Page 23 of Incurable Hearts

  “I am not, she acted exactly the way I thought she would. She has always been the same, which is why I haven’t had contact over the years. I have you now and Rose and Henry for family, that is all I need.” I said turning to kiss him which the turned into naughtiness.

  “You haven’t seen your friends for a while.” I said feeling guilty I was taking his time up.

  “I have plenty of time to see them. I am not going to lose time seeing them when I could be here with you.” He said kissing the top of my head.

  “And what about your job? I don’t want your life to end just because mine is going to.” I said.

  “Jas I am self employed, I could take six months off and Joe would still take me back. My ego is big enough to know I am one of his best workers.”

  “Promise me you will deposit your bonus then, otherwise I might have to do something stupid like leave you millions of pounds that you won’t take. I need to know that you are not going to be left broke when I am gone.” I said.

  “Why does money mean so much to you?”

  “Because I went without for so many years and I never want to feel like that again.” I answered him honestly.

  “I understand but you have to understand I am not going to go without because I won’t let you give me money, your all I ever want Jas not your money.” He said.

  “Promise me you will cash your check then! I am serious between this tumour and being in the Christmas spirit it is making me feel extremely crazy, you could wake up in the morning to find millions in your bank, I will get my accountant on it first thing.” I warned him.

  “Okay okay. I will cash the check,” He said laughing.

  “Good, besides you did earn it.” I reminded him.

  “I suppose your right when you put it like that.” He said.

  I knew I was right.

  We slept downstairs on the sofa that night so I could fall asleep looking at the Christmas lights, after I had made my promise that I would wake up in the morning. It was soon apparent why I steered clear of celebrating Christmas, I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or reliving a past memory but I was seven years old again. It was the last Christmas I had where both my parents were still married. They had had some friends over for drinks, everyone had left and they had started arguing, they were both drunk and shouting about something I didn’t understand. Things started to get thrown about and smashed and then I heard my mum screaming like she was scared, she ran up the stairs and locked herself in their bedroom. My dad left the house slamming the door so hard it didn’t shut. After a while I remember going downstairs to make sure the door was shut and saw the Christmas tree had been thrown across the room, god knows what they had done to it but it wouldn’t stand back up again and most of the baubles were smashed too. I cried my eyes out, as there were no presents under the tree or where the tree should have been. That was the year I stopped believing in Father Christmas because the next morning when my mother woke up she told me to look in the cupboard at the top of the stairs, they hadn’t even been wrapped.

  “Jas, wake up. You’re having a nightmare.”

  my eyes opened to Christopher gently shaking me awake. My cheeks were wet and I couldn’t catch my breath.

  “It is okay, I am here, you are safe,” He murmured.

  I slowly got myself together and told him about my nightmare, I could feel the anger radiating from him.

  “Don’t feel sorry for me, it feels like it happened in a different lifetime now.” I said.

  “I wish we didn’t stop talking after that night, I would have taken you away from all the bad shit in your life.”

  “I love you so much, don’t ever believe any differently. You are truly the best thing that ever happened to me.” I said lying back down with him. Trying once again to fall asleep in front the Christmas lights.

  Part Two…Christopher

  I hadn’t missed the way my mum had been looking at Henry earlier when he was opening her door, I pushed the thought of them dating out of my head not wanting to go down that road. I kept an eye on them talking at the bar while Jas was talking to her mother. They looked comfortable with each other and they seemed to have a lot to talk about.

  Jas had asked me not to get involved while she spoke with her mother, I would be surprised if I had a tongue left after this conversation with how hard and often I was biting it. Her mother was vile until she reacted like any mother should when told their child was dying, she cried and sobbed. When she threw herself on Jas it was sad, Jas looked like she didn’t know what to do, she didn’t cuddle her back or anything. You never would have guessed they were mother and daughter. Jas looked at me and I peeled her mother off of her and put her back on her chair.

  They sat talking for a while, my tongue didn’t need biting as her mother was asking questions and Jas was answering her, everything was going smoothly until Lizzie asked about Jasmines money. I could not believe it! This woman should not have been allowed to have children. She was the one who was selfish to the core. I spoke up once but Jas shut us both up and defended herself.

  She said her piece and left the pub, Jas asked me not to say anything but she wasn’t here now,

  “Your daughter is the best thing in your life and you can’t see past her bank balance to realise that. You won’t be seeing her again if I have anything to do with it.” I promised her leaving my drink unfinished on the table.

  I made my way over to my mum behind the bar to say goodbye.

  “Were leaving now.” I told her.

  Henry had followed Jas outside so my mum was on her own.

  “I take it things didn’t go well?” She asked looking over to Lizzie.


  “I wish I hadn’t said anything now.” She said looking guilty.

  “Don’t worry about it, she knows now. I just can’t believe she can be so cold to Jas.”

  “Not everyone has parents they can depend on,”

  That was true. It was hard to imagine as I always had my mum on my side whether I was in the right or wrong.

  “I have to go, I will speak to you soon.” I said before leaving the pub.

