Yerik Coordinator and logistics expert for the WHO team looking into theoutbreak in Africa. Lean, stringy and immensely efficient. His home isin Antalya, Turkey. Described as having a massive thicket of coarseblack hair complemented by bushy eyebrows that meet over his nose. Hasa huge mustache. Smokes a meerschaum pipe. Actually a Frenchintelligence agent working undercover. Had an affair with Kamil. Hewas recruited by the French at Istanbul University.

  Inca GoldAdmm, Frank. Senior editor at Falkner and Massey.

  Was Bender's editor. Age seventy-four.

  Aldrich, Judge. The judge in Chicago from whom Pottle receives a searchwarrant for Rummel's apartment.

  AlhambriL Passenger-car ferry that originally plied San Francisco Bayuntil 1957. She was later sold and used by the Mexicans on a run fromGuaymas across the Sea of Cortez to Santa Rosalia. Taken out of servicein 1962. Built in 1923, she was one of the last walking-beam steamboatsto be built. In her heyday, the two-hundred-thirty-foot vessel couldcarry five hundred passengers and sixty automobiles. Her long blackhull is topped with a two-story white superstructure whose upper deckmounts one large smokestack and two pilothouses, one on each end. Thepower train is a radial type similar to the old water wheels used topower flour and sawmills. Strong cast-iron hubs mounted on a driveshaft have sockets that attach to wooden arms that extend outward to adiameter of thirty-three feet. Vessel leased by NUMA for the expeditionto find Huascar's treasure.

  Allard J2X. One of Pitt's automobiles. His is a bright red 1953 modelpowered by a Cadillac engine.

  Altar Desert. Desert just south of the Arizona border that the Mexicansand Zolar use as a staging area for the expedition to recover Huascar'streasure.

  Alvarez, Admiral Ricardo. Mexican admiral who is alerted that Pitt hasbeen rescued by the First Attempt.

  Amaru, Tupac. Leader of the Shining Path terrorists at the City of theDead.

  Takes his name from the last of the Inca kings to be tortured and killedby the Spanish. Described as short and narrow-shouldered with a vacantbrown face devoid of expression. Wears a thick mustache and longsideburns. Has a thickmass of straight hair as black as his empty eyes. Has narrow, bloodlesslips that cover a set of teeth that would make an orthodontist proud.Attended the University of Texas at Austin. After he shoots Miller inthe City of the Dead, Pitt appears, puts his Colt .45 down his pants andpulls the trigger. After Pitt emasculates him, he reappears at theunderground cavern.

  Pitt shoots him in the lung, then drowns him. His body is later foundin the Sea of Cortez by the crew of the El Porqueria.

  Amauta. An educated Inca who could understand quipu text.

  Amphora. Jar or vase with two handles. Ortiz mentions diversoccasionally find Roman and Greek amphoras in the waters off Brazil,bucking the idea that pre-Columbian civilizations did not visit theAmericas.

  Angel de la Guarda. Island in the Sea of Cortez.

  Atahnalpa. Brother of Huascar. Son of Hauyna.

  Usurped his brother 'after a lengthy civil war.

  Aztec Star. Zolar-owned modified crude-oil tanker used to smugglestolen artwork.

  Baffin CZ-410. Twin turbo-prop-engined sea plane used by ZolarInternational to try to locate Huascar's treasure. Most frequently seenin the Canada lake country.

  Bender, Nichols Journalist-explorer who published twenty-six books,including On the Trail of El Doradoin 1939. Perlmutter tracks down Bender, who is now eighty-four yearsold. Still mentally sharp, but his health is failing. He lives on afarm in Vermont. After talking to Perlmutter, Bender offers to FederalExpress his journal which contains clues to the whereabouts of theConcepcion.

  Bingham, Hiram. Explorer who rediscovered Machu Picchu.

  Birns Oceanographic Snooper. Dive light Pitt uses when he dives thesinkhole.

  Boeing 747-400. Large jet Zolar plans to fly Huascar's treasure toMorocco aboard. Micki Moore diverts the plane to El Paso, Texas,instead, where it is captured by American authorities.

  Boeing Chinook. Heavy-lift helicopter. Can lift fifty troops or twentytons of cargo.

