In charge of Unit Four.

  Mr. Periwinkle. Cussler's burro. Found roaming free in the Nevada'desert eight years ago. Shipped by Cussler to Africa to help in thesearch for the Texas.

  Mycerinus. Greek spelling of Menkura.

  "My Darling Clementine." Song Cussler is singing when Pitt and Giordinofirst see him.

  Nahant. Union monitor that fights the Texas.

  Nelson, Ernie. U.S. agent who picks up Perlmutter in Forestville anddrives him to the A.S.D. Described as a dark-brown-skinned AfricanAmerican.

  New Ironsides. Union vessel with a conventional ironclad hull. Has acomplement of eighteen heavy guns.

  Fights the Texas.

  Niamey. Capital of Niger. Has a bridge named for John F. Kennedy.

  NiccoNte. A mineral often associated with cobalt. A common arsenic.

  Niger. Country in Africa. The head of state is propped up by Libya'sMuammar Qaddafi, who is after the country's uranium mines. Capital isNiamey.

  Niger River. The third-longest river in Africa behind the Nile and theCongo. It begins in the nation of Guinea only three hundred kilometersfrom the sea.

  Flows northeast and then south for forty-two hundred kilometers beforeemptying into the Atlantic Ocean at its delta on the coast of Nigeria.

  Nigeria. Country in Africa. Described as Africa's most populous, withone hundred twenty million people.

  The new democratic government was overthrown by the military, the eighthsuccessful coup in twenty years. The country is torn apart by ethnicwars and bad blood between Muslims and Christians.

  Nile Hilton. Hotel in Cairo where Pitt and Rojas have dinner.

  Nile River. River in Africa that winds sixty-five hundred kilometersfrom its headwaters in central Africa to the Mediterranean. The onlyone of the great riversthat flows north. The Nile between Khartoum and the delta has moreshipwrecks per square kilometer than anywhere else on earth.

  O'Bannion. Chief engineer of the Tebezza mining operations. Describedas a thin, towering man. His face is heavily scarred and disfiguredfrom a premature dynamite explosion during his younger mining days inBrazil. Pitt places him in a mine shaft and blows off explosives,killing him by imprisoning him inside.

  O'Hare, Angus. Chief engineer of the Texas. DLscovered by Pitt insidethe Texas next to a page from his log book. Onitsha. City in Africa on the Niger River across from Asaba.

  Onondaga. Union Navy dual-turreted monitor. Has eleven inches of armoron her turrets and five and a half inches on her hull. Guns include twopowerful fifteen-inch Dahlgren smooth-bores and two onehundred-fifty-pound Parrott rifles. Fights the Texas.

  Organometallic. A combination of metal and an organic substance. WhatChapman believes is causing the proliferation of red tide off the coastof Africa.

  Oued Zarit. A legendary river that ran through Mali until one hundredthirty years ago, when it began to sink in the sands. Used to flow fromthe Ahaggar Mountains six hundred miles to the Niger River.

  Paine, Lewis. Alleged conspirator with Booth.

  Paleozoic upheaval. Phenomenon that happened during the earth'sdevelopment that formed geological structures.

  Palisades. Area above the Hudson River where Yerli meets with Bordeaux.

  Patchett. A submachine gun used by Royal Marines.

  Fairweather uses one to try to fight off the savages who attack theBackworld Explorations tour. Shoots nine-millimeterone-hundred-weight-grain round-nosed bullets.

  Pembroke-Smyth, Captain. UNICRATT officer who briefs Pitt and Giordinoon the assault of Tebezza. Is involved in the liberation of Tebezza andthe defense of Fort Foureau. Afterward, he is promoted to major andreturns to the British Army. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order bythe queen of England. Currently posted with a special commando unit.Drives a Bentley.

  Pergamon. Code name for Yerli.

  Peugeot 605 diesel sedan. French Air Force staff car Pitt and Giordinoride in to meet the UNICRAFT' team.

  Photosynthesis. Process by which plants create oxygen.

  Photovoltaic energy. Process used to create electricity at the FortFoureau waste plant. It uses a system of flat-plate solar cells madefrom poly crystalline silicon to convert sunlight to electricity.

