Danger Islands Three small islands that are little more than pinnaclesof exposed rocks near mainland Antarctica. They lie near the DrakePassage. Site where Pitt finds the Polar Queen and saves it fromdestruction on the rocks.

  De Beers. The famous South African diamond cartel.

  Named for the South African farmer who sold his diamond-laden lands toCecil Rhodes for a few thousand dollars.

  De Havilland Beaver. Type of bush plane in which Stokes flies Pitt toKunghit Island. 'the plane was built in 1967. Features a Pratt andWhitney R-985 Wasp engine with 450 horsepower.

  Deep Abyss Engineering. Undersea exploration company that hosts theparty where Maeve Fletcher is reunited with Pitt. Also the company thatleases the Glomar Explorer to NUMA.

  Dempsey, Paul. Captain of the Ice Hunter. Dempsey grew up on a ranchon the Wyoming-Montana border and ran away to sea after graduating fromhigh school and worked on the fishing boats out of Kodiak, Alaska.

  Later became a captain on an ice-breaking salvage tug. When the salvagecompany he worked for became debt-ridden, he was hired by NUMA.

  He is described as broad-shouldered and thick-waisted, habituallystanding with his legs wide set. Gray-haired and clean-shaven with abriar pipe perpetually jutting from the corner of his mouth.

  Diamonds. Stones that formed the basis of the vast Dorsett fortune.

  Merely crystallized carbon, they are chemically the sisters to graphiteand coal. Arthur Dorsett claims their only practical application isthat they happen to be the hardest substance known to man, and thatalone makes them essential for the machining of metals and drillingthrough rock. The word diamond comes from the Greek and means"indomitable." The Greeks and later the Romans wore them as protectionfrom wild beasts and human enemies. The first diamond engagement ringwas given by Archduke Ferdinand of Austria to Mary of Burgundy in 1477.

  The notion of a diamond engagement ring did not take hold until the late1800s.

  Dorsett, Anson. Son of Charles Dorsett and Mary Winkleman.

  Grandfather of Arthur Dorsett. Died in 1910.

  Dorsett, Arthur. Maeve and Deirdre's father. Head of a diamond empiresecond only to De Beers and the sixth-richest man in the world.

  Chairman of Dorsett Consolidated Mining Limited. A recluse. Only childof Henry and Charlotte Dorsett. Born on Gladiator Island in 1941. Atthe age of eighteen, he entered the Colorado School of Mines in Golden,Colorado. After graduating with a degree as a mining engineer, heworked for De Beers in South Africa for five years.

  Was married to the former Irene Calvert. A giant of a man with thehairy muscular build of a professional wrestler. Has coarse and wirysandy-colored hair. His face is ruddy and as fierce as the black eyesthat stare from beneath heavy, scraggly brows. His skin is rough andtanned by loni days in the sun. A huge mustache curls downward past thecorners of lips that are constantly stretched open like a moray eel'srevealing teeth yellowed from long years of pipe smoking. When Pittmeets him, he notices Arthur has weathered lines in his face and rough,scarred hands. His mustache is long and scraggly, and his teeth looklike the ivory keys of an old piano, yellowed and badly chipped.

  Before being set adrift in Marvelous Maeve, Pitt uses his thumb to pokeout Arthur's eye. On Gladiator Island, Pitt shoots off the tip of hisear, smashes and breaks his shinbone with a floor lamp, then crushes hiswindpipe with the soles of his shoes, killing him.

  Dorsett, Boudicca. Sister of Maeve and Deirdre. Described by Maeve asthe devil incarnate. Age thirty eight. Far taller than her sisters,with black eyes and a flood of reddish-blond hair that falls to herhips. She has definite underlying masculine qualities. Known as "TheEmasculator." Maeve claims not to know her well, as she is eleven yearsolder. Said to favor handsome young men and to sleep around.

  Giordino fights her, then crushes her neck and chokes the life out ofher. After lifting her silk robe, he finds out she is a man. i iDorsett, Charles. One of the two sons of Betsy Fletcher and JessDorsett. Educated at Cambridge in England. Later married MaryWinkleman.