  By the time we got back to Jas’s house she wasn’t angry about her mother anymore, she had locked her in the past and I knew Jas was good at locking things away.

  She sent Henry out to buy a Christmas tree and decorations; her excitement for Christmas had intensified since she had cleared the air with my mother.

  While Henry was out of the way Jas had me changing the plaque on the guest house where he stayed, she had us searching for the drill for ages, in the end she asked Rose where it was kept. Just lately I had caught Jas randomly looking in drawers and cupboards looking at where things were kept.

  “Where do you want it?” I asked her.

  “Take the plaque that is there off and put this one in its place, I had it made to be the same size.” She replied handing me the new plaque.

  “How long has he lived here?” I asked.

  “Nearly nine years now, accommodation came with the job.” She said.

  She was looking tired standing there, I carried on trying to be fast as possible so I could get her back in the house.

  Once the last screw was tightened in place I polished the dust of the plaque.

  “Thank you so much, it looks perfect.” Jas said.

  “Henrys House is bigger than my house,” I joked but being serious, “He will love it Jas.”

  “We will wait and see if he notices it. Come on if you are lucky I will help you wrap the presents.” She said as I followed her back to the house.

  “Since when has that been my job?” I asked because my wrapping skills were terrible.

  “Since I have never wrapped a present in my life and I want them to look half decent.”

  I wasn’t sure if she meant she paid someone else to wrap her gifts or if she hadn’t needed to wrap presents because she didn’t have anyone to buy for? Either option was possible with Jas and both were kind of sad.


  Part One…Jasmine

  It sounded like Christopher was on the phone to someone,

  “I don’t want to wake her as she didn’t have a good night,” Then there was silence, “No no she is okay, she kept having nightmares,” More silence,

  “I will ask her when she wakes up,” More silence.

  Who could he be on the phone to that I would need to answer a question for? I slowly sat up and tapped him on the shoulder to let him know I was awake.

  “Oh hold on mum.” So it was his mother.

  “Jas, my mum wants to know who Julie Simmons is and why does she think she has been hired to design a new kitchen?” He asked on behalf of his mother.

  “Because I hired her, she is the best designer. She has done all my designs for each of my properties. All your mum has to do is tell her what she wants and Julie will make it happen.” I said laying back down.

  There was a dull ache at the front of my head that was beginning to piss me off and I had only just woke up,

  “It isn’t a big deal, it is my treat.”

  He relayed the information back to his mother and hung up.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” He said getting back under the covers.

  “I know I didn’t have to, I wanted to. Look she needs a new kitchen and the council won’t give her one, I have more money than I need why can’t I do this for her? And anyway she gave me you, call it a thank you gift so be quiet because my head is hurting.” I said covering my eyes with my arm.

  “Do you need anything?” He asked sitting back up.

  “No, I will be okay for now just laying here.”

  I must have drifted of again as when I woke up it felt late in the day. It was raining outside and falling hard against the window, someone had turned the Christmas tree lights off so I got up and switched them back on. That was better.

  “Good afternoon, it is about time you joined us” Rose said coming into the living room with a cup of tea, glass of water and my medication,

  “I was going to wake you as you need to take these,” she said.

  “Where is Christopher?” I asked noticing his absence.

  “He had Henry take him into town, they are going to pick his mother up on their way back” She updated me,

  “Apparently he had something to buy for a certain someone,” She said winking at me.

  “Is that so?” I said giddy with excitement.

  She carried on to inform me of the menu tonight, I made sure to remind her not to fill my plate with too much food and she agreed.

  “You should go and get washed and dressed, they left a while ago so they should be back very soon. I will clear this away before they get here.” she said collecting the blankets of the sofa.

  The shower felt refreshing on my body, the water beating down my back like a really good massage. I inhaled the scent of the strawberry shampoo more deeply than I normally would have just checking my sense of smell was still working. It was. I reached out for the soap; misjudging the distance my hand remained empty. I reached out again and again my hand remained empty. I looked around and it was like trying to look through really thick water, I could hardly see my hand in front of my face. I began panicking.

  “ROSE! ROSSSSEEEEEEE!” I screamed hoping she would hear.

  I couldn’t find the shower door to get out. I slid down to the floor crying, part of me was screaming for me to get a grip but the more dominant part of me was too scared to move. I didn’t know what part to listen to?

  “Rose.” I sobbed.

  I kept squeezing my eyes open and shut hoping my sight would be clear but it remained blurred.

  “JASMINE!” Christopher was home and he was coming to help me.

  He came into the shower and picked me up while Rose turned the water off. She handed him a robe that he wrapped round me.

  “What is it Jas?” He sounded so frightened.

  “I can’t see properly, I got scared and I couldn’t get out. I called for Rose.” I said trying to clam myself down.

  “ I know we heard you. I came as quick as I could. Can you see any better now?” He asked.

  “It is better then it was in the shower but it is still blurry.”

  “I leave you for a couple of hours and this is what happens. What am I going to do with you?” He said trying to make me laugh.