  Plutonium 239. Radioactive substance with a half-life of twenty-fourthousand years.

  Polaris. Star Pitt uses for navigation in the desert after the escapefrom Tebezza.

  Polycythemia vern. What Hooper diagnoses killed the villagers atAsselar. Symptoms include a massive increase in red blood cells. It isas though the victims have been injected with a massive dose of vitaminB-12.

  Port Etienne. Port in Mauritania where the train to Fort Foureau beginsand ends.

  Port Harcoun. A seaport on the Niger River in Nigeria.

  Porter, Rear Admiral David. Union naval officer in charge of the Unionfleet. His flagship is the Brooklyn.

  Described as thickset and bearded.

  PowhataiL Union wooden-sided, old side-wheel steam frigate. Hit by ashell from the Texas that causes great loss of life.

  President of the United States. A former senator from Montana.

  Described as long and lean. Speaks in a soft drawl and has blue eyes.

  Has a ranch on the Yellowstone River not far from the Custerbattlefield.

  Was president when Pitt aborted the Kaiten bomb incident in Dragon.

  Preston, Robert. Actor who starred in the 1939 movie Beau Geste. Partof conundrum Pitt sends Sandecker.

  Pyramider. New-generation American spy satellite.

  Quinn, Ned. Australian who leads the effort to recover Kitty Mannock'sbody and remove her plane.

  Rapier. A new all-purpose weapon designed to engage subsonic aircraft,seagoing vessels, tanks and concrete bunkers. Can be fired from theshoulder or mounted in quad to a central firing system. Weapon usedaboard the Calliope.

  Rasmussen, Master Sergeant Jason. Army Ranger from Paradise Valley,Arizona. In the attack on Fort Foureau, he singlehandedly changes thecourse of history in Mali by killing Kazim.

  Rat-faced Man. Assassin who, along with his partner, attempts to killRojas on the beach. Pitt kills him instead by twisting his neck.

  Red flow. Microorganisms that threaten the world's oxygen supply. NUMAfinds they cannot reproduce if a one-part-per-million dose of copper isplaced in seawater.

  Remington TR870 automatic shotgun. Weapon carried aboard the Calliope.

  Renault trucl What the French oil-prospecting team that findsFairweather is driving.

  RichmoncL Confederate Navy vessel scuttled at Drewry's Bluff. Riverine attack crafts. Russian-built riverboats used by the BeninNavy. They are armed with twin thirty millimeter guns with a rate offire around five hundred rounds per minute.

  Robotic transporter. Mechanical device used at Fort Foureau. Look likesquat bugs. They have four wheels with no tires, flat, with a levelcargo bed. On the front, they have a boxlike unit that contains lightsand a bug-eyed lens.

  Rocky. Cartoon character Pitt claims to be when captured by Massarde'sguards at Fort Foureau.

  Rojas, Eva. Works with the World Health Organization. Described ashaving a firm body with slim, tanned limbs. Has red-gold hair andDresden-blue eyes. With smooth skin and high cheekbones, she is agethirty-eight but could easily pass for thirty. Her family home is inPacific Grove, California. Taken to Tebezza, later rescued by UNICRATT.

  Ruins of Pergamon. Code message Yerli uses to reach Massarde'smessenger in New York.

  Sakito Maru Japanese passenger-cargo ship that was carrying V-2 rocketsto Japan when it was sunk by the American submarine Trout.

  Saugus. A Union single-turreted monitor. Has twin fifteen-inchDahlgrens. Fights the Texas.

  Schoustedt Gradiometer. Instrument that detects iron by measuringdeviation in the earth's magnetic background. Used by Pitt, Giordinoand Perlmutter to locate the Texas.

  SeaSat. U.S. satellite that monitors the world oceans and seas.

  Second Division of the National Defense Staff. Division of the Frenchgovernment for which Yerli works.
r />   Semmes, Admiral Raphael. Famous Confederate admiral and captain of theAlabama. Later commander of the James River Squadron. Described ashaving a heavily waxed mustache and a small goatee. With Mallory,delivers Lincoln to Tombs.