  Dorsett, Demi Sister of Maeve Fletcher. Discovered by Pitt still aliveaboard the Polar Queen. De- I scribed as having wide brown eyes and aflawless facial complexion with an unmistakable pallor and just a hintof gauntness. Her hair is the color of red copper, and she has the highcheekbones and sculpted lips of a fashion model. Hired to sing and playpiano aboard the Polar Queen. Thirty-one years old. Was once marriedto a professional soccer player, but after he wanted a divorce and alarge property settlement, he conveniently fell from a Dorsett familyyacht to his death. Pitt charges her aboard the Dorsett yacht atGladiator Island after she shoots him, and he snaps her spine in threeplaces.

  Dorsett, Henry. Son of Anson Dorsett. Brother of Mildred Dorsett.

  Dorsett, Jess. Notorious highwayman who is being sent to Australiaaboard the Gladiator. A fashionable dresser who has every hair on hishead fastidiously in place. He is described as six feet four inchestall with long copper-red hair. His head is long-nosed, with highcheekbones and a heavy jaw. Married Betsy Fletcher on Gladiator Island.Later died when a sudden squall upset his fishing boat.

  Dorsett, Jess Jr. One of the two sons of Betsy Fletcher and JessDorsett. Educated at Cambridge in England along with his brotherCharles.

  Dorsett, Mildred. Daughter of Anson Dorsett. Sister of Henry Dorsett.

  Dorsett ConsoNdated NEWng Limited. Based in Sydney, Australia, andowned by the Dorsett family, it is second only to De Beers as theworld's largest diamond producer.

  Dorsett [email protected] A Trump Towers-like building in Sydney, Australia,paid for in cash. Arthur Dorsett's office is a gigantic vault with asteel door and walls two meters thick. Hundreds of precious stones aredisplayed in black velvet cases, and the estimated worth of the stonesis one-point-two billion dollars.

  His desk is a huge monstrosity of polished lava rock with mahoganydrawers.

  Dorsett manor house. Built and designed by Anson Dorsett, who tore downthe original log structure topped by a palm frond roof. The style isbased on a classic layout-a central courtyard surrounded byverandas from which doors open into thirty rooms, all furnished inEnglish colonial antiques. The only visible modern conveniences are alarge satellite dish rising from a luxuriant garden and a modernswimming pool in the center courtyard.

  Dorsett Rose. A D-grade flawless diamond with tremendous luster thatwas discovered by a Chinese worker at the Gladiator Island mine in 1908.Weighed 1,130 carats before cutting. Weighed 620 carats after.

  Double-rose cut in ninety-eight facets to bring out the brilliance.

  Arthur Dorsett has it inside his office.

  Dorsett yacht. Wilbanks estimates the length to be somewhere in theneighborhood of thirty meters with a beam of about ten meters.

  Probably powered by a pair of Blitzen Sea storm turbo diesels, mostlikely BAD 98s, which combined would produce more than 2,500 horsepower.Estimated cruising speed is in the neighborhood of seventy knots. Asleek sports cruiser with twin hulls and a smooth rounded design. Builtby Jusserand Marine in Cherbourg, France. Has a sapphire-blue hull.Merchant later discloses that the yacht has four turbocharged dieselengines connected to water jets that produce a total of 18,000horsepower and enable the eight-ton craft to cruise at one hundred andtwenty kilometers an hour. The yacht has Casale V-drives.

  DunhiH Alexander. One of the partners who own Carlisle & Dunhill.

  Duo 300 WetJets. Type of personal watercraft owned by Mason Broadmoormade by Master craft Boats. Thecraft feature a V-hull and a high-torque, modified big bore long-strokeengine with a variable-pitch impeller.

  Their estimated top speed is close to sixty knots.

  Duse Bay. Location of a British research station where the survivors ofthe Polar Queen are to be transferred.

  From there, they are to take a jet to Sydney, Australia.

  Easter Island (Isla de Pascua). Island off South America that is onecorner of the Acoustic Convergence.

  Elmo. One of the sadistic security guards at the Kunghit Island mine.

punches him when he first escapes from Kunghit Island with Stokes.

  He later smashes a rifle muzzle into Pitt's stomach.

  Environment Canada. The Canadian equivalent of the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency. Located in the Ottawa city of Hull.

  The Executioner. A great white shark estimated to be twenty-two totwenty-four feet in length that circles the raft from the Gladiator,eating those who fall into the water.