  Bolivia. Country in South America. Portuguese explorers reported theyfound a tribe in Bolivia with magnificent beards, contrary to the factthat most Indians lack abundant facial hair.

  Boriego Springs. Springs near the Box Car Cafe.

  Box Car Cafe. Cafe near the Mexican border with California. Built outof old Southern Pacific Railroad freight cars sometime around 1915.

  Where Pitt and Smith meet Clive Cussler.

  BrunUda. What Yaeger calls his computer terminal.

  Burgundy topaz. Precious gem found in the second sculpture inside thecavern on Cerro El Capirote. The gem is not indigenous to the UnitedStates and was probably mined east of the "des in the Amazon.

  Burley, August. NUMA's chief engineer aboard the Deep Fathom.

  Described as a powerfully built man with a portly stomach.

  Cahuilia. Indian tribe that resides in Mexico and the United States.

  Calexico. Town on the California side of the border with Mexico.

  Caao de Lima. City in Peru. Founded by Francisco Pizarro in 1537, itquickly became the main shipping port for gold and silver plundered fromthe Inca empire. The last of the Spanish forces surrendered to SimonBolivar in 1825 in Callao, and Peru became a sovereign nation.

  Combined now with Lima; the twin cities boast a population of six and ahalf million people.

  Campos, Colonel Roberto. Commander of northern Mexico's military forceson the Baja Peninsula.

  Cano Island. Island off Ecuador where Drake intends to bury treasurefrom the Golden Hind to lighten the load.

  Canyon Ometepec. The Montolo village where Yuma lives.

  Capac, Huayna. A great Inca king. Father of Huascar. Ordered animmense gold chain to be cast in honor of the birth of Huascar, whichwas later smuggled out of Peru.

  Capital Concours de Breaux Moteurcar. Classic car show in East PotomacPark, where Pitt shows his Pierce-Arrow Berline with matching 1936

  PierceAffow Travelodge house trailer.

  Carabiner. Used in climbing. An oblong metal ring with a spring-loadedclosing hatch that hooks the climbing rope to the piton.

  Carter, Howard. Famed archaeologist who discovered King Tut's tomb.

  Caxanarca. Ancient Inca city.

  Cenote. A deep limestone sinkhole.

  Cerro El Capirote. Mountain where Huascar's treasure is buried.

  Capirote in English means 11 a tall, pointed ceremonial hat," or whatused to be called a dunce cap.

  Cerro El Capirote sculpture. Sitting atop the mountain, it is carvedafter the legend of a condor laying an egg that was eaten and vomited bya jaguar. A snake was hatched from the regurgitated egg and slitheredinto the sea, where it grew fish scales. The beast was so ugly it wasshunned by the other gods, who 422 thrived in the sun, so it livedunderground where it eventually became the guardian of the dead.

  Chachapoyas. A town in Peru fifty-six miles from the limestonesinkhole.

  Chachapoyas Culture. A vast confederation of city states thatencompassed almost four hundred square kilometers. The tribes wereconquered by the Inca Empire around A.D. 1480. Known as the CloudPeople, they were a pre-Inca civilization that flourished high in theAndes from A.D. eight hundred. The culture was highly stratified butdid not have royal elite like the Inca. The Chachapoyan people werefair skinned with blue and green eyes.

  Chaco, Juan. Inspector general of Peruvian archaeology and director ofthe Museo de la Nacion in Lima, Peru. Involved with the Solpemachaco.

  When the attack is bungled en the City of the Dead, he is thrown from atilt-rotored plane into a potato field in Ecuador. He strikes theground in the middle of a small corral, just missing a cow, and diesinstantly.

  Chiclayo. Town in Peru north of Trujillo to which Pitt informs the DeepFathom he is flying. It's a fake, however, to throw off pursuers.

  City of the Dead. Also known as Pueblo de lose Muertos. It is amagnificent lost city recently rediscovered by the Shining Pathterrorists.

School of Nflnes. Location in Golden, Colorado, where GaskiBborrows a ground-penetrating radar detector unit to search the Zolarwarehouse in Galveston.

  Colt .45. Handgun made by Colt Arms Corporation.

  Pitt's was carried by his father in World War II from Normandy to theElbe River and then presented to Dirk when he graduated from the AirForce Academy.

