Golden Hind British pirate ship. Formerly named the Pelican.

  Described as a stout and sturdy vessel with an overall length of aboutthirty-one meters (one hundred two feet) and a displacement tonnage ofone hundred forty. Has eighteen guns. After a sail around the world,she returns to Plymouth on September 26, 1580, her hull bulging withspoils. Queen Elizabeth's share of the plunder in her holds forms thefoundation for future British expansion throughout the world. Thesecond ship to circumnavigate the world. For three generations, sheremained on view in the 'names River until she either burned or rottedaway to the waterline.

  Granados. Mexican inspector Sandecker usually deals with. Matos tellsSandecker that Granados is working on a case in Hermosillo.

  The Great Zolar. Name of a dumb kid in the eighth grade whom Giordinosaw performing a corny magician's act at school assemblies.

  Guaymas, Meidco. Location that is the starting point for the Zolar teamtrying to find Huascar's treasure.

  Located midway across the Sea of Cortez on the Mexican mainland side.

  Hagen, Oaire. Wife of Joe Hagen. Described as having a face free fromwrinkles and with breasts still large and firm.

  Hagen, Joe. Runs a family auto dealership in Anaheim, California. Isfishing aboard his boat, the First Attempt, when he comes across Pittand rescues him.

  Described as a big man with a well-rounded stomach.

  Hedder & Koch. A 9-millimeter automatic Amaru uses to shoot Miller.

  Hemochrometosis. Iron-overload disease that led to Gaskill's wife'sheart attack.

  ledaigo, Lieutenant Carlos. Executive officer on El Porqueria.

  Described as tall and lean with a narrow face. He looks like awell-tanned cadaver.

  ifighway Five. Highway running from San Felipe to Mexicali.

  Hunqueros. Tomb robbers. A local Peruvian term for the robbers ofancient graves.

  Huascar. An Inca king who was captured in battle and murdered by hisbrother Atahualpa, who was in turn executed by the Spanish conquerorFrancisco Pizarro.

  Huascar possessed a gold chain that was two hundred fourteen meters longand estimated to weigh twenty thousand pounds. It's worth today wouldbe in the neighborhood of one hundred million dollars.

  Huascar's Golden Chain. Coiled, it measures thirty-three feet inheight. Each link is as large as a man's wrist. It is conservativelyvalued at three hundred million dollars.

  liano Colorado. Village near Canyon Ometepec that has a mission churchthat contains a pure gold chalice.

  Inca leghway Network. Highway that ran from the Colombia-Ecuador borderalmost five thousand kilometers to central Chile.

  Inca seagoing vessel Raft constructed of reed bundles bound and turnedup at both ends. Six of the bundles make up one hull, which is keeledand beamed with bamboo. The raised prow and stern are shaped likeserpents with dogs' heads, their jaws tilted toward the sky as if bayingat the moon.

  Inca weavings. Considered the finest in the world, they contain fivehundred threads per inch as opposed to the weavers of RenaissanceEurope, who used eighty-five threads per inch. The Spanish mistook theweavings for silk, so fine was the quality.

  Incas. Ancient tribe of South America.

  Iddium. Portable, digital, wireless phone made by Motorola and used byGunn. Works off a satellite enhancement network.

  Isla Bargo. Island in the Sea of Cortez that the Baffin flies over.

  Isla Carmen. Island in the Sea of Cortez eliminated by the Zolar teamin the Baffin as too large to be the island that hides Huascar'streasure.

  Isla Cholla. Island in the Sea of Cortez that is skipped by the crew ofthe Baffin.

  Isla Danzante. Three-square-mile island in the Sea of Cortez south ofLoreto, flown over by the Baffin.

  Isla Gruapa. island in the Sea of Cortez that the Baffin flies over.

  n Ildefonso. island in the Sea of Cortez that is Isla Sa skipped by thecrew of the Baffin.