  Faraday, Molly. NUMA's intelligence agency coordinator. A formeranalyst with the National Security Agency who joined NUMA at Sandecker'srequest.

  Described as having soft toffee-colored hair and brown eyes. She is allclass. In her forties.

  Ferguson, Jack. The superintendent of the Dorsett mines. Dorsett hashim baby-sit the Fletcher twins.

  Fletcher, Betsy. Convicted of stealing a blanket for her sick father,she is aboard the Gladiator when the typhoon hits. From a small villagein Cornwall, she was arrested in Falmouth. Described as nearly as tallas most men. Her legs are long and smooth, and she has a narrow waistand a nicely shaped bosom. She was waist-length yellow hair that iswell brushed and eyes as blue as an alpine lake. Married Dorsett onGladiator Island. Later dies from a stomach malady.

  Fletcher, Maeve. Described as towering above most women and taller thanmost men. Her hair, which she braids into twin pigtails, is as yellowas a summer iris.

  She has eyes as blue as the deep sea and a strong face with highcheekbones. She has a warm smile that reveals a tiny gap in her frontteeth. She is three years shy of thirty and has a master's degree inzoology. She was halfway through her doctoral dissertation at theUniversity of Melbourne when she took a job as a naturalist with Rupert& Saunders to earn extra money. She has two sisters. Her mothercommitted suicide when Maeve was twelve years old. She has twinsix-year-old sons named Sean and Michael, from an affair with the son ofa sheep rancher she met at college. Age twenty-seven. Shot by hersister Deirdre on the Dorsett yacht at Gladiator Island, she dies inPitt's arms.

  Fletcher, Sean and Nfichael. Twin six-year-old sons of Maeve Fletcher.

  After she is killed, they are united with their father. They laterinherit Dorsett Consolidated and the Dorsett fortune.

  Ghoster. A sailing ship that needs very little wind to sail.

  Gladiator. Clipper ship built in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1854. Owned byCarlisle & Dunhill of Inverness and captained by "Bully" Scaggs.

  Her measurements are 1,256 tons, one hundred ninety-eight feet inlength, with a thirty-four-foot beam. A ghoster, she can sail on thebarest breath of wind. She has three masts. She is fitted out by herowners for the Australian trade, but it is found she can make more moneyhauling convicts. Sets the England-to-Australian sailing record, arecord that still stands, by making the run in sixty-three days.

  During her last voyage, she makes an incredible twenty-four-hour run offour hundred, thirty-nine miles. On that last voyage, she holds a totalof two hundred thirty-one the hundred ninety-two convicts, elevensoldiers and twenty-eight in the crew.

  Wrecked in the great typhoon of 1856 in the Tasman Sea.

  Gladiator Island. Island where the raft of the Gladiator lands. Laterforms one corner of the Acoustic Convergence. Described as the exposedtip of a deep ocean range of volcanic mountains that surfaces midwaybetween Tasmania and New Zealand's South Island. Privately owned by theDorsett family.

  Glomar Explorer. Deep-sea salvage vessel built by the CIA, GlobalMarine and Howard Hues in the 1970s.

  The ship is two hundred twenty-eight meters long with atwenty-three-story derrick rising in the middle. The vessel has ahelicopter pad, and the high bridge superstructure sits on the stern.

  The raised house on the forecastle shows no sign of ports, only a row ofskylight like windows across the front. The hull is faded, chipped andrusted but is painted a marine blue witha white superstructure. The ship originally was proposed by DavisPackard of Hewlett-Packard fame while he was deputy director of defense.Based on an earlier design by Willard Bascom called the Alcoa Sea probe.Built in secrecy in a fast forty-one months at the Sun Shipbuilding &Dry Dock Company in Chester, Pennsylvania, and launched in the fall of1972. Became famous for raising an entire Russian Golf-class submarinefrom a depth of five kilometers in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.After that, no one knew quite what to do with the ship, and she wasmothballed in the backwaters of Suisun Bay northeast of San Francisco.Five months ago, she was leased to Deep Abyss Engineering to mine copperand manganese two hundred kilometers south of the Hawaiian Islands. Thevessel is chartered by Sandecker to drop the underwater reflector offHawaii.