  Seward, William Henry. Secretary of State under Lincoln. Was unawareof Stanton's plot. Targeted to be killed the night of the Ford'sTheater incident, but the assassins bungled the effort.

  Shaw, Stan. One of the NUMA crew flown in to replace Pitt and Giordinoafter Gunn pulls them off the Menkura Project.

  Sikorsky B-76 Eagle. Type of helicopter that Hargrove uses. Pitt andGiordino are flown in it to meet with Massarde after the assault on FortFoureau.

  Smith & Wesson .38-caliber. Snub-nosed Bodyguard model revolver carriedby Gunn in Gao.

  Society of French Historical Exploration. The group Pitt claims to beworking for after he is captured aboard Massarde's yacht.

  Society Islands. Series of islands in the South Pacific where Pitttells Giordino he thinks Massarde hides his money and gold. Some of theislands include Tahiti, Bora Bora and Moorea.

  Sounder. NUMA research ship, one hundred twenty meters long and builtat the cost of eighty million dollars. The vessel is loaded with themost sophisticated seismic, sonar and bathymetric systems afloat.

  Southern Cross. Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith's airplane. Now on displayat the Military Museum in Canberra, Australia.

  Special Operations Command. Command of U.S. Special Forces, located inTampa, Florida.

  Special Operations Forces. Another name for U.S. Special Forces.

  Stain-teethed Man. Assassin who, along with Rat faced Man, attempts tokill Rojas on the beach. Pitt shoots him through the temples with aspear gun.

  Stanton, Edwin McMastem Secretary of war under Abraham Lincoln. AfterLincoln is kidnapped by the Confederacy, he forms a plot to fake thedeath ofLincoln at Ford's Theater and then have Vice President Johnson andSecretary of State Seward killed, leaving himself next in line aspresident.

  Steinholm, Lieutenant. UNICRATT officer in the liberation of Tebezza.

  In charge of Unit Three. Described as a big, blond, handsome Austrian.

  Once drove in the Monte Carlo Rally. Drives from Fort Foureau withGiordino to bring back help.

  Supreme Military Council. Malian group that is bleeding the countrydry. Led by Kazim.

  Surratt, Mary. Alleged conspirator with Booth.

  Takir. President of Mali. A puppet head of state, as Kazim actuallywields the power in Mali.

  Takaidebey. Town in northern Africa in the former French Sahara wherethe French Foreign Legion has a post. The French Foreign Legionsearches for Mannock.

  Tamarisk shrubs. Plants that Pitt and Giordino hide the Voisin underwhen Malian search planes pass overhead.

  Tanezrouft Desert. Location where Djemaa, after bailing out, crashesthe UN Boeing 737 to make it appear the cO scientists were killed.

  Described as a huge, sprawling badlands with almost two hundred thousandsquare kilometers of bleak, grotesque wasteland broken by only a fewrugged escarpments and an occa 412 signal sea of sand dunes.

  Pitt and Giordino have to cross the area to bring back help to liberateTebezza.

  Taoudenni. Location in Mali that has salt mines mined by prisoners.

  Teach, Edward. Also known as Black beard the Pirate.

  Captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge. Name Pitt gives Kazim over theradio when the Calliope is making the run toward Gao.

  Tebezza. Location of a gold mine mined by the prisoners at the penalcolony there. Location Kazim orders Fairweather to take. He laterorders the cO team taken there and imprisoned. The French engineers whobuilt Fort Foureau, along with their families, are also imprisonedthere.

  Telit. Town in northern Africa that sends out searchers looking forMannock.

  Texas. Confederate Navy ship. Built at the Rocketts Naval Yard inRichmond. Specially constructed for a single voyage, she is one of thefinest ships in the Confederate Navy. A twin-screw (propeller), twinengined vessel one hundred ninety feet in length with a forty-foot beamthat draws only eleven feet of water.

