Ka-32 Hem Gorimykin lands a smaller version of the Russian Navyhelicopter aboard the HMS Bridlingtom The craft is used for lighttransport duty and air reconnaissance. The one Gorimykin is flying isused to spot whales for hunting.

  Kaumalapau. Port on the island of Lanai where the parts of thereflector are loaded aboard a cargo ship.

  Kea. Species of parrot that lives on New Zealand and the surroundingislands. One is spotted by the remaining survivors on the raft of theGladiator when they are near the island later to be known as GladiatorIsland. Later, one is spotted by Pitt just before they reach land. Hedescribes it as having a wing span of about a meter, with feathers amottled green with specks of brown. The upper beak is curved and comesto a sharp point. It appears to Pitt to be an ugly cousin of the morecolorful parrot family.

  Kelsey, Jason. Captain of the Rio Grande.

  Kimberlite Pipes. A mixture of liquid rocks and diamonds. Named forthe South African city of Kimberly.

  King George Island. Location where the survivors of Seymour Island aretaken.

  Krakatoa. Volcano that erupted in 1883. Located south of Java, theeruption created huge tidal waves and upset the world's weather formonths.

  Kunghit Island. Island off British Columbia that is one corner of theAcoustic Convergence. Location of the Dorsett Consolidated MiningLimited diamond mine.

  The southerrunost island in the Queen Charlotte chain. Part of theMoresby National Park Reserve butleased by the Canadian government anyway. Dorsett then closed off theisland to all visitors and campers.

  Lanai Satellite Information Collection Facility. Faraday explains thatthe NSA has a parabolic reflector inside the extinct Palawai volcano onthe island of Lanai that is eighty meters in diameter. NUMA removes thereflector without permission and hangs it from the Glomar Explorer.

  Lanikai. The freighter Faraday charters to move the reflector.

  Larsen Ice Shelf. Famous location on Antarctica that is the source ofmost of the icebergs in the Weddell Sea.

  Lien, Poon. The Guiness World Record holder for survival at sea.

  Poon, a Chinese steward, was set adrift on a raft after his ship wastorpedoed in the South Atlantic during World War II. He survived onehundred thirty-three days before being picked up by Brazilian fishermen.

  Maclntyre, Commandant. Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard.

  Macquaries. Islands south of New Zealand that Pitt hopes the MarvelousMaeve can hit.

  Marvelous Maeve. The small semi-inflatable boat that Fletcher, Pitt andGiordino are set adrift on from the Dorsett yacht. Three meters inlength by two meters wide, it has a fiberglass V-hull that appearssturdy butlater cracks. Pitt, Giordino and Fletcher pilot the boat to GladiatorIsland. It is later recovered by Giordino and placed in Pitt's aircrafthangar/home.

  Marvin, Carl. Claims to be a photographer from the Ocean Angler but isquickly found out as a fake by Giordino. Actually works for the Dorsettsecurity force. Giordino chokes him, then throws him out of the Toyotavan.

  McDonnell-Douglas 530 MD Defenders. A military designed aircraft builtfor silent flying and high stability during abnormal maneuvers. A pairof the blueblack helicopters mounted with 7.62-millimeter guns areinside the hangar at Kunghit Island.

  Mentawai. An Indonesian freighter bound from Honolulu to Jayapua to NewGuinea.

  Merchant, John. Head of security for Dorsett mining operations onKunghit Island. Known as "Dapper John." He is described as small, thinand fastidiously dressed. He has deep-set gray eyes. Smokescigarettes.

  Broadmoor cracks him on the head with a wrench when he and Pitt escapeKunghit Island, giving him a hairline skull fracture. When Pitt stormsGladiator Island, he shoots him in the knee, then ties him up and leaveshim in the closet.

  Nfisery Islands. See The Tits.

  Moon Pool. Located in the center of the Glomar Explorer, it is an openarea where salvage recoveries can't take place. Rectangular in shape,it is 1,367 square meters and takes up the middle third of the ship.

  "Moon River." Famous Henry Mancini song that Fletcher and Pitt dance toat the party thrown by Deep Abyss Engineering. The song Maeve iswhispering as she dies.