  Gorimykin, Fyodor. Chief pilot in command of locating whales for aRussian whaling fleet from the port of Nikolayevsk. Lands hishelicopter on the HMS BridlingtomGorman, Otis. Surgeon-superintendent assigned to the Gladiator. Tendsto the prisoners' general health. A compassionate man. Greenberg, Dr. Moses. Ship's doctor aboard the Ice Hunter. Describedas tall and slender, he wears his dark brown hair in a ponytail. He hastwinkling blue gray eyes.

  Gulfstream V. Type of jet in the hangar on Kunghit Island. The latestdevelopment in business jets, it isspacious with a cabin tall enough for most men to stand up inside.

  Capable of cruising nine hundred twenty-four kilometers an hour at analtitude of just under eleven thousand meters with a range of sixtythree hundred nautical miles. Powered by a pair of turbofan enginesbuilt by BMW and Rolls-Royce.

  Costs upwards of thirty-three million dollars.

  Halawa Bay. The harbor on the island of Molokai where the Lanikaidelivers the reflector to the Glomar Explorer.

  Halley Bay. Site of the British station on Seymour Island.

  Harbor Tours. Name painted on the side of the Toyota van that picks upPitt, Fletcher and Giordino in Wellington.

  Haynes, Trevor. First officer of the Polar Queen. Described as quietand quite handsome.

  Heinklemann Specialty Boat Builders. Boat constructor in Kiel, Germany,which Wilbanks mentions as a possible builder of the Dorsett yacht. Itturns out not to be the case, however. An engineer from the firm hasspotted the boat in Monaco nine months prior and alerts Wilbanks to thetrue builder.

  Herradura Silver teep Tequila Pitt drinks on the Dorsett yacht when heis first introduced to Boudicca.

  Holden Antomobfles. Australian-made automobiles that are on GladiatorIsland. They are painted a brightyellow and are customized by having all the doors removed for easy entryand exit.

  HoHender. Name of the teacher and his wife in Perth who care forMaeve's sons until they are taken by her evil father and returned toGladiator Island.

  House of Dorseft. Chain of nearly five hundred retail jewelry storesowned by the Dorsett family that sells the gemstones produced by DorsettConsolidated Nfining Limited.

  Howard Hughes. Reclusive billionaire who, along with the CIA, built theGlomar Explorer.

  Hudson, George. Second officer of the Rio Grande.

  Huggins, Jake. A convict on the Gladiator. Called the murderingWelshman. Described as short and squat with a barrel chest. He haslong, matted, sandy hair, an extremely large flattened nose and anenormous mouth with missing and blackened teeth, which combine to givehim a hideous leer. Leads the attack on the crew of the Gladiator whenthey are aboard the raft. After he attacks Dorsett, he slits histhroat.

  Hutton, Wilbur. The U.S. president's chief of staff.

  Described as a man not easily intimidated, as big and beefy as aSaturday night arena wrestler. He keeps his thinning blond haircarefully trimmed in a crew cut.

  His head and face are colored like an egg dyed red, and his limpidsmoke-blue eyes always stay fixed ahead. A graduate of Arizona StateUniversity with a doctorate in economics from Stanford, he is known tobe testy with anyone who brags of coming from an Ivy League college.

  He enlisted and was an infantryman in the Army and served in the GulfWar.

  Ice Hunter. NUMA research vessel. No mere garden variety researchship, she was designed entirely by computers by marine engineers workingwith oceanographers. She rides on twin para
llel hulls that contain herbig engines and auxiliary machinery. Her space age roundedsuperstructure abounds with technical sophistication and futuristicinnovations. The quarters for the crew and scientists rival those of aluxury cruise ship. Her radically designed triangular hulls can crushan ice floe four meters thick. She has a gleaming white superstructureand turquoise bull.

  J2X Allard. One of Pitt's cars. Built in England in 1952, the roadsteris low and red in color. It features twin bucket seats and a smallcurved windscreen. Powered by a Cadillac V-8 engine with dualfour-barrel carburetors and an Iskenderian camshaft. Pitt estimates itstop speed at two hundred ten kilometers an hour.

  Joseph Marmon Volcanic Observatory. Location in Auckland, New Zealand,where Bakewell phones Sandecker and discloses that the volcanoes onGladiator Island will probably blow as a result of the redirected soundwaves.