Shintoism. Primary religion in Japan.

  Shokonsha. Another name for Yasukuni. Means "spirit-invoking shrine."

  Showalter, Marvin. Assistant director of security for the U.S.Department of State. Operates Team Cadillac from the U.S. Embassy inTokyo and handles diplomatic problems. Has a wife and two youngchildren.

  Abducted by Suma's men.

  Simmons, Jesse. U.S. secretary of defense.

  Simpson, Lieutenant Commander Raymond. Navy officer who briefs Pitt andGiordino on the This X-20s.

  Described as a man on the young side of thirty with sun-bleached blondhair. Later coordinates Pitt and group eluding Mitsubishi Ravens andlanding safely on the Ralph R. Bennett.

  Soggy Acres. Nickname of the NUMA underwater mining project Pitt isworking on when the Divine Star explodes. Earthquakes triggered by theexplosion crush Soggy Acres.

  Soseki Island. Formerly known as Ajima Island.

  Sounder. NUMA ocean survey vessel. Sounder is sonar-mapping the oceanfloor off the Aleutians when Soggy Acres collapses.

  SR-90 Casper. A stealth reconnaissance aircraft that replaced thefamous SR-71.

  Stanton, Captain Irv. The bombardier on Dennings' Demons flight toOsaka. A jolly, round-faced man with a walrus mustache.

  Steen, Oscar. Chief officer of the Narvik. Has a sculpted Nordic face.His eyes are a darker blue than Korvold's, and he stands as lean andstraight as a light pole. His skin is tanned and his hair bleachedblond from exposure to the sun. Talks Korvold into letting him lead thesearch party to the Divine Star. When he finds his boarding party andhimself becoming ill, he fires the Steyr into the front end of the carwith the raised hood. That triggers the atomic reaction that destroysDivine Star, Narvik and Invincible and damages Old Gert and Soggy Acres.

  Stevenson, Roger. Director of the National Earthquake Center.

  Steyr. Austrian-made 9-millimeter double-action pistol Steen findsunder the desk in the captain's quarters of the Divine Star.

  Stromp, Captain Mort. Copilot on Dennings' Demons flight to Osaka.

  Described as a complacent Southerner who moves with the agility of athree-toed sloth.

  Stutz. Famous automobile maker. Pitt has a 1932 Stutz LeBaron-bodiedturquoise-colored town car in his collection. Stutz cars were producedfrom 1911 until 1935 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Stutz has aneight-cylinder five-liter engine featuring twin overhead camshafts withfour valves per cylinder. Has a sun goddess radiator ornament. At theappearance judging at Richmond, Pitt's Stutz finishes third in itsclass. He beats Cussler's Hispano-Suiza in the race by half a carlength.

  Sahaka, Dennis. Director of transportation for the Murmoto MotorDistribution Corporation in Alexandria, Virginia. Giordino, posing asan employee of the Connnerce Department, questions Suhaka. Described asround and jolly with a grand smile.

  Suma, ledeki. Has brushed-back white hair. At forty nine years of age,he is short for a Westerner but slightly on the tall side for aJapanese. The irises of his eyes are a magnetic blue.

  Sumn, Koda. Father of tedeki. The son of an ordinary seaman in theImperial Navy. His father forced him to enlist in the Navy, but hedeserted and joined the Black Sky. The Black Sky later fixed hisdesertion record and placed him in the Army as an officer. Rose to therank of captain and worked with Black Sky to loot and steal from Navyvessels. When he realized that Japan was doomed to lose the war, he andYo 378 shishu traveled by submarine to Valparaiso, Chile, and lived outthe rest of the war and five years after in comfort. Returning toJapan, he resumed his criminal activities. Died in 1973 and left hisson tedeki in charge.

  Sweeney, Major Charles. Pilot of Bock's Car.

  Taiho. One of the robot electrical inspectors on Soseki Island. Thename means "big gun." Also referred to as Otokodate; a term for a sortof Robin Hood.

  Tew Chi. Stop on the Tokyo subway that Showalter exits from aftereluding the Japanese agents following him.

  Team Buick. MAIT code name for Fox and Weatherhill. They are handlingthe domestic end of the investigation. Their cover is that they arejournalists for the Denver Tribune.

