Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poet who wrote "The Rime of the AncientMariner."

  Colorado. Union ship that fights the Texas.

  Confederation of French African Francs. Currency Pitt removes from thesoles of his shoes to pay for beers at the bar in Bourem.

  Conundrum. A riddle. Pitt uses a conundrum to explain to Sandeckerwhich direction the group from Tebezza is headed.

  Cooper, Gray. Actor who starred in the 1939 movie Beau Geste. Part ofconundrum Pitt sends Sandecker.

  Craven, Lieutenant Ezra. First officer of the Texas.

  Described as a big, brusque Scotsman who speaks with a peculiarcombination of brogue and Southern drawl.

  Crosby, Commander John. First officer of the New Ironsides.

  Croydon, England. A suburb of London where Mannock began her flight.

  Dark-skinned man. After Pitt rescues Rojas from attackers on the beach,the dark-skinned man tries to torch Pitt's Jeep Cherokee. When Pittstops him and begins to question him, he bites down on a cyanide capsuleconcealed in his false tooth and kills himself.

  Davis, Jefferson. President of the Confederate States.

  Before he died, he claimed the gold from the Confederate Treasury wasloaded aboard the Texas so he could form a government in exile.

  Delta Team. Also known as Delta Force. A special unit of the Army'sSpecial Forces.

  Diatoms. Tiny plant forms such as algae that live in the sea. Theycreate seventy percent of the new oxygen on earth throughphotosynthesis.

  Digna, Mohammed. A young man no more than eighteen. He is tall andslender with a slight hunch to his shoulders. He has a gentle oval facewith wide, sad looking eyes. His complexion is almost black, his hairthick and wiry. He attended primary school in Gao and college inBamako, where he finished first in his class. Can speak four languages,including his native Bambara tongue, French, English and German.Attempts to rob Pitt and Giordino in the bar at Bourem.

  Dinoflagellates. Tiny organisms that contain a red pigment that givesocean water a reddish-brown color when they proliferate. The cause ofred tides.

  Djellaba. Long-skirted garment with full sleeves and a hood that Gunnfashions out of a bed sheet so he can pass through Gao unnoticed.

  Djemaa, Lieutenant. Malian Army officer who impersonates the VMO pilothe replaces. Speaks English.

  His mother was from South Africa.

  Djerma, Messaoud. Mali's foreign minister.

  Donlevy, Brian. Actor in the 1939 movie Beau Geste.

  Part of the conundrum Pitt sends Sandecker.

  Drewry's Bluff. Location on the James River that the Texas passes.

  Ecureuil. The brand of late-model, French-built, twinturbine helicopterPitt and Giordino steal from Massarde's yacht.

  Egyptian Organization of Antiquities. Group to which Pitt turns overthe coordinates of the location of Menkura's funeral barge.

  El Alamein. Location of famous World War II battle.

  Site one hundred and ten kilometers from Alexandria, Egypt, where Rojassunbathes.

  Exotic organometalec compound. Substance Gunn believes is causing thered tide. He guesses it consists of an altered synthetic ammo acid andcobalt. He believes the synthetic ammo acid came from a biotechnologylaboratory.

  Fairchild FC-2W. Type of airplane flown by Mannock.

  A high-winged monoplane with an enclosed cockpit and cabin. Powered bya Pratt and Whitney Wasp 410-horsepower radial engine. Has a onehundred and twenty-knot cruising speed. A four-passenger airplaneformerly owned by American-Grace Airways. Later recovered after it ismissing in the desert. The planeis restored and placed in the Military Museum in Canberra, Australia.

  Fairweather, Major Ian. Tour leader of the Across the Sahara Safari.

  Described as a tall, lean ex-Royal Marine. Originally from Liverpool,England. Smokes cigarettes. Only survivor of the attack on thetourists at Asselar, he wanders in the desert until rescued by a Frenchoil exploration party. He is taken to a hospital in Gao. Later takento Tebezza. Rescued by UNICRAFT. Killed in the assault on FortFoureau.

  Falcon One. Radio call sign Batutta uses when calling Mansa from thecO's jet at Asselar.

