Page 12 of Cara's Twelve

  Every day Cara came to her. Tried to talk her through the emotional and mental suffering she endured, but nothing seemed to help.

  Her nightmares came day and night. It was as if she relived her torture over and over again, awake or asleep, and Cara soon realized there wasn't much she could do to help her cousin as she battled the demons in her mind.

  Cara watched as the physician finished applying the ointment and helped Maeve back into her linen night shirt.

  Maeve grasped the man's hand as he turned to leave, and the desperate look in her eyes made Cara's heart break. “Please,” she begged. “Just a little more. I need to sleep.”

  The man looked to Cara and then back at Maeve and shook his head. “I'm sorry, but I can't do that.”

  “You can, but you won't,” Maeve whined, pouting like a child. “You don't want me to get better. You want me to suffer.”

  The physician looked abashed as he left the carriage, and Cara felt sorry for the man. He had worked tirelessly to save Maeve's life, spending countless sleepless nights caring for her. He didn't deserve Maeve's hateful words.

  “You shouldn't speak to him like that,” Cara said, picking up a comb and starting to brush the tangles from Maeve's hair. “If it wasn't for him you wouldn't have survived.”

  In a rare display of strength, Maeve grabbed the brush from Cara's hand, threw it across the carriage, and began sobbing and ranting incoherently.

  Cara stood up and backed away.

  Maeve began furiously rocking back in forth, and shaking her head uncontrollably.

  “Maeve, calm yourself.”

  Maeve's eyes latched onto her, and Cara's breath hitched in her throat at the hatred she saw reflected in the green depths.

  “Why did you save me? Just to torture me more? I didn't want this. I can't live like this. You want me to thank you. For what? You ruined my life. You have everything and you stick me in a room and leave me to rot. I'm just an animal to you. You want me alive so my death won't eat at your conscious. I hate you. I hate you all, and I wish you would have let me die.”

  Maeve's outburst was so out of character and all Cara could do was watch in bewilderment as her cousin transformed before her eyes. This wasn't the same girl she had befriended in the castle. There was a darkness in her now that Cara couldn't comprehend.

  Cara suppressed the urge to lash back. It would do neither of them any good, and Cara could see that Maeve wasn't in her right mind. But she also wouldn't stay and take the abuse. Everything she had done had been for Maeve.

  Opening the door to the carriage, Cara stopped and turned to address her cousin. “You aren't the only one that has suffered. Countless people have risked their lives for you. No one has asked for your thanks, all we have asked is that you try. Try to live.” Cara choked on the words and her vision blurred with unshed tears. “I love you. Reyn loves you. But you push us away. It's your choice. You can choose darkness and death over life and love. But I won't have you blame us because you're too much of a coward to live.”

  Cara watched as Maeve's face went white, but she didn't wait for a response. Instead she slammed the carriage door and ran.

  * * *

  Tahdaon watched as Cara fled Maeve's carriage and ran in the opposite direction of their camp.

  “Shit,” Tahdaon hissed, as he watched her disappear behind a cluster of trees.

  He grabbed the nearest horse, and not wasting time with a saddle, mounted bareback and took off in the direction she had fled.

  Three weeks travelling and she had never left the camp. He had started to feel confident that she had listened to his warnings not to wonder off. But something Maeve had said or done had obviously upset her enough to ignore his advice. He had caught a glimpse of her face before she had turned and run off, and what he had seen was an emotion he was well acquainted with. Blinded by anger, he knew she would run until her emotions cooled, but by then she would be too far from the camp for anyone to hear her if she got lost or was in danger.

  By the time he caught up with her, she had travelled an impressive distance from the camp

  Breathing heavily, she barely glanced at him as he rode beside her. Wiping her tear streaked cheeks with the back of her hands, she sniffed, “Go away, Tahdaon. I'm not in the mood to argue.”

  “Looks to me it's exactly the mood you're in.”

  She glared at him and kept walking.