  Jade box. Carved from jade with the mask of a man for a lid. The lidseals so perfectly that the inside is nearly airtight. Inside aremulticolored tangles of long a huncords of different thickness with morethan dred knots.

  jaguar/Serpent. What the Incas chisel using bronze bars and chisels onthe island in the forgotten sea.

  Jeep Grand Wagoneer. Pitt's example is a 1gs4 with horsepower V-8engine taken from a a Rodeck 500-hors wrecked hot rod.

  Jesfis. One of the deckhands on the Alhambra.

  Juarez, Enrique. The oldest Montolo tribal elder and one of the few whostill remember the old stories and ancient ways.

  Julio. One of Amaru's Peruvian guards who is selected to rape Smith.

  First, she claws his eyes out instead.

  Kammer, Cindy. Wife of Sidney Kammer.

  Kammer, Sidney. A high-level corporate attorney Rummel uses. The leaseon the secret apartment below Rummel is in Kammer's name. He and hiswife, Cindy, actually live in the posh suburb of Lake Forest and havenever been inside the apartment they have leased.

  Karst. A limestone belt that is penetrated by a system of streams,passages and caverns. What Duncan thinks is the underground river.

  Kelsey, Dr. Shannon. Archaeologist who specializes in Chachapoyanculture. Funded by a grant from Arizona State University. Described ashaving straight soft blond hair and tanned skin. Has an hourglassfigure with an extra twenty minutes thrown in for good measure. In herlate thirties. Has big, wide hazel eyes under dark brows. Drives aDodge Viper she bought with her grandfather's inheritance.

  Kermantle communications and safety line. Thick nylon line withemergency release buckle that hooks Pitt to Giordino when he dives inthe sinkhole.

  Key West. Island in the Florida Keys and home to one of NUMA's researchlabs.

  Lake Cahuilla. Ancient sea in the desert of California that dried upbetween A.D. 100 and 1200.

  Lake Cocopah. Lake southeast of Yuma, Arizona, where a fishermandisappeared and later turned up in the Sea of Cortez.

  Lake Salada. Am area of wetlands and mud flats less than a kilometerfrom the border between the United States and Mexico in California.

  La Princesa. Zolar's hacienda near Douglas, Arizona.

  Las Tinajas Mountains. Inland mountains where Pitt believes Cerro ElCapirote is located.

  Library of Congress. Vast repository of information in Washington, D.C.Perlmutter does research on the Drake quipu there.

  Lima. Capital of Peru.

  Limestone. A sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate, a sort ofblend of crystalline calcite and carbonate mud, produced bylime-secreting organisms from ancient coral reefs. The type of rocksurrounding the sinkhole. Logan Storage Company. Front company for Zolar's stolen art empire inGalveston.

  Loreto. Resort town in Mexico on the Sea of Cortez.

  Lost Horizon Era. Era from which Henry Moore explains the Golden BodySuit of Tiapollo comes.

  Macapa. City in Brazil. The survey team that recovered Cuthffl'sjournal dropped it off there to the viceroy.

  Madame LaFarge. What Pitt names the machete he uses to hack through theforest above the Concepcion.

  Maderas, Commander Miguel. Skipper of El Porqueria. Described ashaving a round, friendly face under long, thick black hair. His teethare large and white. He is short and heavy and solid as a rock.

  Magdalena, Sophia. Wife of Don Antonio Diaz.

  Magellan Strait. Strait on the tip of South America.

  Runs through what is now Chile.

  Magic Castle. Pitt's answer to the radio call trying to establish thelocation of the stolen Mi-8.

  Mandrake Pitt. What Pitt calls himself on page 109.

  After an old cartoon character.

  Manta. Port city in Ecuador fifty-five kilometers from the wreckage ofthe Concepcion.

  Manuel. One of Amaru's killers who is shot and killed by Pitt aboardthe Alhambra.

  Matos, Ferdinand (Fernando). Mid-level official with the MexicanNational Affairs Department who meets with Stagger and Sandecker inCalexico. Described as bald and wearing thick horn-rimmed glasses witha bl
ack mustache exactingly trimmed. He is a tall, complacent man.