  Moresby Island. Island across the Houston Stewart Channel from KunghitIsland.

  Motorola Iridium. Wireless telephone used by Sandecker.

  Mount Scaggs. One of the volcanic peaks on Gladiator Island. It lasterupted between A.D. 1225 and 1275.

  Described as a shield volcano. Explodes first when the acoustic wavehits Gladiator Island.

  Mount Winkleman. One of the volcanic peaks on Gladiator Island. Itlast erupted between A.D. 1225 and 1275. Described as a shield volcano.Explodes second, with the roar of a hundred freight trains rollingthrough a tunnel, when the acoustic wave hits Gladiator Island.

  Mulboland, Hugo. Perlmutter's chauffeur. A taciturn character.

  Multilateral Council of Trade. Known to insiders as the Foundation, itis an institution dedicated to the development of a single globaleconomic government.

  They meet inside a modernistic all-glass structure built in the shape ofa pyramid that sits on the outskirts ofParis. The board of directors is made up of fourteen men including theman who runs the South African diamond cartel, a Belgian industrialistfrom Antwerp, a real estate developer from New Delhi, India, thebillionaire head of a German banking firm and the sheik of an oil-richcountry on the Red Sea. Other members of the board include the Japanesehead of a huge electronics firm, the French head of one of the world'slargest fashion houses, an Italian' owner of cargo ships, the CEO of amajor Asian airline, a Russian entrepreneur who operates aluminum andcopper mines, a British subject who owns a publishing empire and theformer U.S. secretary of state from one of the United States' wealthiestfamilies who is the founding father of the Foundation. Clive may havemade a mistake here: There are only twelve men listed here, but at theend of the chapter, on page 448, fourteen voices give an affirmativeyea.

  National Science Board. Group that advises the president on he AcousticConvergence problem. They downplay the danger.

  Natural Resources Canada. The Canadian governmental agency thatoversees mining. Posey tells Pitt he should be coordinating theinvestigation of Dorsett Consolidated operations on Kunghit Island withthem.

  Pitt disagrees.

  Nimitz. U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Pitt falsely claims is going toattack Kunghit Island.

  O'Toole, Major. A major in the Australian Army who leads the rescueefforts after the explosion on Gladiator Island.

  Occam's razor. Mentioned by Ames. It states: Entities should not bemultiplied unnecessarily.

  Ocean Angkr. NUMA research vessel on a deep-sea survey project in theBounty Trough, west of New Zealand.

  Oppenheimer, Sir Ernest. Former legendary chairman of De Beers.

  Overmeyer, Admiral John. Admiral based at Pearl Harbor from whomSandecker attempts to borrow the Enterprise. Served with Sandecker onthe Iowa.

  Pacific Gladiator. Dorsett-owned company that mines colored gemstones.

  Pahoehoe. Thin lava flows, usually basaltic in composition.

  Pendleton, Inspector. Stokes's superior in the Royal Canadian MountedPolice.

  Petrels. Giant birds described as the vultures of the sea which attackthe dead penguins on Seymour Island.

  Pier 16. Pier in Wellington where the Ocean Angler is tied up.

  Pitt, Colonel Thadeus. What Pitt refers to himself as when he builds apair of sun goggles from a board taken from York's berth.

  Polar Queen. Rupert & Saunders-owned cruise ship that is visitingSeymour Island when the acoustic wave hits. Quite small by cruise-shipstandards, she measures seventy-two meters with a twenty-five-hundredgross rated tonnage. Built in Bergen, Norway, she is speciallyconstructed to cruise polar waters and can function as an icebreaker ifthe need arises. Her superstructure and a broad horizontal stripe belowher lower hull are painted glacier-white. The rest of her hull is abright yellow.

  Posey, Edward. Works for Environment Canada in Hull. A short man withglasses and a beard. Worked with
Pitt in 1989 on the Doodlebug project.

  Pryor, John. A convict and one of the survivors of the raft from theGladiator. Dorsett beats his brains in with a rock when he attempts torape Betsy Dorsett.

  Pulse Excavator. Dorsett mining innovation that uses high-energy pulsedultrasound to carve through the blue clay that contains the majordeposits of diamonds. Beam that creates the Acoustic Convergence.

