Described as a short, stringy man with a shaven head and an enormouswalrus mustache. In his mid-seventies, he looks more like a SherlockHolmes not the owner of six huge auto salvage yards. Unmarried andreclusive. In the 1950s, he smuggled a cache of Nazi ceremonial objectsacross the Mexican border and used the money from the sale to found astring of auto junk yards that netted him two hundred fifty million whenhe sold out. Became interested in South American antiquities in 1974and began to buy from all sources, legitimate or not. Paidone-point-two million dollars for the stolen Golden Body Suit ofTiapollo.

  Saint John. Radio call sign from the person who calls Chaco to informhim that Pitt has overpowered Amaru's group at the City of the Dead.

  Saint Peter. Chaco's radio call sign.

  Salton Sea. Artificially created sea in California made when theColorado River overflowed the banks of a canal and flooded the desertfloor.


  San Felipe. Where the Alhambra takes off.

  San Lorenzo. The large offshore island that protects Callao's naturalmaritime shelter.

  San Pedro dePaul A ship de Silva claims is the Golden Hind when theyengage the Concepcion.

  Santa Ana, Antonio Loper de. General and later president of Mexico.

  Deeded the land where La Princesa was built.

  SRPA Incas. Inca supreme rulers who were encased in gold and used asobjects in religious ceremonies.

  [email protected] The Process in a dead body whereby the meaty tissue and Organs areturned into a film soap like substance. Pitt notices that the processis starting in the most recent body he finds in the sinkhole.

  S ni, Cyrus- Man who impersonates Doc Miller.

  Described as heavily bearded.

  Sstsn's Sink. Sinkhole where two divers disappear.

  Their bodies later turn up in the Sea of Cortez. The sinkhole ties inMexico at the northern foot of the Sierra El Mayor Mountains.

  Sea Of Cortez. Also known as the Gulf of California.

  The body of water that divides Baja California from mainland Mexico.

  Sedona. Town in Arizona where Pitt and Smith spent the night with thePierce-Arrow.

  Sendero Luminoso. Known as the Shining Path. A Maoist revolutionarygroup that has terrorized Peru since 1981. Terrorists who capture thegroup at the sinkhole and cut Pitt's Kermantle safety line.

  Seville. City in Spain where the Concepcion is based.

  Shang Dynasty. Twelfth-century Chinese dynasty. A museum in Beijingreported forty-five drinking vessels were stolen recently.

  Sic parvis Magna. Drake's motto: "Great things have small beginnings."

  Silver reflectors. Highly polished silver reflectors found inside thecavern on Cerro El Capirote. Sun striking the reflectors bounces fromreflector to reflector, lighting the cavern without the smoke and sootgiven off by oil lamps.

  Solpemachaco. What Amaru calls his group. A combination Medusa dragonmyth that comes from the local Peruvian ancients. An ancient serpentwith seven heads who lives in a cave. One myth claims he lives in theCity of the Dead. Later, the Solpemachaco is shown to be the Zolarfamily, Sonoran Desert. The desert in Mexico on the border withCalifornia.

  Sonoran Waterway Project- The project to use the water from theunderground river for irrigation.

  Specter. Infamous art thief who leaves a calendar at the scene of histhefts with the date of his next theft circled. Last-known theft was inLondon in 1939; the stolen art consisted of a Joshua Reynolds, a pair ofConstables and three Turners. The Specter was actually Mansfield Zolar.

  Stagger, Curtis. Customs agent in Calexico whom Pitt calls from Yuma'svillage. A veteran of sixteen years with the Customs Service.

  Described as a trim, handsome man with sharp features and blond hair.

  Stewart, Frank. Captain of the Deep Fathom.

  Straight, Dr. BHL Head of NUMA's marine artifact preservationdepartment. Described as a bald-headed, cadaverous man with a scragglyWyatt Earp mustache.

  Stucky, Jim. Communications technician on the Deep Fathom.

  Summer. Pitt's one and only true love. Pitt met her during the PacificVortex affair. Mentioned on page 561.

  Swain, Beverly. Customs Service undercover agent on Gaskill's team. Asmart blonde, she was a California beach girl before joining the CustomsService.

