Page 25 of Incurable Hearts

  I heard her gasp in shock, she looked into my eyes, and I kept my face straight so she would know I was being serious.

  “You don’t know what you are saying.” She said.

  Why could she never just answer me?

  “You know it is becoming a habit when I ask you a question you find a way of not answering me” I said keeping my face serious.

  “It would have to be soon, who knows how much time…” I cut her off.

  “Sooner the better. Yes or no?” I asked again. She was killing me here keeping me waiting.

  “Yes. A million times yes!” She said smiling the biggest smile I had seen on her. I picked her up and spun her round. I kissed her soft lips with everything I had.

  “We are really going to do this?” She asked still in shock.

  “Yeah we are. I want to do as much for you as I can and nothing will make me happier than to call you my wife.” I said putting her back on the ground but keeping a hold on her.

  “You know I am beginning planning tonight. It will only take a couple of days to plan, see this is where money comes in handy with hefty donations you will be my husband by the end of the week.” She said still smiling proudly. I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. I took her in my arms once again and kissed her deeply.


  Part One…Jasmine

  Christopher and I stayed up well into the night writing lists of everything we needed to do. We decided the wedding would be on Friday in the evening so most of the guests would be able to attend and that we would hold it here in the garden in a marquee. By three am he had fallen asleep. I stopped browsing at flowers online and watched him sleep for a while. I know deep down I would still want him and pull of a wedding together this quickly just to know I would never have to let him go even if I wasn’t going to die. Some days lately my tumour hasn’t been centre of attention, taking all my strength just to get through the day and it was because of Christopher. His chest slowly rose and fell with each breath he took, I wish I could watch him sleep forever. I was too excited to sleep, it was nearly seven am so I got dressed and went downstairs where Rose was preparing a power breakfast for us all.

  “Good morning.” She beamed.

  “Good morning Rose.” I said sitting down at the breakfast bar with all our lists in my hands.

  “Here,” I said handing her one of my lists, “This is what we want, only finger foods, something you can manage so you don’t have to do anything during the reception.” I explained.

  We decided not to get caterers in as we were lacking time and it would be more special having Rose involved.

  “I will start today, how many will be hopefully attending?” She asked grabbing a pencil from her apron.

  I didn’t have anyone to attend but Christopher had extended family and his friends he wanted there,

  “Fifty-two, fifty-four including Christopher and I.”

  She noted it down and then handed me my cereal. It wasn’t long before Christopher walked in freshly showered and dressed, smiling when he saw me.

  “Good morning my stunning fiancé.” He said giving me a light kiss before sitting next to me.

  “Good morning to you too.” I replied.

  “Why didn’t you wake me? Did you even get any sleep?” He asked.

  “Nope.” I said.

  “Jas you should have slept.” He whined.

  “I will have plenty of time to sleep later. Today I am too excited so stop moaning at me.” I said fluttering my eyelashes at him.

  He couldn’t help but relent.

  “Here, you are going to need all your energy today.” I said handing him a plate Rose had filled with bacon and eggs.

  “Where is Henry?” I asked wanting to give him his list of jobs for the day.

  He was in charge of dealing with the marquee and heaters so we wouldn’t be cold, oh and I wanted it set up by Thursday so we could spend Friday having it decorated. Henry can be just as persuasive as me and with the added bonus of being able to throw a bundle of cash at the company I was sure he would get what I wanted for when I wanted.

  “He left to pick up Fiona and Natalie, they wanted to be here early.” Rose said.

  Right on cue they came walking through the back door. Fiona made a beeline for us full of excitement while Natalie looked like how I felt. Crap.

  “Have you eaten?” Rose asked them.

  Fiona sat down and helped herself to toast while Natalie sat at the table on the other side of the room well away from the smell of food.

  “Morning sickness?” I asked sympathetically.

  “Hopefully it will pass soon,” She said desperately.

  “So what is the plan for today then?” Fiona asked.

  “Rose is in charge of food, Henry you are to arrange the marquee, everything you need to know is on the list.” I said handing it to him.

  “Since all but two hopefully attending are Christopher’s friends or family he is in charge of inviting them as well as choosing a suit for himself and his best men. The rest is up to us.” I said looking at his mum and Nat.

  “I would like to get the rings too.” He said, I nodded and smiled.

  “Best men? Who is the other one?” His mum asked confused.

  “I am going to ask Jase as well as Alex, which reminds me I have to call him.” He replied getting up to get his phone.

  We discussed everything else that needed to be done and then on to colour schemes, which was going to be creams and pastel yellows. I had already built a picture of what I wanted it all to look like.

  “What about a registrar?” Natalie asked.

  “I would prefer a vicar.” I said.

  “Aren’t they busy this time of year?” She asked.