  Punta Arenas. Chilean port to which Pitt and Giordino fly the NUMAhelicopter from the Ice Hunter.

  Pygoscelis Adebae. Adelie penguins that are one of seventeen truespecies. They have a black-feathered back and hooded head with a whitebreast and beady little eyes. Their ancestors evolved forty millionyears ago and were then as tall as a man.

  Queen Charlotte Islands. String of about one hundred fifty islands offthe coast of British Columbia. The total area of the islands isninety-five hundred eighty four square kilometers. The population isfifty-eight hundred ninety people, mostly Haida Indians who invaded theislands in the eighteenth century.

  Quick, Captain James. Captain of the Glomar Explorer. Described as ashort, plump man a few years over forty.

  Ramsey, First Officer. First officer of the Gladiator.

  Suffers severe contusions in the first fight aboard the raft from theGladiator. Killed in the second fight aboard the raft from theGladiator.

  Reed, Alfred. An able seaman and one of the survivors of the raft fromthe Gladiator. Murdered by Winkleman in a dispute over Marion Adams.

  Rhodes, Cecil. Founder of De Beers.

  Rio Grande. A U.S. container carrier bound for Sydney, Australia, witha cargo of tractors and agricultural equipment. Receives a distresscall from the Mentawai.

  Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn. Car owned by St. Julien Perlmutter. A 1955model with coachwork by Hoopers & Company. The engine is a straight-sixwith overhead valves. The automobile is painted silver and green.

  Roosevelt. U.S. Navy nuclear aircraft carrier Sandecker wants to use tohang the underwater reflector.

  Currently docked at Pearl Harbor. He is rebuffed in his efforts to usethe vessel.

  Ross, Joe. Captain of the Ocean Angler.

  Rostron, Captain Arthur. Captain of the Carpathia, the ship thatrescued the survivors from the Titanic.

  According to Maeve, he reported seeing a sea serpent.

  Rudolf, Surgeon. Doctor aboard the H.M.S. Bridlington. Speaks Russian.Described as a short man with blond hair.

  Rupert & Saunders. The cruise line that employs Maeve Fletcher. Basedin Adelaide, Australia, it specializes in adventure tours.

  Ryan, Ian. Captain and chief of operations for Rupert & Saunders.

  Receives the Polar Queen from Dempsey. Described as big and ruddy.

  Saint Francis of Paola. Known as the patron saint of mariners andnavigators. Pitt discovers a medal with Saint Francis that has fallenfrom the pocket of the captain of the Polar Queen onto the ship'scontrols and is making the ship steam in circles.

  Sandecker's whaleboat. An old navy double-ender whaleboat Sandeckerbought surplus and rebuilt. The vessel was built in a small NewHampshire shipyard in 1936, then transported to Newport News, Virginia,where she was loaded aboard the newly launched aircraft carrierEnterprise. She served as Admiral Bull Halsey's personal shore boatuntil the Enterprise wasdecommissioned and scrapped. After being left to rot in a storage areabehind the New York shipyard, the craft is purchased and restored bySandecker. Powered by a four-cylinder Buda diesel engine. Sandeckeruses the boat to cruise on the Potomac River on Sundays for relaxation.

  Clive owned a similar boat in Newport Beach, California, before he beganwriting.

  Scaggs, Charles "Bully." The hard-driving captain of the Gladiator.

  Described as a giant of a man with the physique of a stonemason. Hestands six feet two inches tall, with olive-gray eyes that peer from aface weathered by the sea and sun. Has a great shag of ink-black hairand a magnificent black beard that he braids on special occasions. Atthe time the Gladiator is struck by the typhoon, he is thirty-nine yearsold.

  Suffers two broken ribs on the first fight aboard the raft of theGladiator. Later lands safely on the island, leaves on a raft andreaches Australia. Once he returns to England, Carlisle & Dunhill offerhim the command of their newest clipper, and he makes six more voyagesto China before retiring to his cottage in Aberdeen at the early age offorty-seven. Was married to Lucy, who preceded him in death.

  After catching a cold from sailing his small ketch to visit hisgrandchildren in Peterhead, he dies at age fifty-nine.