  Her sloping twelve-foot-high casemates are angled inward at thirtydegrees and covered with six inches of iron plate backed by twelveinches of cotton compressed by twenty inches of oak and pine. Ironshutters can be closed over her gunports. Mounted with four guns, twoone-hundred-pound Blakely rifled guns mounted fore and aft on pivots andtwo sixty-four 413 pound guns covering port and starboard. Hermachinery is brand new with the boilers lying below waterline. She hastwin nine-foot screws that can push her through the water at fourteenknots. Leaves the pier in Richmond on April 2, 1865. Journeys toAfrica with the Confederate Treasury and Lincoln aboard. Later runsaground in a river in the desert and is lost to time. Later discoveredby Pitt, Giordino and Perlmutter. Removed from the, Malian desert andtransported back to the United States. Now on display at the WashingtonMall. Her crew was buried in the Confederate Cemetery in Richmond,Virginia.

  Timbuktu. Fabled city in Mali that was to be the Across the SaharaSafari's next stop after Asselar.

  Togo. Country in Africa.

  Tombs, Commander Mason. Confederate naval officer in charge of theTexas. Described as ambitious and energetic and one of the finest navalofficers in the Confederacy. He is a short, handsome man with brownhair and eyebrows, a thick red beard and a flinty look in hisolive-black eyes. He commanded small gunboats at the battles of NewOrleans and Memphis. He was gunnery officer aboard the famous Arkansasand first officer on the infamous raiaer Florida.

  Tougouri, Ahmed. President of the Republic of Benin.

  Trans-Sahara Motor Track. Road that leads through the Sahara Desert.

  Traore, Lieutenant Moussa. Army officer who removed Mali's firstpresident in a coup. Was then president.

  Overthrown by then-Major Kazim. Now a general.

  Trastero. A nineteenth-century cabinet in Massarde's yacht office thatcontains communications gear.

  Tuaregs. Tribesman who live in the desert near Fort Foureau. The menwear indigo veils around their heads and eyes. They speak the Berberlanguage.

  Tukulor. African tribe that speaks the Fulah dialect.

  The nurse who tends Fairweather in the hospital at Gao is a Tukulor.

  UN Boeing 737. Plane used by the WHO team investigating the outbreak inMali and western Sahara.

  UNICRATT. Acronym that stands for United Nations International CridcalResponse and Tactical Team. The soldiers of UNICRAFT are called"unicrazies" by other special forces teams.

  UNICRAFT All-terrain vehicle. Used in Gunn's rescue at GaoInternational Airport. Described as a maze of tubular supports weldedtogether. Powered by a supercharged V-8 Rodeck 541-cubic-inch engineused by American drag racers. Has a wicked-looking six barrel,lightweight Vulcan-type machine gun manned by a gunner sitting slightlyabove the driver. Over the rear axle, another gunner faces backwardwith a 5.56 millimeter Stoner 63 machine gun.

  United Nations Enviromment Program Organization.

  United Nations group that promotes the environment.

  United Nations International Intelligence Service.

  United Nations organization that provides intelligence to the UNICRATTteam.

  Verenne, Fed Massarde's personal aide. Described as a slenderbald-headed man in his forties.

  Victor, Dr. Marie. One of the WHO doctors taken to Tebezza.

  Described as a vivacious lady and one of the finest physiologists inEurope. Murdered by Melika, who beats her to death.

  Virginia II. Confederate Navy vessel scuttled at Drewry's Bluff.

  Wadilinski, Corporal. One of the UNICRATT team that liberates Tebezza.

  Washington Arsenal Yard. Where the Lincoln conspirators were hung.

  Watkins, Captain Joshua. Captain of the New Ironsides.

  Webster, Chip. NUMA's satellite analyst.

  White, Dick. One of the NUMA crew flown in to replace Pitt and Giordinoafter Gunn pulls them off the Menkura Project.

  WHO. Acronym for the World Health Organizati

  Wfflover, Earl. The White House Chief of Staff. Described as abalding, bespectacled man of about fifty.

  Has a large red mustache.

  Winchester rifle. Lever-action rifle carried by Cussler.

  World Health Laboratory. Located in Paris. Hooper explains to theBabanandi that it is where the samples are to be taken.

  World Health Organization. Group headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland,with which Rojas works. Part of the United Nations.