  Temple of the Sun. Temple in Cuzco.

  The Thiej' Who Was Never Caught. Title of a manuscript by NathanPembroke.

  Thomas. Director of the Customs Service.

  Tiburon. Island in the Sea of Cortez.

  Torres, Luis. Chief pilot and second-in-command of the Concepcion.

  Described as a tall, clean-shaven Galician.

  Trujillo. City in Peru.

  Twenty-man flotation unit. What the life rafts aboard the Mi-8 arelabeled. Pitt tosses one into the rotor blade of an attackinghelicopter, and it crashes.

  Type 56-L Chinese-manufactured assault rifles.

  "Up a Lazy River in the Noonday Sun." Tune Pitt starts to hum after hefinds the remains of the Wallowing Windbag and starts down theunderground river again.

  Valley of the Kings. Area in ancient Egypt. Location of King Tut'stomb.

  Valley of Viracocha. Valley that contains the City of the Dead.

  Valparaiso. City in Chile.

  Vancouver Island. Island off British Columbia, Canada, that Drake andthe Golden Hind sail to after leaving Cano Island.

  Victorio Peak. Legendary peak in New Mexico where Spanish gold wasdiscovered by civilians in the 1930s.

  The gold was allegedly stolen by the U.S. Army.

  Vincente, Pedro. Drug dealer to whom Zolar sells the Chachapoyanartifacts taken from the City of the Dead. His cover is that he is aCosta Rican coffee grower. Owns the second-largest coffee plantation inCosta Rica. Described as having straight slicked-back black hair,partridge-brown eyes, smooth olive complexion and a sharp nose. Hisheight and weight show a short man on the thin side whose age isforty-four.

  A fastidious dresser whose clothes look as if they come right out of GQmagazine. His ex-wife and four children live on a farm outside Wichita,Kansas.

  Vincente's DC-3. Beautifully restored fifty-five-year-old cargo planepowered by two 1,200-horsepower Pratt and Whitney engines. Flown byVincente from Nicoya, Costa Rica, to Harlingen, Texas, then on toWichita, Kansas, to purchase the stolen art from the City of the Deadfrom Zolar. The plane began life as a commercial airliner for TWAshortly before the war.

  Vincente found the plane hauling cargo for a mining company in Guatemalaand had it restored.

  "Waiting for the Robert E. Lee." Song that Pitt claims he wants to hearwhen he surfaces from the sinkhole.

  Giordino has a mariachi band playing the song when Pitt is dropped offby the El Porqueria.

  Wallowing Windbag. The specially modified NUMA Hovercraft that Pitt andGiordino use to travel on the underground river. Known as a waterrescue response vehicle, it is ten feet in length and five feet wide. Ithas eight air chambers and features a four-cycle, 50-horsepower enginethat can propel it at forty miles an hour.

  Witchitau City where Zolar meets with Vincente to sell him the artifactsfrom the City of the Dead.

  Vincente's ex-wife and kids live there on a farm.

  Yuma, Billy. Native American from the Montolo tribe.

  A small man of fifty-five. Won a bronco-riding contest in Tucson,Arizona, and was once the fastest cross country runner in his tribe. Hehas a round, brown face with a strong jaw, straggly gray eyebrows andthick black hair. Drives a Ford pickup truck. His wife's name isPolly. He speaks native Montoloan and Spanish along with some English.

  Yuma, Polly. Wife of Billy. A large woman who carries her weightbetter than any man. Her face is round anded with enormous brown eyes.

  Despite being middle-aged, she has hair as black as a raven's feathers.

  ZavaitL The one-hundred-fifty-year-old steamship that belonged to theRepublic of Texas Navy. NUMA found the ship under a parking lot inGalveston.

  Zolar international. Zolar's company. Its corporate jet is painte
d agolden tan with a bright purple stripe running along its fuselage.

  Zolm, Charles. Brother of Joseph, Marta and Samuel.

  Tracked down the Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo and had it stolen fromRummel. Legal name is Charles Oxley.