  Seaggs, Jenny. Daughter of "Bully." Cares for her father before hedies.

  The Serpent. Inhabits the lagoon on Gladiator Island and saves thesurvivors on the raft from the Executioner. Described as an enormouseel-like creature with a blunt head and long, tapering tail. The lengthof the body is estimated to be sixty-five feet, with the circumferencethat of a large flour barrel. The mouth has short fang like teeth. Theserpent's skin appears smooth and colored dark brown, almost black onthe top, with an ivory white belly.

  Seymour Island. Island near Antarctica that makes up the largest nearbyice-free surface. A singularly ugly place inhabited by only a fewvarieties' of lichen and a rookery of Adelie penguins. A group ofNorwegian explorers survived two winters on the island after their shipwas crushed in the ice in 1859. First sighted by James Clark Ross in1842. There is a historic whaling station aboard the island stillmaintained by the British that the passengers of the Polar Queen visit.

  Sheppard, Lieutenant Silas. Commander of the ten man detachment fromthe New South Wales Infantry Regiment that guards the prisoners aboardthe Gladiator. Garroted and killed by two convicts in the fight aboardthe raft. His parents reside in Horsby.

  Sherman, Hank. First officer of the Rio Grande. Leads the boardingparty to the Mentawai and is aboard when she sinks, killing the entireboarding party.

  Sherman, Martha. Sandecker's longtime secretary.

  Southern Cross. A constellation of stars that is not visible abovethirty degrees north latitude, the latitude running across the tip ofFlorida and North Africa. Its five bright stars have steered marinersand fliers across the immense reaches of the Pacific since the earlyvoyages of the Polynesians. Pitt uses it to navigate aboard theMarvelous Maeve.

  Stokes, Inspector Malcolm. Royal Canadian Mounted Police inspector inthe Criminal Intelligence Directorate who flies Pitt to Moresby Islandwhere Broadmoor lives. Questions Pitt about the Empress of Irelandproject Pitt worked on in Night Probe. After escaping in the Beaverwith Pitt from Kunghit Island, he is wounded in the left lung by a metalsplinter when the Beaver crashes. Married, with five children.

  Strouser, Gabe. Head of Strouser & Sons. Has known Arthur Dorsettsince childhood. Still bitter at Dorsett for firing his company withoutan explanation. After being fired by Dorsett, he moved his company'sheadquarters to New York City from Sydney, Australia, and aligned thecompany with the South African cartel. Described as a strikinglyattractive man in his early sixties. Has a head of well-groomed silverhair, a narrow face with high cheekbones and a finely shaped nose. Heis trim and athletically built with evenly tanned skin. Severalcentimeters shorter than Arthur Dorsett, he has dazzling white teeth anda friendly mouth. He has blue-green eyes.

  Arthur and Boudicca Dorsett kill him by pouring D-grade flawlessdiamonds into his mouth through a funnel, suffocating him. They laterdecapitate him and send the head to the Multilateral Council of Trade.

  Strouser, Levi. Jewish gem merchant to whom Scaggs asks Carlisle totake the stones Betsy Dorsett sent to him for appraisal. His gem shop,Strouser & Sons, is in the Castlegate section of Aberdeen. Marriedtwice;

  his second wife bore him four sons and two daughters.

  Explains to Carlisle that the stones Betsy Fletcher sent are diamondsworth somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty million dollars on today'smarket.

  Summer. Pitt's only true love. Mentioned on page 163.

  Described by Pitt on page 372 as having gray eyes and red hair but stilllooking much like Maeve.
  Tantoa, Ramini. A native of Cooper Island in the Palmyra Atoll chain,he finds the Tz'u-hsi after she washes ashore in the lagoon on hisisland.

  Tasman Sea. Location of the Gladiator when she is abandoned and theconvicts and crew take to the raft.

  Thurston lava tubes. Hollow tubes in lava beds that are resonating andradiating the sound from the Dorsett Consolidated mines into the oceans.

  The Tits. Also known as the Miseries, the small rock islands Pitt,Giordino and Fletcher find, as well as the location of Rodney York andthe wreck of the Dancing Dorothy. Nine hundred sixty-five kilometerssouthwest of Invercargil, New Zealand.