Page 24 of Incurable Hearts

  “It isn’t like you not to have a glass of wine Nat,” She said seriously sipping her own glass of wine.

  “Are you implying I drink too much Fi?” She retorted playing along.

  “Certainly not, here let me top you up.” Fiona said reaching for the bottle of wine.

  I looked to Alex and he was sitting still watching his mothers every move none of the wiser of what his mother was really up to. Natalie sat there not saying a word. As Fiona filled her glass I could see Alex wanting to say something but he remained silent, Rose looked like she had cottoned on.

  “Your really not going to say anything son?” She asked Alex hitting him on the back of the head.

  “You know?” He asked.

  “Of course I do. Do you think you can live under the same roof and I wouldn’t find out?” She asked, “Congratulations son.” She said hugging him and kissing him several times.

  “This calls for some champagne.” I said happily getting up to retrieve some from the fridge while Rose got the flutes from the cabinet. We all took a flute when Christopher had filled them.

  “To my little brother and Natalie, you will make fantastic parents. We wish you all the best for the future. To Alex and Nat.” He finished.

  “To Alex and Nat” We all chorused raising our glasses, we settled back down and finished our meals.

  “What happened to your tree?” His mother asked when we retired to the living room.

  “Nothing, you don’t like it?” I asked her pretending not to see what she sees.

  “I was the same mum but these people are crazy, they love it. They won't let you say a bad word against it.” Christopher said from the sofa.

  “It is definitely …different.” She said trying not to hurt my feelings but I couldn’t help but laugh. Natalie was looking at everything,

  “I will give you a tour if you like?” I said to her.

  “Are you sure you will be okay walking around?” Rose asked.

  “It is a lot better now, stop worrying.” I told her.

  Natalie was amazed more and more as we went from room to room. The last room I showed her was my bedroom.

  “Jas this is ridiculous, I could fit my bedroom in here ten times over and this bed is gorgeous,” she said looking around,

  “Where is all your furniture?” She asked.

  “I don’t sleep well if it is cluttered, I keep everything in here.” I said opening the walk-in wardrobe doors.

  “Oh my god!” She squealed running into the wardrobe, “Jasmine this is…this is…magnificent,” She exclaimed, “You have everything.”

  She was picking up and looking at everything, she was right. I had every pair of shoes and purses in many different colours and styles a girl could dream of, but now I knew I had nothing compared to her. She had the man of her dreams without the threat of an incurable tumour hanging over them, she was carrying their first child and most of all they had a future.

  “It is all materialistic, you’re the one with everything.” I said digging out the mask Christopher wore the masquerade ball. I had wrapped it in black paper. I was going to get it out so he could wear it again, you know for fun, but I handed it to Natalie.

  “What is it?” She asked.

  “Could you see that Christopher gets this after I am gone, tell him I said to remember the good times,” she looked confused, “He will know what I mean.” I finished.

  “Sure. It doesn’t seem real and it is totally not fair what is happening to you guys. I could see you both married with children of your own,” She said as I laughed.

  “You might want to slow down we have been together longer then the time we have left, maybe. If it weren’t for all the doom and gloom I would definitely marry him one day.” I said sadly.

  “Your wedding would have been spectacular that is for sure.” She smiled.

  “I would give it all away if it meant I could stay with him. I always thought I needed all these things but I don’t, I need him.”

  As I finished Natalie had tears in her eyes.

  “Aww don’t cry for me or you will never stop.” I said moving closer to console her.

  “I can’t help it, I am sorry. You love each other so much I don’t know how he is going to survive losing you,” She said weeping.

  “That is why I am relying on you to help him through it. You remember how hard he took it when I broke up with him? This is going to be a trillion times harder.” I said.

  “There you are, we was wondering where you were. We should have guessed it would be about the shoes,” He said jokingly. He had a tinge of sadness around him.

  “I will meet you downstairs.” Natalie said hastily wiping her eyes and hiding the wrapped up mask from him.

  After she left the room he made his way over and sat beside me.

  “How long were you there and how much did you hear?” I asked cringing in case he heard us talking about marriage.

  “Not long.” Was all he said. He seemed distracted.

  “We should get back downstairs to your family.” I said getting up of the floor.

  “Hang on.” He released my hand and gently held my face, stroking his thumb across my cheek, I couldn’t help but lean into him.

  “You should know that you would be the only one I would have asked to marry me. I would happily spend the rest of my life with you.” So he had been listening.

  “Me too.” I said leaning in and kissing him, he broke the kiss and hugged me burying his head in my hair.

  “Jasmine Collins will you do me the honour of becoming my wife for your ever?” He whispered.

  I gasped into his chest, was he serious? I looked into his eyes and there was no doubt to me that he wasn’t joking. He really would do anything for me.

  “You don’t know what you are saying.” I said.

  “You know it is becoming a habit when I ask you serious questions you find a way of not answering me,”

  “It would have to be soon, who knows how much time I…” He cut me off.