  Fisher M5X. Brand and model of metal detector used by The Kid Cussler.

  Five-five-six French automatic rifles. The all-plastic and fiberglassgeneral military issue rifles Pitt and Giordino steal during theirescape from Tebezza.

  Floyd Bennett Field. Airfield on the shore of Jamaica Bay, New York,where the NUMA jet carrying Sandecker and Chapman lands after returningfrom Africa.

  Fort Foureau. Long-abandoned French Foreign Legion fort near theMassarde solar waste detoxification plant. Also the nickname of theMassarde plant. A dumping ground for nuclear waste.

  Fox. Confederate blockade runner standing by off Bermuda to recoal theTexas for the second leg of the journey.

  Fredricksburg. Confederate navy vessel scuttled at Drewry's Bluff.

  French AMX-30-type tanks. Tanks used by Kazim in the attack on FortFoureau. They fire SS-11 battlefield missiles.

  Cao. City in Mali on the Niger River.

  Gao International Airport. Main airport in Mali.

  Where Gunn hides as he waits to sneak out of the country.

  Garland, Judy. Famous singer in the conundrum Pitt sends to Sandecker.

  Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer. Device used by Gunn aboard theCalliope to test for river pollution.

  Gashi, Seyni. The chief of Kazim's military council.

  Gauloise Bleu. Brand of French cigarettes smoked by Massarde.

  GeoSat. New satellite used by the United States.

  Gowan, Sid Ahmed. Kazim's personal intelligence officer. 'the onlyofficer on Kazim's staff who was educated in France. Graduated fromSaint Cyr, France'sprestigious military academy. Discovers the report from Ah and theguards that the gate is locked at Fort Foureau and alerts Kazim that thegroup that escaped from Tebezza might be inside.

  Greenwald, Major Tom. U.S. Air Force officer assigned to the Pentagon.

  Analyzes the GeoSat film from Webster.

  Grimes, Dr. Warren. Chief epidemiologist of the WHO project to find thesource of illness in Africa.

  A New Zealander, he is an older man who is tall, heavy, with iron-grayhair and light blue eyes. Taken to Tebezza, later rescued by UNICRAFT.

  Hath, Ben. Arab truck driver who rescues Pitt and Giordino and takesthem to Adrar.

  Halverson, General. Commander of the U.S. Special Forces. Based inTampa, Florida.

  Hampton Roads." City near Newport News and site of the battle betweenthe Monitor and the Merrimac.

  Hargrove, Colonel Gus. Commander of the Army Ranger covert attackhelicopter force sent by the president to rescue the defenders of FortFoureau. A hardened professional soldier, he has directed helicopterassaults in Vietnam, Grenada, Panama and Iraq. Has blue eyes.

  The Harvey Girls A movie that starred Judy Garland.

  Mentioned in the conundrum used by Pitt to communicate with Sandecker.

  Heckler & Koch MP5. Submachine guns carried by the UNICRAFT team thatliberates Tebezza.

  Herold, David. Alleged conspirator with Booth.

  heelingg. A condition experienced by land sailors where the wind tiltsthe craft on two wheels. Similar to a sea sailor heeling his sailboatover.

  Hoag, Dr. Muriel. NUMA's director of marine biology. Described asquite tall and built like a starving fashion model. Her jet-black hairis brushed back in a neat bun. Her brown eyes peer through roundspectacles, and she wears no makeup.

  Hodge, Keith. NUMA's chief oceanographer. Described as in his sixtieswith dark brown eyes and a lean, high-cheekboned face. With the rightclothes, he looks as if he could have stepped from an eighteenth centuryportrait.

  Holland, Dr. Evan. NUMA's environmental expert.

  An envirorunental chemist who looks like a basset hound contemplating afrog in its dish. His ears are two sizes too large for his head, and hehas a long nose that is rounded at the tip. His eyes stare at the worldas if they were soaked in melancholy.

  Hopper, Dr. Frank. Canadian leader of the WHO medical team.

