transmission.

/>   MurPhYg Owen. Owner of Shanghai Shelly. An old man with snow-whitehair in a windblown mass and a long, curling white mustache. Went toAnnapolis with Sandecker, then resigned from the Navy and started anelectronics company. Sandecker claims Murphy has more money than theU.S. Treasury.

  Narvik. Norwegian Rindal Lines passenger-cargo ship.

  Scheduled cruise is Pusan, Korea, to San Francisco.

  Carrying one hundred thirty passengers when it comes upon the abandonedDivine Star. Total of two hundred fifty passengers and crew. Blown tobits when the atomic bomb on the Divine Star ignites.

  Nash, Dr. Percival. Nicknamed "Payload Percy." He is Pitt's uncle onhis mother's side. Eighty-two years old. Nash was one of thescientists on the Manhattan Project which built the first atomic bomb.

  Former director on the Atomic Energy Commission, now retired. Has agreat white beard, a knuckle for a noseand squinting eyes. A lifelong bachelor and gourmand who owns a winecellar that is the envy of every society party thrower in town. TheMotor Vehicle Department recently took away his motorcycle license, buthe still drives his Jaguar XK 120.

  Natalie. Chef at the Maryland retreat where Suma is being debriefed byJordan.

  National Earthquake Center. Located at the Colorado School of Mines inGolden, Colorado, the center monitors earthquake intensity worldwide.

  Nichols, Dale. Special assistant to the president.

  Smokes a pipe and wears old-style reading glasses.

  Nicknamed "the Protector of the Presidential Realm."

  Has a thicket of coffee-brown hair.

  r Nippon. Another name for Japan. Means "source of i the sun."

  Noganii, Josh. Described as a young, smiling Japanese.

  Doctor on Soseki Island. Tells Pitt he was born and t raised in SanFrancisco and served his internship at St. Paul's Hospital in Santa Ana,California. Actually a British deep-cover agent who is against Suma.Father was a British subject, mother was from San Francisco.

  Attended medical school at UCLA. Escapes aboard the tilt-rotoredaircraft to the Ralph R.Bennett.

  Oba. Nurse who works in the hospital on Soseki Island. Knows karate.

  Ocean Mother. Code name of an atomic bomb that was on Midway Island.

  Okinaga, Lieutenant Junior Grade Sato. Japanese pilot who shoots downDennings' Demons. Described as young and inexperienced.

  Okinawa. Island between Japan and Taiwan where Dennings' Demons was dueto refuel after it dropped its bomb.

  Okuma, Ubunai. Top-level robotic engineers who work on Soseki Island.

  Old Gert. The British deep-sea submersible that is near the Divine Starwhen she blows apart. Constructed by a British aerospace company, OldGert is on her maiden test dive to survey the Mendocino fracture zone.The design of Old Gert is unique; instead of the single cigar-shapedhull, she features four transparent titanium and polymer woven spheresconnected by circular tunnels that give her the appearance of a jackfrom a child's game.

  Orita, Roy. MAIT member of Team Honda and CIA field agent. In reality,he was born in the United States, a third-generation American.

  His father won the Silver Star in the Italian campaign in World War II.

  Osaka. City in Japan that is the primary target for the atomic bombcarried by Dennings' Demons.

  Oscar Brown's Hardware Emporium. After being chased by Suma's men,Pitt, with Giordino and Sandecker aboard, crashes the Jeep Wagoneer intothe store, and they head for the gun display to arm themselves.

  Otokodate. Another name for Taiho.

  Padfic Paradise Hotel. Hotel in Las Vegas owned by Suma. Fox andWeatherhill trace the shipment of bomb-laden Murmotos to the hotel'sunderground parking lot. The hotel is constructed of concrete paintedlight blue with round porthole windows on the guest rooms.

  Penner, Mel. U.S. intelligence agent who is director of fieldoperations for the MAIT on Koror. Described as having a corduroy-redface. His cover is that he is a UCLA sociologist studying native Palauculture.

  Phosgene. Poison gas that must be inhaled it to kill.

  Found by Pitt booby-trapped in the cavern holding artwork underClausen's farm.

  Photonics. Fiber-optic transmission that allows people to see oneanother while talking over the telephone.

  Pillow lava. Wormy-looking rocks Fox views on the bottom of the ocean.