  In one fluid movement he dismounted, grabbed her by the waist and spun her around. “I thought we discussed this already. You put yourself at risk by leaving camp alone.”

  “I don't need you watching over me. I can take care of myself,” she said, pushing at his chest, but he didn't let her go.

  “Really? So you know how to get back then?” His voice held a challenge.

  She looked around and blinked several times, as if she finally realized how far she had gone.

  “Didn't think so,” he said shaking his head. “Come on, I'll take you back.”

  To his horror, she burst into tears and buried her face against his chest.

  Cursing under his breath, he raked his fingers through his hair and looked down at her. He abhorred the sound of a woman's weeping. It grated on every nerve in his body. His mother and sister had often teased him that he would rather take a lashing then have to suffer a woman's tears. It wasn't far from the truth.

  But he had gone after her, knowing she was upset, and now he would have to suffer the consequences. “There, there,” he stammered, as he awkwardly began patting her back.

  Her tears soon turned to laughter, and when she looked up at him he knew she was making fun of him.

  “What?” he asked, frowning.

  “You're not very good at this,” she said, her eyes teasing.

  He grunted. She could mock him all she wanted, as long as she stopped crying.

  “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

  She shook her head, and he saw her face turn red and her eyes mist over. Damn, wrong question.

  “I just need to walk it off,” she muttered, taking a deep breath, but instead of pushing away from him, she melted deeper into his arms.

  As he held her, he couldn't help his body's response to the soft curves that pressed against his chest and groin. He breathed in her scent and closed his eyes.

  How long had it been since he held a woman in his arms?

  Far too long.

  He ran a hand down the length of her back and drew her closer. His other hand caught at the nape of her neck and stroked the delicate skin, before weaving his fingers through her dark tresses. She would run in fear from him if she knew his thoughts.

  He could feel the heat of her breath through the thin fabric of his shirt, and when he tightened his grip, she shivered against him, even though the summer wind blew hot.

  Her body moved against his in slow innocent movements that had him biting back a curse, and he tried unsuccessfully to control his own body from reacting. With a single touch she had him hard as a rock and aching to be inside her.

  “Cara,” he said, pushing her per back so he could see her face.

  He sucked in his breath at the hunger he saw reflected in her soft brown eyes.

  She licked her lips and ran her fingers across his chest. It took everything in him not to devour her mouth in a scorching kiss that would leave them both needing more.

  He caught her wrist as she traced the white scar along his jaw. “You won't like how I play, little girl, best you run back to Finn, or one of your other little pets.”

  His words were harsher then he had intended them to be, and he watched her eyes dim, as the passion that had been there a moment before quickly turned to self-doubt.


  You always did have a way with words, asshole.

  “You don't want me,” she said quietly. Pushing away from him, she looked down at her feet, and he saw the tips of her ears turn pink in embarrassment. “It's fine.”

  He stared down at her in disbelief. Didn't want her
? Was she delusional? His body ached to possess her. She should be telling him off, yelling at him for being such a prick, not looking like an abandoned child. Where was the confident woman that had stood before the Queen of Elbia and sentenced her to life in exile? He didn't know where her insecurities had come from, but he was highly suspicious Finn had something to do with it.

  He grabbed her harshly and growled into her ear, “I would take you here, now, if I knew that was what you wanted.”

  Her eyes opened wide at his suggestion.

  “Here?” she choked on the word.

  He tilted her chin roughly and forced her to look at him. If he was going to do this, she needed to know his terms. “But that's all I can give you. No soft words. No tender touches. You can seek out Finn or any of the other men if that's what you want. I will give you my body, but nothing else.”

  He searched her eyes for her answer and saw her apprehension. He wouldn't take her unless he knew he had her absolute consent.

  Finally she answered him. “If that's all you can give, then that's all I will take.”

  “You're sure?”

  This time he heard the confidence in her voice as she answered, “Yes, Tahdaon, I want you to make love to me.”