  Colt Colt Commander. A 9-millimeter handgun used by Swain in theundercover stake-out of Rummel.

  Corporation Estatal Petrolera Ecustoriann. The state oil company ofEcuador. NUMA steered the company to a natural gas find in the Gulf ofGuayaquil. The company loans NUMA a helicopter to search for theConcepcion.

  Cog RafaeL Police commandante of Baja Norte who is bought off by theZolars at the price of ten million dollars. At age sixty-five, hiscareer has spanned forty-five years. Described as having a square,brown skinned face. Has a wife, four married sons and eightgrandchildren.

  Cuthifl, Thomas. Sailing master of the Golden Hind.

  Originally from Devonshire, England. Later placed by Drake in charge ofthe Concepcion. When the Concepcion is swept inland in a tsunami,Cuthill survives and lives with the local Indians. He writes of thetsunami in a journal that Perlmutter later recovers. The journal givesthe approximate location of the Concepcion, which Pitt and Giordinolater find.

  Cutting, Patty Lou. Name on the gravestone near the Spanish missionclose to the Montolo village. Her date of birth and death are listed as2/11/24-2/3/34. To those readers who wonder about the unexplainedsignificance of this in Inca Gold, good luck. Clive is silent on theissue.

  Cuzco. Location of the Inca capital.

  De Anton, Captain Juan. Skipper of the Nuestra Ser7ora de laConcepcion.

  Described as a brooding man with Castilian green eyes and a preciselytrimmed black beard.

  De Avfla, Bishop Juan. A Jesuit historian and translator who, betweenthe years of 1546 and 1568, recorded many mythical accounts of earlyPeruvian cultures.

  De Oreftm, Francis. Spanish explorer who searched for El Dorado.

  De Silva, Numa' Portuguese pilot whom Drake captures off Brazil andpresses into service on the Golden Hind.

  Deep FathonL NUMA research ship. A state-of-the art scientific boat.

  Officially called a super-seismic vessel. Primarily designed fordeep-ocean geophysicw research, she can also undertake a myriad of othersub sea duties. Her hull is painted in NUMA's traditional turquoise andwhite superstructure with azure blue cranes. She stretches the lengthof a football field.

  Her dining room is filled out like a fine restaurant, and the galley isrun by a first-rate chef.

  Demonio de Muertos. Also known as the demon of the dead. A Chachapoyangod who was the focus of a protective rite connected with the cult ofthe underworld. Part jaguar, part snake, he sinks his fangs intowhoever disturbs the dead and drags them back into the black depths ofthe earth.

  Derringer, micah'her. Weapon Sarason has strapped to his leg when Pittappears in the underground cavern.

  Diaz, Don Antonio. Original owner of La Princesa. A peon who struck itrich mining the Huachuca Mountains in Adona.

  Diego, Captain Juan. Mexican captain who is informed that the guardpost inside Cerro El Capirote is not reporting.

  Diffusionism. Pre-Columbian travel to and from other continents.

  Di Maggio, Anthony. U.S. Customs Service agent who tells Gunn that Pittwas picked up alive by the First AttemptDoc Miller's ring. Used by Pitt to identify the body he finds duringhis first trip into the sinkhole. The ring has a sixty-million-year-oldpiece of yellow amber with the fossil of a primitive ant inside.

  Douglas, Arizona. City near the border with Mexico.

  Where Joseph Zolar has a hacienda.

  Downing, Wick. Author of a paperback mystery novel that Stucky isreading aboard the Deep Fathom when Pitt calls over the radio.

  Drake QtdpiL Quipu that was taken in the cedar-lined jade box from theConcepcion by Drake. Holds the key to the location of Huascar'streasurer Lost when the Concepcion is washed into the mountains in atsunami.

  Located by Pitt aboard the Concepcion Made from different metals, mostlycopper, some silver and one or two gold. Appears they were hand-formedinto wire and then wound into tiny coflue cables, some thicker thanothers, with varied numbers of strands and colors.

  Drake, later Sir. Famous British pirate captain.

  Captain of the Golden Hind. Described as a beady -eyed gamecock of aman with dark red curly hair complemented by a light sandy beard thattapers to a sharp point under a long, swooping mustache. A giftednavigator and amateur artist. After returning from anaround-the-world-cruise, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. Later servedas admiral-of-the-seas, mayor of Plymouth and a member of Parliament.