  Zolar, Joseph. Owner of La Princesa. A rich financier, antiquarian andfanatical collector. Described as having surgically tightened eyelids.Has a pinched, constantly flushed face that complements his thin,receding, brushed-back, dull red hair. He is somewhere in his latefifties. His body is small.

  Zolar, Marta. Sister of Charles, Joseph and Samuel.

  Zolar, Samuel. Brother of Charles, Joseph and Marta.

  Helps steal the Golden Body Suit of TiapoHo with Charles. Legal name isCyrus Sarason.

  Shock WaveAdams, Marion. A convict and one of the survivors of the raft from theGladiator. Convicted of stealing food from her master's pantry. Shedies giving birth to a daughter named Mary.

  Agusta Mark II British-built type of helicopter Giordino pilots from theDorsett yacht with Sean and Michael Fletcher aboard.

  Aleksandr Gorchakov. Russian factory ship Gorimykin is based aboard.

  When he returns to the ship from a flight, Gorimykin finds everyoneaboard dead from the effects of an acoustic convergence.

  Ames, Dr. Stanford Adgate. Called the soundmeister by his fellowscientists, he is to sound what Einstein was to light. Once a trustedadvisor to the Department of Defense, he was forced to resign afterprotestingocean noise tests designed to measure global warming.

  Described as having a long, scraggly beard that covers his mouth andcomes down to his chest and looking like a desert prospector. He is inhis late sixties. If he hadn't gone into physics, he'd have entered thePGA tour as a professional. Wears blue-tinted bifocals.

  Helps NUMA come up with the idea for the underwater reflector thatredirects the sound beam back to Gladiator Island.

  Amy & JasoiL Whaling ship that takes Dorsett and Fletcher's two sons aswell as Adams and Winkleman's daughter, Mary, to Auckland, New Zealand,where they book passage on a ship bound for England.

  Anderson, Dave. A cook for the miners on Kunghit Island. Described byMason Broadmoor as a decent guy who drinks too much beer.

  Angus, Lieutenant Samuel. Second officer of the HMS Bridlington.

  Aqualand Pro. Type of dive watch worn by Giordino.

  Argentinian Research Station. Located on Seymour Island. Pitt andGiordino visit the site by helicopter and find all the inhabitants dead.

  Avondale, Lieutenant Commander Roger. First officer of the HMSBridlington.

  Bakewell, Dr. Charlie. NUMA's chief undersea geologist. A balding manwho wears rimless glasses.

  Basil. What Maeve calls the sea serpent that lives in the lagoon onGladiator Island. Maeve classifies him as a mega-eel. He has acylindrical body thirty meters long, ending in a tail with a point.

  His head is slightly blunt like a common eel's but with a wide caninemouth filled with sharp teeth. He is bluish with a white belly, and hisjet-black eyes are as large as a serving dish. He undulates in thehorizontal like other eels and snakes.

  Ban Strait. Strait between Tasmania and the southern tip of Australia.

  Baker, Admiral. Admiral with the Joint Chiefs of Staff who toldSandecker he could use the Enterprise.

  BOFORS. A pair of the twin 40-millimeter guns aboard the HMSBridlington. They open fire on the sharks feasting off the dead bodiesof the crew of the Aleksandr Gorchakov.

  Botany Bay. An inlet south of the present city of Sydney, Australia,that housed a penal colony where the convicts aboard the Gladiator weredue to be imprisoned.

  Brandsfield Strait. Strait near Seymour Island where the Polar Queenheads to ride out the storm as the passengers go ashore on SeymourIsland.

  Muriatington, H.M.S. British Navy Type 42 destroyer.

  En route from Hong Kong to England, the vessel picks up a Russianhelicopter pilot who spots whales for the Russian fishing fleet.

  Briscoe, Captain Ian. Captain of the HMS Bridlington.

  Described as having a precisely trimmed red beard.

  Broadmoor, Irma. Wife of Mason. Described as a woman of grace andpoise, stout yet supple. Has haunting coffee eyes and a laughing mouth.

  Broadmoor, Mason. A member of the Haida tribe who lives on the QueenCharlotte Islands of British Columbia. Carves totem poles for a living.Posey refers Pitt to him to assist in the investigation into the Dorsettmining operations on Kunghit Island. Described as having long straightblack hair and a round face. Has coal-black eyes. His uncle was killedby the Dorsett security forces.