  “Sooner the better. Yes or no?” He asked. I didn’t need much time to think about it.

  “Yes! A million times yes” I exclaimed.

  He picked me up and spun me around before kissing me with so much love it hurt.

  “We are really going to do this?” I asked still in shock.

  “Yeah we are. I want to do as much for you as I can and nothing would give me greater pleasure than you being my wife,” He said putting me back on the ground.

  “You know I am beginning the planning tonight, it will only take a couple of days to plan. See this is where money comes in handy, with hefty donations you will be my husband by the end of the week.” I told him smiling.

  He smiled that wicked grin at me and kissed me deeply again.

  Eventually we both knew we had to join our guests and went downstairs, they were preparing to leave, I didn’t realise how late it was.

  “Oh hello, we didn’t think you was coming back down.” Fiona teased. Henry was helping her into her jacket, he is such a gentleman.

  “You can’t go yet, we have some news to tell you all.” Christopher said walking down the rest of the stairs to where they were standing.

  “Not yet, Rose isn’t here.” I said to him.

  “I will go and get her,” Henry said.

  “What is going on?” His mother asked looking very suspiciously at us as we lead them back into the living room.

  Henry and Rose came in and sat with Christopher’s family on the sofa, we looked at each other silently asking if we were ready before looking at our audience, we were.

  “Okay so we know this is quick but you all understand about our time limits,” He started, they all nodded confused,

  “Jasmine has just agreed to marry me and we will be married as soon as we can pull a wedding together,” He told them.

  For a full thirty seconds they were all silent processing our news. They seemed to process it all at the same time as they all got up to congratulate us.
r />   “This calls for more champagne.” Rose said leaving the room,

  “Congratulations Miss Collins, you will make the perfect bride,” Henry said embracing me in a hug.

  “Please call me Jasmine from now on, it might be awkward calling Miss Collins when you are walking me up the aisle.” I said taking him completely by surprise, he composed himself quickly.

  “Nothing will give me greater joy Jasmine,” He said hugging me again.

  Rose came in with a tray of flutes and another bottle of champagne, Christopher took over pouring the glasses and handed them around to each of us. Taking his place back beside me for the toast, it was Fiona, who spoke up first.

  “Tonight I have been blessed with news of my first grandchild and now I am blessed to welcome Jasmine as my daughter, you have changed my CJ’s world by being apart of it. None of us know how much time we have together so we’re all going to make it count, the longer the better.” She said raising her glass in the air.

  “The longer the better.” We all cheered. It was very appropriate, the longer the better indeed.

  Christopher and Henry declined a refill, they hadn’t finished the ones they originally had, I insisted they had a drink and enjoy themselves but they wouldn’t.

  His mother kept breaking out in tears, she was so happy. All she wanted was her sons married with children and as of tonight she had one son having her first grandchild and her other son engaged. Engaged! I couldn’t believe it myself, all things considered I could not be happier than I am now. I was definitely not going to let anything ruin this for me, not even my impending doom.

  “How soon do you think you pull a wedding together then?” His mother asked me. We were all sat down again now, thoughts of leaving had been forgotten about. Rose smiled knowing if I wanted something to happen soon I would be able to make it happen.

  “By the end of the week. We will start making arrangements first thing in the morning, it will be small and private.” I replied.

  “Private?” She asked not understanding what I meant.

  “She means no media mum.” Christopher said.


  “Are you working tomorrow Fiona?” I asked her.

  “Nope, I have the next couple of days off. I will have to call Sue and let her know I will need more time off,” She said reminding herself.

  “Good, Henry will pick you up in the morning so you can help with the arrangements, you too Nat.” I said wanting everyone to be involved.

  Natalie had told me earlier how she had taken some leave from work while she was suffering from morning sickness.

  “Aww, this is so exciting, I can’t wait.” She squealed.

  “If it is going to be manic over the next few days we should get home and rest.” Alex said.

  “Your right, it is going to be a busy day tomorrow.” I warned everyone.

  Part Two…Christopher

  I shouldn’t have been surprised to learn Jasmine had hired a kitchen designer for my mum. I wasn’t capable of getting mad at her over it, she was doing it because my mum did need a new kitchen not because she was showing off.

  Jas fell back to sleep after I spoke to my mother on the phone, I didn’t want to leave her but I wanted to get her Christmas present and I wanted it to be a surprise. When we went shopping during our first weekend together she had adored a bracelet in an old antiques shop window, I was praying it would still be there.

  “I apologise for punching you.” Henry said as we drove into town.

  “Don’t worry about it, I deserved it.” I mumbled not wanting to remember the only time I allowed someone to get away with hitting me.

  “Like I said I am sorry, I know you struggled yourself over Miss Collins.” He said.

  “And I haven’t run.” I said remembering his words the first night I came back.

  “You haven’t and I don’t believe you will. I am happy you are together,” He said taking me surprise at his kindness.

  We drove the rest of the way in silence; he waited in the car while I ran into the shop.