  On the Zolars' payroll, he is due to receive five percent of Huascar'streasure.

  McDonnell-Douglas Explorer helicopter. Type of helicopter that NUMAborrows from the Peruvian national oil company to search for theConcepcion. Abig red twin-engined craft with no tail rotor. Costs two pointseven-five million.

  Mesoamericans. Indians in Panama with whom the Incas traded.

  Mexicali. Town on the Mexican side of the border with California.

  Nil-8 assault-transport helicopter. Nicknamed the Hipo by NATO duringthe Cold War years. A twenty-year-old ugly craft powered by twin1,500-horsepower turboshaft engines. Can carry four crew and thirtypassengers. Has a five-bladed -main rotor. Giordino and Pitt steal itfrom the Peruvian mercenaries and fly it toward the Deep Fathom andsafety. Top speed approximately two hundred forty kilometers an hour.

  Giordino sets his speed at one hundred forty-four kilometers to savefuel.

  NUchigan Avenue. Street in Chicago where Runnnel's office is located.

  Miner, Dr. Steve. Archaeologist from the University Of Pennsylvania.

  Described as a tall, slender man in his sixties with a silver-gray beardthat covers half his face.

  Helps Kelsey with the dive on the limestone sinkhole.

  Tech MK1-DCI. Diver radio manufactured by Oceannology Systems. worn byPitt when he dives on the sinkhole.

  Montolo. Indian tribe that resides in Mexico and the United States.

  Montolo ceremonial artifacts. Ceremonial idols carved from the wood ofcottonwood trees. Stolen by Zolar's men and offered for sale toVincente, who turns them down. Later recovered by Pitt and returned toYuma and the Montolo tribe.

  Montolo ViDage. Where Yuma resides. Population of the village is onehundred seventy-six. The villagers survive by raising squash, corn andbeans; others cut juniper and manzanita to sell for fence posts andfirewood.

  Montolos. Ancient cave dwellers who lived in the Sonoran Desert nearthe Colorado River.

  Moore, Henry. Professor of anthropology at Harvard who has madepre-Columbian ideographic symbols his life's work. Zolar forces him todecode the etchings on the Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo. Lives in acondo in Boston. Described as aging gracefully with a slim body, a fullhead of shaggy gray hair and the complexion of a teenage boy.

  Worked for the Foreign Activities Council for twelve years as apolitical assassin.

  Doctorate from University of Pennsylvania.

  Moore, Micki. Wife of Henry Moore. An archaeologist. Handles thecomputer end of the decoding of symbols with her husband. Lives in acondo in Boston.

  Described as a good fifteen years younger than her husband. Has a thinfigure like a seventies fashion model, which she once was. Her skin ison the dark side, and her high rounded cheekbones suggest AmericanIndian heritage. Worked for the Foreign Activities Council for twelveyears as a political assassin. Doctorate from Stanford.

  Moran. Director of the FBI.

  Morganthaler, Jacob. Attorney known as Jury-rig Jake. Rummel hires himto try to recover his artwork that was seized.

  Mr. Periwinkle. Cussler's burro.

  Mysterious intruders. Described as having white skin, blond hair andblue eyes. They wear ornate embroidered tunics.

  Nador. City in Morocco where Zolar intends to take Huascar's treasure.

  National Heritage Museum. Museum in Guatemala that reported aneight-million-dollar theft.

  Nuestra Seflora de la Concepcion. The largest and most regal of thePacific armada treasure galleons.

  Displaces five hundred seventy tons. Extremely rugged and seaworthy,her gun decks hold ports for nearly fifty-four-pound cannon. Attackedand taken by Drake and the Golden Hind en route to Callao de Lima inMarch 1578. Later swept away in a tsunami.

  Olmee. Ancient people who lived in Mexico about 900 B.C.

  One-eyed Guard. Described as enormous with an entirely repulsive face,thick lips, flat nose and one eye. The empty eye socket is leftexposed, giving him the brutal ugliness of Quasimodo. Starts to rapeSmith but is stopped by Pitt.