  Bushmaster M-16 rifles. Customized assault rifles with noisesuppressors carried by the Dorsett security forces on Kunghit Island.

  C. Dirgo & Co. New York diamond brokers who estimated that the Dorsettmine on Kunghit Island could bring in as much as two billion dollars indiamonds.

  Cadillac STS sedan. Automobile driven by the Dorsett security guardsfollowing Maeve. Has a 300-plus horsepower engine that propels the carupward of two hundred sixty kilometers an hour. Pitt loses them in theAllard.

  CA"an, Steve. A yachtsman who survived seventy-six days at sea afterhis sloop sank off the Canary Islands, the longest record for one man inan inflatable raft.

  Calvert, Irene. Former wife of Arthur Dorsett. Daughter of a professorof biology at the University of Melbourne. Committed suicide. Waswalking along the cliffs of Gladiator Island with her husband when shefell to her death in the surf below. Maeve thinks she was murdered byArthur Dorsett.

  Cape Farewell. The cape on the tip of New Zealand's South Island. TheDorsett yacht passes it after the security people capture Pitt, Giordinoand Fletcher.

  Carlisle, Abner. One of the partners who owns Carlisle & Dunhill. Athin, wiry man who is completely bald. He has kindly eyes and walkswith a noticeable limp caused by a fall from a horse when he wasyounger. A respected shipping magnate. Besides his shipping company,he also owns a mercantile business and a bank. Scaggs calls Carlisle tohis deathbed and explains to him the true story of the wreck of theGladiator, then asks him to have the diamonds sent by Betsy Dorsettappraised.

  Carlisle & Dunhifl. The shipping company that owned the Gladiator andemployed Scaggs.

  Cassidy, Adndral George. Commanding officer of the San Francisco NavalDistrict who remands the orders . . giving Sandecker the use of theEnterprise.

  The Castle. A group of rocks above the cliffs on Gladiator Island wherethere is a guard station.

  Center for Disease Control. The branch of the world organizationlocated in Melbourne, Australia, concludes that the deaths aboard thePolar Queen were caused by a rare form of bacterium similar to the onethat causes Legionnaire's disease.

  Central Selling Organization. The body the South African diamond carteluses to sell its diamonds.

  Chinook Cargo Carriers. The company featured on the side of thestrawberry-red float plane that Pitt flies aboard to Kunghit Island.

  Chirikof Island. Island near the Aleutians where three thousand sealions and five fishermen are killed by the acoustic waves.

  Cochran, IMomas. The Gladiator's carpenter. Survives the raft andlands on the island, later leaves with Scaggs and returns to England.

  Prefers the company of men. Dies when the Zanzibar sinks in the SouthChina Sea in 1867.

  Colored gemstones. Dorsett Consolidated controls eighty percent of theworld market. Including rubies, emeralds, sapphires, topaz, tourmalineand amethyst along with tsavorite, red beryl or red emerald and theMexican fire opal.

  Commodore Island (Komnndorskiye Ostrova). Island off the Commonwealthof Independent States that is one corner of the Acoustic Convergence.

  Located off the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Bering Sea.

  Converse Garret. Hollywood actor and box-office action hero. Aboardhis ship, the Tz'u-hsi, when it is hit by an acoustic wave.

  Cross-shaft. A method of determining latitude devised by the ancientmariners. With one end of a shaft held to the eye, a crosspiece iscalibrated by sliding it back and forth until
one end fits exactlybetween either the star or sun and the horizon. The angle of latitudeis then read on notches carved on the staff. Once the angle isestablished, the mariner is able by crude reckoning to establish a roughlatitude without using published tables for reference.

  Crutcher. One of the Dorsett security guards on Kunghit Island.

  Described as a cold-faced, arrogant young man of no more than twenty-sixor twenty-seven.

  Dancing Dorothy. The Bermuda ketch found by Pitt, Giordino and Fletcheron the Tits. Her upperworks are painted a light blue with orangeundersides. Was owned by Rodney York, who wrecked her on the rocks offthe Tits.