  Described as big, humorous, red-faced and heavily bearded. One of thetwo finest toxicologists in the world. Taken to Tebezza, later rescuedby UNICRATT.

  HoudinL New-generation American spy satellite.

  Inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometer. Device used by Gunnaboard the Calliope to test for river pollution. Its purpose is toidentify all metals and other elements that might be present in thewater.

  International Geological Institute. International body that assignsnames to geological landmarks.

  Invicta silencer. Type of noise suppressor used by Fairweather on thePatchett.

  Jerome, Arizona. City where The Kid would go to hit his favoritewatering hole.

  Johnson, Andrew. Seventeenth president of the United States. Was vicepresident under Lincoln and became president after Lincoln disappeared.

  Was unaware of Stanton's plot. Was scheduled to be assassinated thenight of the Ford's Theater incident, but the assassins bungled theeffort.

  Jolly Roger. The pirate flag flown by the Calliope after it leavesNiamey.

  Kaduna. River in Africa that empties into the Niger River delta.

  Kazim, General Zateb. True leader of Mali. His face bears the darkcocoa shade and sculpted features of a Moor. His eyes are tiny topazdots surrounded by oceans of white. Has a sparse mustache thatstretches off to the side of his face. Looks like a benign villainout of a Warner Brothers cartoon. Massarde pays him fifty thousandAmerican dollars a month to operate the solar detoxification plant.

  Attended Princeton University.

  Ketou, Contmander Behanzin. Captain of the Begin Navy riverine attackcraft that attempts to stop the Calliope.

  The Kid. What everyone calls the prospector Cussler.

  Kingsford-Smith, Sir Charles. Famed Australian pilot.

  Kitty Mannock. The land yacht built by Pitt and Giordino from parts ofMannock's plane. They sail the yacht to freedom.

  La Manche. Location of a French radioactive waste depository.

  Land Rover. Sport utility vehicle used by Backworld Explorations.

  Landsat. Older-model American spy satellite.

  Lansing, Mrs. A Canadian tourist on the Across the Sahara Safari.

  Described as comely.

  "The Last Time I Saw Paris." Song the blond-haired woman is playing onthe piano when Pitt and Giordino board Massarde's yacht.

  Levant, Colonel Marcel. Second-in-command of UNICRATT. A highlydecorated veteran of the FrenchForeign Legion. A graduate of Saint Cyr, France's foremost militarycollege. Described as having an intelligent, even handsome face.

  Thirty-six years old, he has a slim build, long brown hair, a long butneatly clipped mustache and large gray eyes. Is involved in the escapefrom Tebezza and the defense of Fort Foureau. Promoted to general,succeeds Bock as head of UNICRATT.

  Lincoln, Abraham. Sixteenth president of the United States. Takenprisoner and transported aboard the Texas. Described as seeming olderthan his years. His face is drawn and hollow under a gaunt pallor, aman used up and exhausted by years of stress. Body discovered by Pittaboard a gaunt pallor, a man used up and exhausted by years of stress.

  Body discovered by Pitt aboard the Texas. Later buried inside theLincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Lincoln, Mary Todd. AbrahamLincoln's wife.

  Drugged so she was unaware of the deception at Ford's Theater Madam, Dr.Haroun. Doctor who cares for Fairweather at the Gao hospital.

  Described as coal-black with Negroid features, deep-set ebony eyes and awide flattened nose. A big, beefy man in his late forties with a widesquare-jawed head. His ancestors had been Mandingo slaves. He was amajor in the French Foreign Legion and educated and schooled in Paris.

  Madeline. Nickname for the Vulcan gun used in the defense of FortFoureau. Named after a girl whose favors the gun crew enjoyed inAlgeria.

  Mali. Republic of Mali. Country in northwestern Africa. Formerlyknown as French Sudan until 1960, when it declared its independence.

  Malian Security Forces. Forces that question Fairweather and the Frenchoil-prospecting team that rescues him. Later they kill the French.

  Manhattam Union monitor that fights the Texas.