  Pitt later shoots him in the neck and kills him.

  Ortiz, Dr. Alberto. A Peruvian doctor with the National Institute ofCulture in Chiclayo. Peru's most renowned expert on ancient culture.

  Described as a lean, wiry old bird in his early seventies. Has a long,flowing white mustache and bushy white eyebrows.

  Oxley, Charles. Legal name of Charles Zolar. Described as havingmedium brown hair clipped short in a military crew cut. His cheeks andchin are closely shaven. Has shamrock-green eyes.

  Patton Gordo. Engineer on the Alhambra. Has sleek, well-oiled hair asthick as marsh grass. Has brown eyes in a round face. Devoid of bodyhair and tattoos.

  Diminutive; his height and weight would easily qualify him to ride racehorses. Married to Rosa.

  Pembroke, Nathen Retired Scotland Yard inspector who wrote a manuscripttitled The Thief Who Was Never Caught, about the Specter. Pembroke isnow in his late eighties.

  Peruvian Investigative Police. Police force that shows up at the Cityof the Dead after Pitt and group along with their kidnappers escape.

  Phony conquistador. Pitt finds a planted body in the sinkhole dressedlike an old Spanish conquistador.

  Pierce Arrow Berline. One of Pitt's cars. His is a twelve-cylindersedan with a divider window and is hitched to a 1936 Pierce-ArrowTravelodge house trailer painted a matching shade of dark, gleamingblue.

  Pike. A sharp-pointed spear used for fighting. Piton. A metal spike with a ring on one end used in climbing.

  'Pizarro, Francisco. Explorer of South America who removed valuabletreasures.

  Pottle, Winfried. Customs Service special agent and second-in-commandof the surveillance team led by Gaskill. Described as a slim, handsomeman with sharp features and soft red hair.

  Pueblo de lose Muerios. Also known as the City of the Dead.

  Punta El Macharro. Also known as Macharro Point.

  On the Sea of Cortez two or three kilometers above San Felipe.

  Quechan. Indian tribe that resides in Mexico and the United States.

  Quetzalcoall. A feathered serpent that was the most important deity ofMesoamerica.

  Quipu. An Inca system for working out mathematical problems and recordkeeping. A kind of ancient computer that uses colored strands of stringor hemp with knots placed at different intervals.

  Quipu-Mayoc. A secretary or clerk who works with the quipus to recordinformation.

  Ragsdale, Francis. The FBI's chief of interstate stolen art. Agethirty-four. Described as clean-shaven with black wavy hair and areasonably well-exercised body.

  Has the handsome face, pleasant gray eyes and bland expression of asoap-opera actor.

  Ramos, Lieutenant Mexican lieutenant who is at Cerro El Capirote.

  Rappeling. Descending a rope that wraps under a climber's thigh, acrossthe body and over the opposite shoulder.

  Riinac River. River that runs through Callao and Lima.

  Rio Pitt. The name later given to the underground river beneath thedesert.

  River of Gold. What the legend of Hunt's underground river became.

  Rodgersg Miles. Photographer who is shooting footage of the dive on thelimestone sinkhole in the jungle.

  Described as a year shy of forty with luxuriant black hair and a beard.

  Rojas Chief of the Northern Mexico Investigative Division. Personsandecker usually deals with, but Matos appears instead. Matos tellsSandecker Rojas is ill.

  Roberts Badolomd. Pizarro's pilot. Mentioned seeing large raftsequipped with masts and great square cotton sails. Other sailorsmentioned seeing rafts with hulls of balsa wood, bamboo and reed @gsixtipeople and forty or more large crates of trade goods.

  Besides sails, the crafts were powered by teams of paddlers. The raftsfeatured stern posts with carved serpent heads similar to the dragonsgracing Viking long ships. Yaeger believes they may have been the shipsthat transported Huascar's treasure.

  Rummel, Adolphus. A noted
collector of South American antiquities wholives in a plush penthouse apartment twenty floors above Lake shoreDrive in Chicago, Illinois.