  During an expedition to plunder ports and harass Spanish shipping in1596, he died of dysentery and was sealed in a lead coffin and droppedinto the sea near Portobelo, Panama.

  Duncan, Dr. Peter. A U.S. Geological Survey hydrologist who dives intoSatan's Sink with Giordino and confirms the underground river.

  EG&G Geometrics G-813G magnetometer. Used by Pitt and Giordino tolocate the ConcepcionEinstein Museum of Renaissance Art Museum in Boston that has a fakeMichelangelo statue of King Solomon.

  El Centro Regional Medical Center. Hospital just north of Calexicowhere Gunn is taken after being rescued in the underground cavern.

  El Porquetim The unofficial name of G-21, a Mexican patrol boat. Means"piece of trash." A two-hundred twenty-foot-long modified U.S.minesweeper.

  Estala, Maria. Last surviving member of the Diaz clan.

  Died at age ninety-four in 1978. Sold La Princesa to Zolar.

  Estanque PeaL Peak in the Sea of Cortez that the Baffin circles.

  EXO-26. Full face mask that uses an exothermic air regulator.

  Manufactured by Diving Systems International. worn by Pitt when hedives on the sinkhole.

  Fairchild Museum. Museum in Scarsdale, New York, where Ragsdalerecently solved a theft of Sung Dynasty jade Carvings.

  Falkner and Massey. Publisher of Bender's books. Located in New YorkCity.

  First Auempt The Hagens' fifty-foot oceangoing ketch Based in NewportBeach, Cahforma. Has a Capn-blue huH.

  Fluorescein yellow with optical brightener. Dye that Duncan asks Pittto toss in the underground river so the outflow can be targeted.

  Foreign Activities Council. An obscure government agency that operatesout of a small basement room in the white House. Tasked with carryingout the assassinations of foreign terrorist leaders. Once employed byHenry and Micki Moore.

  Forty-millimeter rocket. People's Republic of China made. Fired from aType 69 launcher. Used in the attack on the City of the Dead and thehelicopter Pitt and Giordino steal and fly out to sea. One of therockets, designed for hardened steel like tank bodies, passes easilythrough the body of the Mi-8.

  Francisco, Corporal. Mexican corporal guarding Cerro El Capirote who isreported missing.

  Fujimori, President. President of Peru.

  Gadsen Purchase. U.S. purchase of the Mesilla Valley from Santa Ana.

  Galapagos islands. Islands off South America.

  Galveston. City in Texas on the Gulf Coast south of Houston. Locationof the Zolar stolen art headquarters.

  Grand MuseunL Museum in Boston that was robbed in April 1990 of artworkvalued at two hundred million dollars.

  Gaskill, Davis. U.S. Customs Service special agent.

  Works undercover specializing in the smuggling of antiquities. Aneighteen-year veteran of the Customs Service, he looks more like afootball coach than a government agent. An African American, he hasgray hair, and his skin is more doeskin-colored than dark coffee. Hiseyes are a strange mixture of mahogany and green. Has a massive bulldoghead. Was once an all-star linebacker for the University of SouthernCalifornia. Originally from South Carolina. Married for twenty years;his wife died from hemochromatosis.

  Has a getaway cabin on a Wisconsin lake. Lives in the town of Cicerooutside Chicago.

  Gato. One of the
deckhands on the Alhambra.

  Geographic Information Systems. Part of the NUMA supercomputer databank Yaeger uses to help try to find the Concepcion.

  Golden Body Suit of Tiapoflo. Considered the most prized artifact everto come out of South America because of its historic significance. Acast of the Chachapoyan general known as Naymlap. Spanish conquerorsdiscovered Naymlap's tomb in a city called Tiapolto high in themountains. The body of the suit is covered with hieroglyphics that givethe location of the treasure of Huascar. The suit was stolen from theMuseo Nacional de Antropologia in Seville, Spain, in 1922. The suit islater traced to Rummel's secret apartment in Chicago but is stolenbefore Customs agents can recover it. Originally stolen by Zolar'sfather, who sold it to a wealthy Sicilian mafioso who kept it untilhis death in 1984 at age ninety-seven. The mafioso's son later sold itto Rummel.