  Made when fiery lava strikes the cold ocean.

  Plunkett, Craig. Chief engineer and pilot of Old Gert.

  Described as a man of forty-five or fifty, with graying hair combedforward to cover his baldness. His faceis ruddy and his eyes a medium brown with a bloodhound droop. An oldconfirmed bachelor.

  President of the United States. Described as having a lean build andbright blue eyes with a warm, outgoing personality. Formerly a senatorfrom Montana.

  Pyraudder Eleven. Newest version of U.S. spy satellite. Revealssubterranean and suboceanic detail.

  Ralph R. Bennett. U.S. Navy detection and tracking ship. Features agiant box-shaped phased-array radar six stories tall. Was on stationoff the Soviet Union's Kamchatka Peninsula when it was ordered off Japanto launch Pitt and Giordino in the This X-20s.

  Red Horse. Code name for the director of the FBI's field operations.

  Reinhardt, Lieutenant Helmut. German dive officer who works with Pittat Clausen's farm. Tall and well muscled. Speaks English with only atrace of an accent.

  Remington 1100 shotgun. Type of weapon selected by Giordino for theshoot-out at Oscar Brown's Hardware Emporium. Giordino loads theshotguns with No. 4 Magnum buckshot.

  Robot dogs. Machines built in Suma's factory. Used by Katamori totrack Pitt on Soseki Island. Able to detect human scent, heat andsweat.

  Rokota. Coastal town in Japan where there is a nuclear waste dump.

  Saber. Discipline in fencing.

  Sakagawa, David. Communications man on the Narvik. Joins the partythat goes aboard the Divine Star because he's the only crewman who canspeak Japanese. A Norwegian-born Asian.

  Salazar, Dr. Raul. Old Gert's marine geologist, from the University ofMexico. A small dynamo with a huge mass of curly hair. His movementsare quick, black eyes darting constantly, never staring at one person orobject for more than two seconds. Married, with a son.

  His family is in Veracruz.

  Samuel J. Vincent Laboratories. Furukawa is vice president of thecompany. The laboratory is situated in a tall glass building hiddenfrom the street by a grove of eucalyptus trees. The company is aresearch and design center owned by a consortium of space and aviationcompanies. The work performed at Vincent is highly classified, and muchof its funding comes from government contracts for military programs.

  Sang, Kim. Tourist on the beach at Marcus Island when Big Ben comesashore. Married to Sarah. A pretty red-headed lady in her earlytwenties.

  One of the scientists working in Soggy Acres. Works part-time as amarine equipment engineer and as a marine biologist. She took first ina Miss Coloradobody building competition and can bench-press two hundred pounds.

  Sawa 5.56-millimeter. Fifty-one-shot automatic rifles used by Suma'smen in the shoot-out at Oscar Brown's Hardware Emporium.

  Sea Vulcan. Thirty-millimeter air defense weapon that can shootforty-two hundred rounds a minute with a range as far as eightkilometers. A modern Gatling gun. Weapon on the Ralph R. Bennett thatshoots down one of the Mitsubishi Ravens.

  Senzu Air Base. Base in Japan that dispatches the pair of MitsubishiRavens to shoot down the tilt-rotored aircra it carrying Pitt and thegroup after they escape from Soseki Island.

  Seppuki. Japanese term for belly cutting. What Americans refer to ashara-kiri.

  Shanghai Shelly. Classic Foochow-type junk or Chinese sailing ship.

  Three-masted with a high ovoid stern. Slams into the submersiblepiloted by Giordino when escaping Soggy Acres and sinks it. Owned byMurphy. Custom-built in Shanghai. Murphy and his crew are sailing itto Honolulu, then on to San Diego.

  When Sandecker arrives by flying boat, he asks his old friend Murphy ifhe can make the Shanghai Shelly the
fleet command ship.

  Shemya Island. One of the Aleutian Islands, which are part of Alaska.

  Where Dennings' Demons took off for the flight to Osaka.

  Shikoku. One of the four main islands of Japan.

  Shimzu, Masaki. A revered sixteenth-century Kano school landscapeartist. Painted a series of thirteen island seascapes featuring theHida Mountains. The perspective of the paintings is from above lookingdown, and Shimzu allegedly painted them from sketches he took whilehanging from a kite.