  “What I'm going to do to you has nothing to do with love.”

  She gasped as his lips covered hers. For a brief moment she hesitated before returning his kiss. He groaned in pleasure as her lips parted against his probing tongue. She tasted amazing and he had to stop himself from going too fast. He was sure that neither Finn nor Cush had hungered for her the way he did. Their lovemaking would have been gentle and slow compared to what he had to offer.

  In a quick and effortless movement, and without breaking away from her sensual mouth, he picked her up and carried her to the shade of an oak tree. Laying her down on the soft grass, he pulled away and searched her eyes. “I'll stop at any time. Okay?”

  She nodded and he saw a flicker of fear cross her expression. He was going to beat Finn for putting that fear in her.

  He would have to be gentle with her.

  At least this once.

  Shifting his weight, he steadied himself on one arm, and trailed his thumb down her throat. He could see and feel her heartbeat as it pulsed rapidly beneath his thumb. She trembled at his touch, and this time when she reached up to touch his face he didn't pull away.

  She held him transfixed and he couldn't look away. For the first time he noticed flecks of gold in the soft eyes that stared back at him with complete trust. She was stunning, and his mouth went dry at the thought of possessing her fully.

  He warned himself not to let her get into his head. He knew he shouldn't let her affect him the way she did, but watching her tremble under his touch made him want her so much more.


  Sex. Nothing more. That's all it could be.

  Before he could have second thoughts, he claimed her mouth once more.

  Warmth spread over his flesh as she trailed her fingers down his chest and pulled at the hem of his shirt.

  “Can I take it off?” she asked shyly.

  Leaning forward, he allowed her to pull his shirt over his head, and watched as her eyes burned with desire at the sight of his bare flesh. She ran her hands down his chest and across the muscles of his abdomen. Her touch sent chills down the entire length of his body, and his cock hardened to the point of pain.

  She shivered as he started to unbutton the front of her dress, and gasped in pleasure as he cupped her exposed breast. With the pad of his thumb, he gently stroked and coerced her nipple until she cried out in pleasure.

  She groaned and quivered beneath him when his mouth covered her breast. Lifting the hem of her dress, he ran his hand up her inner leg until he found the cleft between her legs. She was already wet and ready for him, and it took everything in him not to tear off the rest of his clothes and take her right then.

  “Tahdaon.” Her voice was weak and uncertain, as his fingers found the small nodule he knew could give her immense pleasure.

  “I've got you. Just relax.”

  His tongue flicked and sucked on her breast, as his fingers expertly stroked and caressed her wet cleft. Her breath came faster, in small panting waves, and he knew she was almost at the point of orgasm. He wanted to taste her, to have her shiver in ecstasy against his mouth.

  She moaned in distress as he drew his hand away.

  “I'm not leaving you,” he growled, positioning himself between her legs.

  Her eyes widened in surprise as his tongue found the spot his fingers had been.

  “Tahdaon,” she repeated, and arched her hips to meet his probing tongue.

  She gasped as a fierce tremor shook through her, and he growled in delight as he tasted her orgasm.

  His gaze held hers as he positioned his body above her, and pushed the fabric of his trousers down to his knees. Her eyes widened at the sight of him.

  Taking his thick cock in his hand, he positioned it between the juncture of her thighs, and began to work himself inside her tight wet flesh. He groaned in pleasure as he sank deeper.

  He growled low in in his throat as he penetrate the thin piece of flesh of her maidenhood.

  She cried out in pain, and he pulled back and looked at her in shock.

  “Bloody hell, Cara,” he swore, feeling the blood drain from his face.

  “Don't leave me, please, Tahdaon,” she pleaded, as she looked at him in desperation.

  He shook his head and tried to push aside the anger he felt. He couldn't pull away from her. It would traumatize her more than what he had already done. What an idiot he had been, assuming that the rumors were true. He was going to kick Finn and Cush's asses for allowing the men to believe they had been with her.

