Page 14 of Something Wicked

  He shrugged as he took a step backward and flicked his cigarette to the asphalt, causing orange embers to scatter. “Who cares? She’s your problem. At least I still brought you back to my level. Julia is knocked up with my kid and Gabby doesn’t want shit to do with you. I win.”

  “It was you, wasn’t it? The one who sent Gabby those photos of us together.”

  He chuckled, clearly proud of what he’d done. “That girl was too good for you. She’s not like Julia or the other sluts you used to bring home. I did her a favor.”

  “I trusted you. You slept at her house to keep her safe.”

  “Thank you for that.” He winked and before I could even think about what he’d said, I lurched forward, my hands circling his throat, gripping tightly as I flexed, tightening my grip.

  “You fucking piece of shit. If you laid one finger on her, I will fucking kill you.”

  “Just like you did your daddy?” His eyes widened as he struggled to take a breath, his fingers clawing at my arms, desperate for me to release him.

  Out of nowhere, I man grabbed me from behind and pulled me backward. I raised my hands in front of me to let him know I was going to be any trouble as Levi doubled over, coughing.

  “If you go near her again,” I bit out, enunciating each word to let him know how serious I was.

  He stood up, defiance in his eyes. “See you around, D.” He turned and jogged across the busy road, disappearing between the vehicles.

  Chapter thirty-three


  After several drinks and two hours, I had to force myself not to call Tyler. As badly as he wanted us to be together, nothing had really changed. He’d sent me a few text messages, but I ignored them, not needing to read his apologies and last minute excuses.

  The only thing different now was that I could finally see how dismal real life was, no longer hidden behind the fog of my imagination.

  I drove home as I struggled to keep my tears at bay. I had no more left to give without risking death by dehydration. Instead, I pulled myself from my pity party and vowed to get my life back on track. Apparently, avoiding everyone hadn’t helped. I needed to focus on my work and put away my childish fairy tales.

  I didn’t need someone by my side to make things happen. I just needed to let go of the past.

  Parking behind my building, I had visions of a nice warm bath floating through my head, when I stopped in my tracks. My eyes struggled to adjust to the darkened stairwell, but I knew the silhouette in front of me belonged to Drake. His shoulders were slumped and head hung, but it was the same man who’d taken my heart and stomped on it.

  “You seemed to have forgotten where you live... again,” I snapped as I shouldered past him and stomped my way up my stairs toward my door. I could hear his shoes close behind me, but I didn’t look back as I fumbled for my keys in the bottom of my purse.

  “I didn’t come to fight.”

  “Ha! I know exactly what you came here for and I promise you, you’re wasting your time.”

  His fingers gripped my elbow lightly and I gasped, hating how that simple touch from him had a direct line to the ache that had settled in my chest weeks ago. I still couldn’t bring myself to look at him as I held my key toward my doorknob, frozen in time.

  “I fucked up. I know I hurt you and you didn’t deserve any of it.”

  “I agree with you on that.”

  “Will you at least look at me?” I could hear the desperation in his voice, but I knew if I chanced a glance into those emerald eyes, I would lose it. I was so sick and tired of crying over men.

  “No.” I squared my shoulders as I cleared my throat. “I want you to leave.”

  “Gabby, will you please hear me out.” He sighed loudly as his fingers slid from my arm. “Julia and I are over... for good.”

  “Don’t call me that.” I slipped the key into the lock and twisted it, freeing the door from the frame.


  Finally, I turned to look him in the eye as I stepped inside of my apartment. “My name is Gabriela. Only my friends can call me Gabby.” With that, I closed the door before sinking down to the floor and wrapping my arms around my knees as I sobbed.

  I cried until my body felt heavy and I was too tired to even think about the men who’d come and gone in my life. I’d like to tell myself that Drake looked every bit as sad as I had felt when I saw him, but I knew I probably imagined it all like I had most of our relationship. Perhaps he was a better actor than I’d given him credit for.

  I forced myself back the hallway and collapsed onto my bed, drifting into a restless sleep.

  When I awoke, my alarm was buzzing but the sound was muffled. I pried my eyes open to see it laying on its side on the carpet. I must have knocked it down trying to hit the snooze button.

  Grumbling to myself I got out of bed and hurried through the shower. I needed to get back into a routine. I’d left Liz hanging and although she didn’t argue with me when I chose to work from home, I knew she wasn’t happy. There were many things that would have had to be delegated to other colleagues in my absence. I would have to make it up to all of them by working twice as hard, which hopefully would rid my mind of my current situation.

  I drank two cups of coffee before finally being able to venture out into the world and not frighten small children. The real shock came from Liz when I walked into my office. She followed behind me with a look of confusion on her face.

  “You’re back.”

  “I am.” I sank down on my desk chair and turned on my computer.

  “For good?”

  “Unless I sleep with another movie star and he impregnates his girlfriend... excuse me, his fiancé.”

  Liz laughed as she shook her head and I allowed myself to relax and even smile.

  “I'm all right, Liz. I promise. I just need to get back into things and put it all behind me.”

  “Let me know if you need anything.” I nodded, waving her off.