  Luck was finally on my side for once as the bracelet was still there. Beside it was a locket in a similar style to the bracelet; on impulse I brought it as well.

  My last two presents for Jas brought and in my possession I headed back to the car to drive across town and pick my mother up for dinner at Jas’s tonight.

  She was ready and waiting when we pulled up, Henry got out and opened the car door for her, and if I wasn’t mistaken he genuinely smiled at her, almost like he was flirting with her. I shuddered at the thought and got back in the car. She was full of questions all the way to Jasmines house, each time I went to answer her Henry got there first. He had spoke more to my mother than he had to me since I met him. I was glad to get out of the car when we arrived at the house.

  “This is lovely,” My mother said following us in to the kitchen taking in her surroundings. I was asking Rose if she would keep my gifts for Jas hidden when we heard her.

  “Rose! ROSSSSSEEEEEE!” Jasmine screamed from upstairs.

  My body shot into gear and I near enough flew up the stairs before she had finished screaming. What the fuck is wrong with her? I feared what I was about to walk into. I knew I shouldn’t have left her!

  I wasn’t worried when I couldn’t see her in the bedroom as I heard the shower running. I ran into the en-suite and could faintly see her outline through the frosted glass.


  I didn’t give a damn if I got wet when I yanked open the shower door and found her sobbing, sitting on the floor. I went in and picked her up, Rose handed me Jas’s robe to wrap around her naked body.

  “What is it Jas?” I asked her rubbing the robe on her arms trying to dry her.

  “I can’t see properly, I couldn’t find my way out, I called for Rose to help,” She said taking deep breaths to calm down.

  “I know we all heard you, I came as quick as I could. Can you see any better now?” I asked her.

  What if she never got her sight back? The reality of our situation always smacked me right in the face every time she suffered. I couldn’t imagine Jas without sight. I know she would hate it. She blinked a few times before answering.

  “It is better now than it was in the shower but it is still blurry.” She said thankfully.

  I know I would still stick around if she never got her sight back but I was more than happy that she did.

  “I leave you for a couple of hours and this is what happens, what am I going to do with you?” I teased her wanting to see her smile again.

  “Well you can’t let me shower alone anymore.” She said smirking at me. I knew what this smirk meant!

  “It will be a hard job but I suppose I can oblige just because it is you.” I said giving her a smirk of my own.

  “Yes yes okay, hot young love but your mother is waiting downstairs and you need to get dressed.” Rose said pointing out the obvious, I felt like we were back at school getting told off by the teacher.

  “You go down to your mother and Rose can help me choose something to wear.” She kissing me before letting me go.

  I had no doubt her sight would return the same as when she lost her sense of smell. That is what I kept telling myself on my way down to the kitchen anyway.

  After dinner Jas offered to show Natalie around the house, they had been gone a while so I went to look for them, with them taking too long and Jas’s episode earlier I was too nervous to be away from her for too long. I heard them talking in the wardrobe. I was about to go back downstairs plus I really had to stop listening to Jas’s conversations with my family members but I wanted to know how she really felt, she kept things from me if she thought I would get upset.

  “Your wedding would have been spectacular that is for sure.” Natalie said.

  I couldn’t help cringe at the thought of what kind of wedding Jas would want especially with the amount of money she had.

  “I would give it all away if it meant I could stay with him l
onger. I always thought I needed all these things but I just need him.” Jas said sadly.

  That was the first time I had heard her not need her belongings, I knew how much she had to feel like she had everything and not nothing. I missed what was said next but caught Jasmine telling Natalie it will be much harder for me when she…left me and how she relied on Natalie to help me through it. I couldn’t stand to hear anymore, when the time came and Jas was no longer with me I would deal with the grief myself. Hearing her talk about marriage should have had me running for the hills but strangely I felt like that was the right thing to do. I would happily spend the rest of my life with Jasmine Collins.

  “There you are, we was wondering where you were, we should have guessed it would be about the shoes,” I laughed walking into the wardrobe.

  “I will meet you downstairs.” Natalie said quickly wiping the tears from her eyes, she was so sensitive. When she had left the room I went and sat with Jas on the floor.

  “How long were you there and how much did you hear?” She asked avoiding looking at me.

  “Not long.” I lied. I wanted to talk to her about the marriage thing but I couldn’t make myself speak.

  “We should get back down to your family,” She said getting up.

  Okay so now I am going to say something before the mood disappeared and it would feel weird bringing it up again.

  “Hang on,” I said taking her face in my hands while stroking my thumb across her cheek bone, I could gaze at her beauty forever,

  “You should know that you would be the only one I would have asked to marry me. I would happily spend the rest of my life with you” I said not caring that she would know I was listening to her conversation with Natalie.

  “Me too.” She said leaning to kiss me.

  I broke our kiss and pulled her tighter into my arms, I buried my head in her hair and dived in to ask her the biggest question of my life,

  “Jasmine Collins will you do me the honour of becoming my wife for your forever?” My heart was beating like a hummingbird with anticipation.