  “Well you can’t let me shower alone anymore.” I said smirking.

  “It will be a hard job but I suppose I can oblige just because it is you,” He said smirking back.

  It was amazing how quickly a horrible situation could turn by our flirting.

  “Yes yes okay, hot young love but your mother is waiting downstairs and you need to get dressed.” Rose said becoming the most irritating woman in the world right now but she did have a point. I had forgotten he was picking his mother up.

  “You go down to your mother and Rose you can help me choose something to wear.” I said kissing him before letting him go.

  Alex and Nat arrived as I was on my way downstairs, Rose guided me into the kitchen and sat me at the table much to my annoyance. I could see better now but it was still blurry around the edges.

  “There you are,” Fiona said enveloping me in her arms,

  “How are you feeling?” She asked.

  “I have been better, don’t worry about me. Look at all this, Rose you have succeeded yourself.” I said looking at the spread laid out on the table trying to change the conversation.

  “Aww, it was no problem. It was nice to cook for more than us,” She said modestly.

  “Hi Jas,” Natalie said taking her seat at the table next to me, “Thank you for inviting us round.”

  “It is my pleasure, how are you feeling?” I asked looking at her stomach, she made sure no one was in ear shot before answering,

  “This little one is intent on making me sick morning noon and night. I keep reminding myself he or she will all be worth it in the end.” She said rubbing her tummy.

  “I hope Alex is looking after you.”

  “Alex has been brilliant, I think he is more excited then I am,” She said.

  “Excited about what?” Fiona asked overhearing hopefully only the end of Natalie’s reply.

  “About your new kitchen, how did it go with Julie?” I asked receiving a gracious smile form Natalie.

  “Awkward to tell you the truth.” she said frowning.

  “What do you mean? Didn’t you get on with her?”

  “Julie is lovely. She had loads of ideas but it is too much Jasmine, I can not accept this from you.” She said.

  “Yes you can. Look you need a new kitchen and I am able to help. If you needed a new house I would buy you one, do you want a new house?” I asked.

  I wanted her to see that it wasn’t about money. I wanted to help her. If she needed something as small as a new microwave I would still want to help.

  “A new kitchen will suffice, CJ warned me you would be like this, not to argue with you or maybe I would come home from work to find workers doing it anyway.” she said relaxing.

  “Your son is learning. I have changed a lot recently and if you let me help you I will. After everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen I want to make it easier for you all.” I said trying my best not to cry.

  Fiona saw how hard I was trying and came over to hug me.

  “I will accept the new kitchen however you making my CJ this happy is all I could ask for. It is a shame you won’t be giving me grandchildren, the two of you would have cracking looking babies but I am sure our Nat will bear a stunner, but I probably won’t get to meet little junior as they won't tell me.” She said.

  Natalie looked as shocked as me.

  “Oh come on, do you think I don’t hear you being sick all day every day?” She asked Nat walking over to her to offer her congratulations.

  “We were going to tell you at Christmas.” Natalie said.

  “No more waiting now, my first grandchild. Ale
x will have to man up and get you up the aisle.” She said releasing Nat and sat back at her seat.

  I think the shock of hearing Fiona wanted her son to marry her was too much as she had tears of joy in her eyes, I know they don’t get on but hopefully this can be a turning point for them.

  “Where are the boys?” Fiona asked looking around the kitchen as if they would be

  hiding behind the units.

  “Were here.” Alex said as they walked into the kitchen, I sat silently as Fiona whispered to Nat not to say that she knew about the pregnancy.

  “Henry said he will be five minutes Rose.” Christopher informed her taking the other seat beside me,

  “Where have you to been?” I asked holding his hand, I had to squint to see his eyes properly.

  “I was showing Alex around the extension and your selection of cars.”

  “Your place is out of this world Jas and your cars are beautiful especially the Californian Ferrari.” He said with pure jealousy.

  “Thank you. Maybe I should go see where Henry is.” I said as part of the reason I invited Fiona over was so she could spend some time with him.

  “No need I am here.” He said taking the last seat at the table, Fiona’s eyes lit up when he sat next to her, they began chatting away amongst themselves.

  “That was your plan wasn’t it?” Christopher asked nodding to his mother and Henry.

  “I don’t admit to any plans but they are getting along very well, aren’t they?” I smiled mischievously.

  “Right I hope you are all hungry, here it is.” Rose said laying her homemade spaghetti Bolognese in the middle of all the other dishes.

  I waited for everyone else to help themselves before I got my own.

  “Rose this is gorgeous.” Fiona said in between mouthfuls.

  “I have seen the new addition to the guesthouse.” Henry said looking at me. I smiled at his joy although he did look a bit taken aback.

  “Do you like it? I thought it was very appropriate.”

  He wasn’t a man of very many words so his nod and smile was enough for me. I was content sitting and listening to everyone’s conversations, watching how easily Rose and Henry got on with Christopher’s family until Fiona decided it was time to have some fun with Alex.