  I dove into my work and so began my long, arduous road to healing.


  For six months, I didn’t deviate from my routine. I went to work and forced myself to write in the evenings, occasionally attending a premiere. The only time I allowed myself a chance to feel was when my Aunt May ended up in the hospital with chest pains. I promised her that I would slow down and we would spend the weekends together. Wrapped up in my own life, I’d forgotten what was paramount.

  She passed away on a Wednesday, with the sun shining and the world never slowing. We’d spent the afternoon having a picnic on her balcony as she talked about tulips and the smell of honeysuckle.

  As I slowly began to pack her apartment, I was forced to reminisce about my life growing up. It was only then that I’d realized how much I had missed while allowing myself to drift off into my imagination.

  I arranged for the local shelter to come collect most of her belongings that she would have wanted to be donated, keeping a small box of pictures and personal belongings for myself.

  My cell rang as I struggled to hold the box with one hand as I ascended the steps to my apartment. I pulled my phone from my pocket, blowing a wisp of hair from my face before perching it on my shoulder.


  “I need you to get down to Memorial. Julia Mayfield has gone into labor.”

  Rolling my eyes, I made it to the top of the stairs. “Who gives a shit about Julia Mayfield? She’s washed up.”

  “Anyone who is a fan of Drake Gibson cares. This is hot gossip.”

  “It’s beneath us, Liz and you know it.” Setting the box on my island in the kitchen, I kicked the door closed with my foot.

  “You mean it’s beneath you. You know this is front page news. And you also know that maybe you should have heard him out when he tried to talk to you.” She sighed loudly and I knew she had a look of disappointment on her face.

  “It wouldn’t have mattered.”

  “What if he wasn’t lying to you, Gabby? You can’t fault him if
he didn’t know she was pregnant. He did what he thought was right. Cut the man some slack. Isn’t it you who is always going on about celebrities being human just like the rest of us?”

  “Don’t use my logic and stubbornness against me. Besides, I’m not sure they’d ever broken up to begin with.”

  “Fine. I’ll send Carrie and you can keep acting like a spoiled child.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And you can go to the Sparrow Wing premiere. I’ll even give you a raise if you don’t call anyone an asshole.” She hung up before I could respond.

  Angrily, I kicked my foot out, connecting with the island. My flats did little to protect my toes and I immediately fell to the floor, clutching my foot.

  “Shit, shit, shit, shit,” I called out as I looked around my apartment. I was along. No one was here to help me. “This is a glimpse at my Christmas future, isn’t it? I’m like that God damn Grinch... or Scrooge or whatever.”

  Gripping the bar stool, I struggle to pull myself to my feet, screeching in pain as I tried to put weight on my sore foot.

  I grabbed my phone and called back Liz, but she didn’t answer. I knew she was probably laughing to herself thinking I was calling to beg to get out of the premiere. Just perfect. I tossed it back on the counter and bent over, slowly slipping my flat off my foot, cringing at my purple, swollen toes.

  I gripped my shoe in my hand as I slid my phone into my purse and hobbled toward my door, nearly falling over as I slipped into the hallway. Glancing down the seemingly endless flight of stairs, I cursed under my breath, as I sank to the ground and inched my way down on my bottom.

  It felt like an hour had passed before I made it around back to my car.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “You have a lot of fucking nerve.” Running my hand through my hair, I paced the floor of my home. My adrenaline was pumping so hard through my body I was practically shaking.

  “You don’t want to come meet your cousin?” Her voice was anxious. “The doctor said he could arrive anytime.”

  “Fuck you, Julia.”

  “I said I was sorry.”

  “You’re sorry? You fucking lied to me. You tried to get me to marry you. You made me think the baby was mine.”

  “I need you. I can’t do this alone. I don’t know how to raise a child.” Her voice wavered and I could tell she was scared. Levi left that day at her appointment and never looked back.

  “Yeah, neither did I.” I disconnected the call and hung my head, my chest aching with the loss of the only family I had left. It killed me to turn my back on my baby that no doubt would look just like Levi. I could still picture the wide-eyed, dirty-faced boy who would beg me for something to eat. I would go all day with barely any food in my belly to make sure he was able to sleep without a stomach ache.

  What we went through made me hard, uncaring and it made Levi a fighter. He would do anything to get ahead and to fill his pockets. But he crossed a line and in his greed, he hurt the one person who would die for him. Now it was killing me inside.

  I grabbed my keys and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind me. I couldn’t let Julia alone when he was scared. The baby wasn’t due for another couple of weeks and if something happened, she wouldn’t be able to handle it on her own.

  The drive down the highway felt like I was driving to a funeral. It was amazing how much I had learned and changed, only to have my past catch up with me. I deserved all of the bad shit that had come my way, but that didn’t make it any easier to take.

  I wanted to be past all of this anger and bitterness but no matter how hard I tried, it just kept coming back. Now there would be a child, the final nail in the coffin of my relationship with Julia.

  It took me twenty-five minutes to make it to the hospital, twenty more to find the emergency room. It took another fifteen to figure out that due to her being close enough to her due date, she was on the fourth floor at Labor & Delivery.