  Team Cdc. MAIT code name for Showalter's team.

  Team Chrysler. MAIT code name for Penner's team.

  Team Honda. MAIT code name for Orita and Hanamura. They are in chargeof the investigation in Japan and detecting the source of the bombs andthe location of the command center that can detonate the bombs.

  Team Lincoln. MAIT code name for the group at Central Command.

  Team Mercedes. MAIT code name for Sandecker and Giordino. They aretasked with searching and salvaging the ocean floor for wreckage fromthe Divine Star.

  Team Stutz. MAIT code name for the team of Pitt and Mancuso. They areassigned to act as a support team.

  Tibbets, Colonel Paul. Pilot of the Enola Gay.

  Tinian. Island in the South Pacific where Dennings' Demons was to flyafter refueling at Okinawa.

  Toshiba surface-to-air missiles. Missiles Yoshishu orders to be firedat Gentle Giant.

  Toyama. Japanese painter who in 1485 painted The Legend of PrinceGenji, in Suma's collection on Soseki Island.

  Tsai, Ichiro. The chief director of Kanoya Securities, which is thelargest securities company in the world. Described as short and slenderwith a jolly face.

  Is as ruthless as he is shrewd. A member of the Golden Dragons sinceage fourteen.

  Tsunami. A seismic sea wave. One of these wipes out Soseki Island.

  Tucson. U.S. Navy attack submarine that arrives at the site of theSoggy Acres collapse.

  Turner, Major Marcus. Pilot of Gentle Giant. Described as a bigruddy-featured Texan.

  Wake Island. Island in the South Pacific. Location of famous battle inWorld War II. Pitt and the group that escaped from Soseki Island aretaken here when they depart the Ralph R. Bennett.

  Weatherhifl, Timmothy. MAIT member of Team Buick.

  A nuclear scientist who specializes in radioactivity detection.

  "We May Never Pass This Way Again." Song by Seals and Crofts that Foxheard at her senior prom. She is running out of air in Old Gert as thesong plays in her head.

  Yamashita's Gold. Named after General Yamashita Tomoyuki, who wascommander of Japanese forces in the Philippines after October 1944.

  The treasure is an immense hoard consisting of thousands of metric tonsof exotic gems and jewelry, silver and gold bullion, along with Buddhasand Catholic altar pieces encrusted with priceless gems and cast insolid gold. The hoard was taken 'from China, the Southeast Asiancountries, the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines, then collected inManila, Philippines. Because of heavy Japanese shipping losses, lessthan twenty percent of the hoard ever reached Tokyo. Faced with noplace to stash the loot, the Japanese hid it in more than a hundreddifferent sites on and around the island of Luzon. Conservativeestimates place the value of the hoard at between four hundred fifty andfive hundred billion dollars.

  [email protected] 'the revered memorial in Japan that honors those who diedfighting for the emperor's cause since 381 the revolutionary war of1868. No foreigners are allowed to pass through the huge bronze gatewayleading to the war heroes' shrine.

  Yoshishu, Korori. The grand old thief and leader of the Golden Dragons.Ninety-one years old. Was in the Black Sky organization until hefounded the Gold Dragons. The son of a temple carpenter in Kyoto.

  Kicked out of the house by his father at age ten, he joined Black Sky.

  In 1927, when he was eighteen, the leaders of Black Sky arranged for himto join the Army, where he rose to the rank of captain. Helped theBlack Sky dominate heroin smuggling in Southeast Asia. When he realizedJapan was doomed to lose the war, he and Koda Suma traveled by submarineto Valparaiso, Chile, where they lived out the war and five yearsafterward in comfort. Later returned to Japan to resume his criminalactivities. After Koda Suma's death, he split the group with HidekiSuma and concentrated on the criminal end.

  SaharaAcross the Sahara SafoA. Backworld Explorations' twelve-day tour.

  Adar des Noras. Extension of mountainous Ahaggar Range
in the SaharaDesert.

  Adrar. City in Algeria where Hath takes Pitt and Giordino after theyescape from Tebezza and cross the Sahara.