  She blew out a shuddering breath, and he saw her eyes cloud over.

  Damn it.

  He was still buried inside of her, and by her expression he saw that the physical pain had started to subside.

  “I won't leave you,” he said gruffly.

  Leaning down he found her mouth, and gently kissed her until she relaxed beneath him. Slowly he moved inside of her, and he felt her open to accept him. Her hands trailed down his sides and rested on his hips.

  “You set the pace. Show me what you want,” he said against her mouth.

  He allowed her hands to guide his hips, slowly at first, and then with more urgency. He could explode at any moment, and had to control himself as her hips arched towards him, and her kiss became almost desperate.

  He steadied himself on one arm, and cupped her breast in his other hand. Her pace quickened, and he felt her mounting pleasure.

  Throwing her head back and cried out as her body climaxed in spasms around his cock. He thrust hard against her hips and let his own pleasure consume him. He exploded inside her, and his body went limp against her.

  He buried his head against her neck and waited until his body finished convulsing before slowly moving away.

  Rolling onto his back, he pulled his pants up and closed his eyes. Guilt crushed him. How had he been so stupid not to see past the rumors? She hadn't been touched. Not by Finn or Helfrich. Not by Cush. He had taken her virginity on an open field like a common whore. He covered his eyes with his hands and blew out a frustrated breath.

  He heard her move and looked over to see her slowly rearranging her dress, but there was nothing she could do to hide the blood that stained it. She had her back to him, and he could tell she was trying to steady her breathing.

  He cursed out loud and saw her shoulders flinch.

  This had been what he was worried about. There could be no emotions involved. He didn't know how to comfort her. Not without making things worse. Standing up, he grabbed his shirt and pulled it on.

  “Let's go,” he snapped, and cringed at the edge in his voice.

  She shuddered and let out an uneven breath before standing and turning towards him.

  He expected to see tears and fury in her eyes, but when she t
urned her eyes were expressionless, vacant, and that scared him more than the anger he expected.

  He had fucked up royally.

  “Cara,” he started, but she held up a hand and shook her head.

  “It's fine. You told me your rules,” she said evenly, avoiding his gaze. “Let's go back to camp. I'm sure they will be starting to worry by now.

  There was nothing else he could do or say.

  He cursed as he realized he hadn't secured the horse, but was relieved to see it grazing not far from them. Grabbing the reins, he mounted and offered his hand to her. She hesitated, and stared blankly at the horse, careful not to meet his eyes, before accepting his hand and allowing him to hoist her up and positioning her between his legs.

  She sat frigid, flinching when her back touched his chest. He knew it was a defense mechanism, but her icy countenance bit at him. He deserved her anger, he had been careless with her, but knowing it was justified didn't make it any easier to endure.

  The ride back to the camp was painful. He had no words, and the silence stretched awkwardly between them. The closer they got to camp, the more his anger built. He had been foolish to take her the way he had, but he would never have gone near her if he had known she hadn't been touched before.

  As they rode into camp, he saw Finn, pursued by the other men marching towards them. Tahdaon's blood boiled as he saw the concern etched on Finn's face.

  Stopping in front of Cara's carriage, he helped her off the horse and ordered, “Get inside and clean up.”

  She looked up at him and his heart clenched in pain as he saw the insecurity that haunted her eyes before she turned and walked away.

  “Cara,” Finn yelled as he advanced, but Tahdaon heard the carriage door shut in response.

  Taking a deep breath, Tahdaon took in the men that approached. Helfrich, Hauk, Efy, Wesley, Reyn, Batch, and Cush. His issue was with Finn and Cush, but he would take them all on if he had to.

  “What the hell did you do to her?” Finn accused, and Tahdaon saw that he had guessed exactly what he had done. “I swear on Annul's altar that I will kill you if you hurt her.”

  Tahdaon jumped from the horse, and without hesitating, punched Finn square in the jaw.