  I slammed through the Emergency room door and came face to face with Gabriela. Her mouth was open in shock as she perched on one foot, struggling to keep her balance.

  “Ghost of Christmas past,” she mumbled, shaking her head.

  “What?” I tried to suppress my smile but I was so happy to finally see her again, I couldn’t help myself.

  “Nothing. Just... my luck.” She rolled her eyes as she hopped toward the door. I reached out, grabbing her arm to help steady her.

  “What happened?” My eyes accessed her, pausing on her bruised foot.

  “I fought a kitchen island and it won. Why are you here?” Her tone lost its edge, replaced with concern.

  “Julia is having the baby.” I swallowed back the pain that came with speaking those words out loud.

  “Oh, right. Well, you better get in there.” She pulled her arm from my grip as she shoved open the door and hobbled into the waiting room.

  “It’s fine. I can wait with you.”

  Whipping around, she glared at me in disgust. “You’re going to miss the birth of your child? That’s low, even for you.”

  “Do you think you could keep your voice down?” I swallowed back the anger that was threatening to boil over as I looked around, ensuring that no one was listening to us. A nurse handed Gabby a clipboard and she reluctantly let me help her to a row of chairs that sat empty along the wall. I watched her hand move over the paper before a small drop of liquid hit where she had just written her name, smudging the pen mark.

  “Hey.” Placing my finger under her chin I made her look at me. Her chin quivered as she struggled not to let out a sob.

  “You lied to me.”

  “No, I didn’t. Julia and I had split up just like I’d said. And as it turned out, she had been cheating on me with Levi.”

  “What?” she gasped so loudly an elderly gentleman shushed her with an angry glare.

  “It’s his baby, Gabby.”

  Her look of shock turned to horror as she understood just what I had been through. “I am so sorry.”

  “Don't apologize.” I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my palm over my jaw. “He’s not. And, to be honest, maybe it’s for the best.”

  “How could you say that?”

  I took the clipboard from her hand and stood. “I’ll take this up for you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I watched as Drake walked to the nurse at the front desk, who smiled widely when she recognized him.

  It was hard to process what he had been through and I could only imagine how much worse it had been suffering through it alone. He returned to my side, stretching his legs out as he looked down at my foot.

  “It’s fine. I think I just broke a few toes.”

  “You know they won’t really do anything for that here. Maybe tape them together.”

  “Really? That would have been useful to know before I drove all the way out here.”

  “Oh, come on. It was worth it, wasn’t it?” His eyes searched mine and my heart ached in my chest. There was so much I wanted to say, but I sat frozen, forcing myself not to throw my arms around his neck.

  “Gabriela Slone?” A doctor called out from across the room.

  “I should... I should go.” I pushed to my feet, wobbling as I struggled to steady myself.

  “Right.” He stood, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. “I should get up to the fourth floor. Julia is waiting for me.”

  With a nod and the biggest smile I could muster, I turned and walked away from him but he caught my hand.

  “I want to see you.”


  “What are the odds of us meeting here today? You can’t just ignore that. I know you can’t.”

  “I don’t believe in fate and meant to be anymore, Drake. That’s all make believe.”

  “Don’t say no. Just think about it. You have my number.” His thumb slid over my wrist and I pictured his long fingers wrapped around my wrists, pinning them above my head. My
skin heated at the memory of us together. His eyes narrowed as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. “I miss you.”

  I nodded once and pulled my hand from his.

  The nurse walked through the double doors and I struggled to keep pace with her as she led me to a tiny room with a curtain for a door. “Have a seat and I am going to take your vitals.”

  I sank down on the edge of the paper covered bed and let my imagination wander for the first time in months. I tried to picture what Drake and I would look like had we not ended things so abruptly.

  My heart sank as I imagined the dread he must have been feeling now as he went to great his cousin and ex-lovers new baby.

  The last thing I wanted was to go backward but forward looked even bleaker on my own. I nodded to the nurse as she looked at me expectantly, having no clue what she had asked. Pushing from her small stool, she exited the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  The doctor entered moments later, took one look at my foot and shook his head.

  “I can tape the toes together for you, but only time will heal this wound. I’d stay off it as much as possible and take an over the counter pain reliever when needed.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled as he looped the tape around my toes. After signing some paperwork, I was able to hobble out to my car.

  I sat behind the wheel and glanced up to the fourth row of windows, wondering which one had Drake on the other side.

  I couldn’t imagine what he was going through, watching the baby he thought was his being born.

  I wiped a stray tear from my cheek and headed back to my apartment to get some much-needed rest. I couldn’t think clearly with him so close by. It’s like my body reacted on its own accord. I leaned into him when he spoke, my eyes trained on his lips as they moved. I couldn’t get enough of him and it clouded my judgment.


  Falling onto my bed, I stared at my ceiling for hours, uncertain how I felt after seeing Drake and learning what Levi had done. I knew he was prideful and the discovery of their betrayal must have been excruciating. I’d never given him the chance to explain or I could have saved us both some heartache.