  Air Afrique. French civilian aircraft emblazoned with light and darkgreen stripes. Used by UNICRAFT to land at Gao and rescue Gunn.

  Airbus Industrie A300. Kazirn's plane. A gift from Massarde.

  Electronically fitted as a military communications command center.

  Air France Concorde. Supersonic jet Gunn takes back to Washington, D.Cafter he is rescued by UNICRAFT' at the Gao International Airport.

  Alden, Captain James. Commander of the Brooklyn.

  Algeria. Country in northern Africa that borders Mali on one side andthe Mediterranean to the north. When Pitt and Giordino escape fromTebezza and ride Kitty Mannock across the desert, they end up inAlgeria.

  Ah, El Haj. Fourteen-year-old tribesman who rides a camel from hisvillage of Araouane to see the railroad leading to Fort Foureau. Heinadvertently mentions that the gates to the old fort are locked tosecurity guards, who include it in a report that leads Kazim's troops tothe fort.

  Apache helicopter. Army attack helicopter Giordino and Steinholm comeacross in Mauritania. The airship is mounted with a 30-millimeter Chaingun, two pods of thirty-eight 2.75 rockets and eight laser-guidedantitank missiles.

  Aquifer. A geological stratum that allows water to penetrate throughpores and openings. Pitt thinks the Oued Zarit is probably an aquifer.

  Archival Safekeeping Depository. Near the town of Forestville,Maryland, it is the huge underground storage area that hides U.S.government secrets. The bodies of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan, hernavigator, along with the Japanese records of their execution on Saipan,are hidden there along with other secrets such as the Kennedyassassination files.

  Army Special Forces. Crack U.S. combat team.

  Arsenic. Substance found in the blood of the villagers at Asselar.

  AS-332 Super Puma. Helicopter Pitt and Giordino see on the ground whenthey meet the UNICRAFT team.

  A.S.D. Acronym for the Archival Safekeeping Depository.

  Asselar Oasis. Village-oasis in Mali. Contains a sprawl of mud hutsclustered around a well. Was once the cultural crossroads of westernAfrica. Located two hundred forty miles from Gao.

  "Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe." The hit song Judy Garland sang inThe Harvey Girls. Part of the conundrum Pitt sends to Sandecker.

  Atlanta. Former Confederate ironclad ram captured by the Union.

  Patrols the river above Newport News.

  Rammed by the Texas. The only Confederate ironclad known to try tocross open waters. She was captured during a fight with two Unionmonitors on Wassaw Sound in Georgia. Later sold to the king of Haitifor his navy. After leaving the Chesapeake Bay for the Caribbean, shevanished.

  Atzerodt, George. Alleged conspirator with Booth.

  Austin, Commander john. Captain of the Onondaga Automatedudcro-incubator. Device used by Gunn aboard the Calliope to test forriver pollution.

  Avions Voisin. French-made 1936 sedan owned by Kazim. Arose-magenta-painted car whose body is a combination Of Pre-World War"aerodynamics, cubist art and Frank Lloyd Wright. Powered by a sixcylinder sleeve-valve engine that Provides smooth silence and simpleendurance. The vehicle has unique door handles, three wipers mounted onthe glass of the windshield, chrome struts that stretch between thefront fenders and the radiator and a tall winged mascot atop theradiator shell. Has a Cotal gearbox. Kazim's belonged to thegovernor-general when Mali was a territory of French West Africa.

  Voisins were built between 1919 and 1939 by Gabriel Voisin.

  Avro Avian 9. Biplane with an open cockpit and 80 horsepower Cirrusengine- First plane owned by Mannock.

  Azauad. A barren region of dunes and nothingness in northern Mali.

  Babanandi, Lieutenant Abubakar. Malian Air Force pilot who replacesreal WHO pilot and lands the WHO scientists at Tebezza. Might beDjemaa.

  Bamako. Capital city of Mali.

  [email protected] Capwn Mohammed. Malian Army officer who meets Hooper and the WHOgroup as they land at Timbuktu. Batutta and a team of ten men accompanythe WHO team on their inspection trip in Mali.

  Beecher, Clarence. Claimed to be the only survivor from the Texas.