  Mannock, Kitty. Considered one of the three greatest female pilots. Alovely woman with deep blue eyes and black flowing hair that falls toher waist. She is the daughter of wealthy sheep ranchers outsideCanberra, Australia. Aviatrix who set the long-distance record from Riode Janeiro to Madrid in 1930. She is on a long distance flight fromCroydon to Cape Town, South Africa, when she disappears. Crashes in thedesert on October 10, 1931. Remains missing until Pitt and Giordinostumble across the plane's wreckage after their escape from Tebezza.From the wreckage of her plane, they build a land yacht and sail tofreedom. Later, her body is recovered by an Australian crew and buriedin Australia.

  Mansa, Colonel Nouhoum. Malian Army officer who checks the passports ofHooper and the WHO team at Timbuktu.

  Maffakech, Morocco. City in Morocco that was to be the last stop forthe Across the Sahara Safari.

  Marx, Gary. NUMA pilot of the research boat Pitt and Giordino use tolocate Menkura's funeral barge.

  A tall blond with limpid blue eyes.

  Massarde Enterprises de Solaire Energie. Company that operates asolar-energy hazardous-waste treatment facility in Mali. Actually anunderground dumping ground for nuclear waste.

  Massarde, Yves. Head of Massarde Enterprises. Formerly the head ofFrance's overseas economic agency.

  His wealth is estimated to be between two and three billion dollars.

  Described as having blue eyes, black brows and reddish hair. His noseis slender and his jaw square. His body is thin and his hips trim, buthis stomach protrudes. Nothing about him seems to match. Called theScorpion because a number of his competitors and business partnersdisappeared. One of his ships carrying carcinogenic chemicals broke upin a storm off Spain four years ago and sank. Hodge thinks it wasscuttled as an insurance scam. After the assault on Fort Foureau, Pittand Giordino bake him in the sun, then give him water poisoned by thewaste from his plant. He dies a horrible death in Tripoli, Libya.

  Massarde's yacht. A self-propelled three-story houseboat that featuresa flat bottom for cruising upriver.

  Has a glass-domed spiral staircase that ascends from the spacious mastersuite to the heliport. Has ten sumptuous staterooms furnished in Frenchantiques, a high-ceilinged dining room, steam rooms, sauna, Jacuzzis anda cocktail bar in a revolving observation lounge. Has a worldwidecommunications system. Thedesign and shape remind Pitt of an old Mississippi side paddle-wheelerexcept there are no paddle wheels and the superstructure is more modern.

  Matabu, Admiral Pierre. Chief of the Benin Navy.

  Brother of President Tougouri. Described as short, squat and in hismid-thirties. He commands a fleet of four hundred men, two rivergunboats and three oceangoing patrol crafts.

  Mauritania. Country in western Africa. The railroad carrying the toxicwastes to Fort Foureau runs east from Mauritania to the fort.

  Melika. Female black straw boss at the Tebezza mines.

  Described as being built like a gravel truck whose bed is fully loaded.

  Her hair is wooly, and she has high cheekbones, a rounded chin and asharp nose. Her eyes are small and beady, and her mouth stretchesnearly the full width of her face. She has a cold look, enhanced by abroken nose and a scarred forehead.

  Served ten years as the chief of guards at the Women's Institution inCorona, California. Later shot and killed by Giordino.

  Memphis. Ancient capital of Egypt.

  Menkura. A pharaoh of the Old Kingdom. He reigned during the FourthDynasty and built the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. NUMAfinds his funeral barge in the Nile River.

  Mercedes four-wheel-drive. Malian military vehicle used by the WHOteam.

  Mirage 2000 delta-wing fighter Planes Pitt and Giordino see on theground when they go to meet the UNICRAFTteam.

  Modified M-16 rifles. Weapons u
sed by Gunn when the crew of theCalliope attacks the Benin Navy.

  Monitor. Class of Union ironclad named after the famous vessel thatfought the Merrimac. More than sixty were built, some as late as 1903.

  Monteux, Louis. One of the French engineers who constructed FortFoureau, was later imprisoned by Massarde at TebeMoore, Frank Archivist-curator at A.S.D.

  Morrison, Lieutenant. Lloyd officer in the liberation of Tebezza.