  Gave a deathbed statement to a British reporter in a small hospitaloutside York. After the Texas sailed up a river, the level dropped andthe ship grounded. Beecher and four others were selected to row downthe river in a small boat and seek help.

  He was the only one to survive. Quite ill, he was nursed back to healthat a British trading post, then given free passage to England.

  He eventually married and became a farmer in Yorkshire. He neverreturned to his native state of Georgia because he thought he would behung for what the Texas did.

  Benin. Country in Africa, the People's Republic of Benin. A tightdictatorship. President Ahmed Tougouri rules by terror.

  Benue. River in Africa that empties into the Niger River delta.

  Beretta automatic. Silenced handgun used by Levant in the liberation ofTebezza.

  Beretta NATO Model 92SB. An older 9-millimeter automatic carried byKazim aboard Massarde's yacht.

  Kazim wants to shoot Pitt with the Beretta, but Massarde stops him.

  Beta-Q clearance. Level of government clearance once held byPerlmutter.

  Bionic booster. Device Batutta uses to listen to the WHO search party'sconversations.

  Bock, General Hugo. Senior commander of UNICRATT. A former German Armyofficer, he is described as a born killer. Has great shrubs of grayeyebrows. Leads the group to liberate the prisoners at Tebezza and thedefense of Fort Foureau. Resigns from the UN tactical team at theheight of his reputation and retires to a small village in the BavarianAlps.

  Bordeaux. Code name for the operative who meets with Yerli to passinformation to Massarde. Described as having slicked-down sandy hairwith a razor part on the left side. Has pale blue eyes. He is the headof Massarde Enterprises' commercial intelligence operations in theUnited States. A Frenchman.

  Bourem. City in Mali on the Niger River, where, nearby, thecontamination from Fort Foureau enters the river.

  Brooklyn. Union wooden frigate. Porter's flagship.

  Fights the Texas.

  Brown, Neville. Confederate captain who made a deathbed confession to adoctor in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1908. He claimed his troopscaptured Lincoln and delivered him to the Texas.

  Brunone, Captain Charles. Chief of security at Massarde's plant at FortFoureau. A product of the French military establishment.

  Burkina Faso. Country in Africa.

  Calliope. Vessel Pitt, Giordino and Gunn use to travel up the NigerRiver. Described as a masterpiece of aerodynamic balance in fiberglassand stainless steel.

  Designed by NUMA engineers and built in tight secrecy in a boatyard up abayou in Louisiana. Length is eighteen meters. Draws only one and ahalf meters of water. Powered by three V-12 turbo-diesel engines.

  Top speed seventy knots. Blown to bits by Pitt so it doesn't fall intoKazim's hands.

  Cape Tafarit. Location on the Atlantic Ocean in Mauntania where therailroad track from Fort Foureau ends.

  Catacomb. A subterranean cemetery for the dead. Pitt and Giordino findone at Tebezza when they are escaping. Giordino thinks there are morethan a thousand dead bodies inside.

  Chapman, Dr. Darcy. Chief toxicologist at the Goodwin Marine ScienceLab in Laguna Beach, California.

  Briefs Pitt and Giordino aboard the Sounder. A black man at leasttwenty years older and slightly more thantwo meters tall. Has a doctorate in environmental chemistry. Used toplay basketball for the Denver Nuggets. After the red tide epidemic iscontained, he and Gunn are nominated for a Nobel Prize but do not win.

  Chauvel, Sergeant. Female UNICRATT sergeant involved in the liberationof Tebezza.

  Cheik, Colonel Sghir. Malian Army officer who is Kazim'schief-of-staff. Described as having a wedge shaped beard.

  Chesapeake Bay. Large bay bordered by Virginia and Maryland. The Texa
sfights her way through the Union fleet there.

  Chickasaw. Union monitor recently returned from Mobile Bay, where shepounded the Tennessee. Fights the Texas.

  Chronosport dive watch. Type of watch worn by Gunn.

  Clipperton Island. Island the French assume control over in 1979.

  Formerly used by the pirate John Clipperton as a lair in 1705. Itmeasures about five square kilometers. Where Massarde hid the goldmined from Tebezza.

  Cobalt. Mineral found in the blood of the villagers at Asselar.