  “So I hear however a large donation to the church would be hard to turn down,” I smirked, “Anyway we should get going.” I said.

  It soon became clear I didn’t have Henry with me today so he wouldn’t be able to drive us around.

  “What is wrong?” Nat asked noticing my internal dilemma but then I suddenly remembered Nat could drive. Her car would be no good it wouldn’t be big enough if we were successful with our shopping.

  “Nothing. You will have to drive,” I told her, “How do you feel about driving the BMW?” she reacted the way I thought she would, excited.

  “Jas can I have a word before you go?” Christopher asked.

  Everyone else started to get ready to leave and I went to see what Christopher wanted.

  “Did you get a hold of Jase?” I asked.

  “Yeah he didn’t believe me but he is going to meet me in town with Alex.” He said pulling me closer to him.

  “Please look after yourself today,” He begged.

  “I will.” I said kissing him quickly on the lips.

  “Promise me because I won’t be there to look after you neither will Henry. You know I am going to worry until you are back with me,” He said full of concern.

  “I promise. You can bet your ass I am not going anywhere, I have you waiting to marry me, I am not going to miss my own wedding.” I said trying to soothe his worries. It worked because he smiled.

  “Okay, keep your phone on you at all times and call me if anything happens.”

  “I will.” I said.

  Fiona cleared her throat from behind us clearly wanting our attention.

  “Excuse me but if I am to see my son married in four days time we need to make a move.” She said smirking at us, she grabbed my hand and started pushing me towards the door.

  “Mum make sure she doesn’t over do it and call me if anything and I mean anything happens.” He said gaining a salute from his mother as if she were in the army taking an order. I couldn’t help laughing.

  “I have already had this from him,” She said pointing to Henry, “I will do my best, god do you really think I would let anything happen to her?” She reprimanded him.

  “The keys to the Aston Martin are in the drawer by the fridge,” I told
Christopher, “See, I know where they are kept.” I added making him laugh.

  Our first stop was a little florist shop, Fiona told us she knew the lady that worked here. It didn’t fill me with confidence when we walked in seeing how busy they were but I kept reminding myself I would throw one million pounds at them to drop all other orders to do mine. I let Fiona speak with the lady behind the counter at first, she kept frowning, I couldn’t wait any longer so I dragged Natalie with me and joined Fiona. As I thought, she was too busy to help us. After introducing myself and informing her I would pay ten times the amount she would charge, she suddenly become available. We spent the next hour looking over all the different types of bouquets, choosing what kind of flowers I wanted, what colours, button holes and how many. By the time we got back into the car it was after ten o’clock and I could cross flowers of my list.

  “You know you paid well over the odds in there don’t you?” Natalie asked pulling out into the traffic.

  “I know but she wasn’t going to do it. I will pay whatever price for everything to be perfect on Friday.” I told her.

  Next on the checklist was my dress, I wasn’t having any bridesmaids just Henry and I walking up the aisle. Fiona’s mobile phone kept ringing non stop, her relatives were calling to make sure they heard right, she would talk to them and reassure them it was true. So far everyone who called Fiona said they could come.

  If things were different I would most certainly would have had a famous dress maker design me a over the top wedding dress but I was feeling romantic and knew what I wanted it to look like. It must have been fate because the first dress I saw I loved. I instructed what alterations I wanted done, after I had told her I wanted it for Thursday she began to faf, the promise of paying double with a large tip changed her mind and I had her promise of a hand delivery.

  We shopped around for Natalie and Fiona’s dresses next and thankfully they didn’t take too long as my lack of sleep last night was catching up with me hard.

  “We should get you home, you look done in.” Fiona said eyeing me carefully as I yawned to prove her point.

  “We still have jewellery to buy.” I said wanting to get everything completed today.

  “And if you’re feeling well enough tomorrow and get some sleep tonight we will come back, now you heard CJ this morning, I have to look after you so let me.” She said.


  It wasn’t long before I fell asleep in the car; Fiona nudged me awake when Natalie pulled up to the house. Christopher, Alex and Jase were standing outside admiring my car collection, when they saw us coming they started to walk over. Christopher opened my door and helped me out.

  “How was your day?” He asked wrapping his arms around me.

  “Successful and tiring. Yours?” I asked him back.

  “My list is completely completed, we have to pick up our suits on Thursday afternoon and our rings are with Alex safe and sound until Friday. Everyone has been called and everyone but two can make it,” He said counting through his list on each finger. I mimicked him telling him everything we had got done today.

  “Sounds like a success then.” He said holding his hand up for me to slap.

  “Apart from being tired I am also starving. I doubt Rose will want to cook shall we order take in?” I suggested.

  “Chinese and we have a deal,” He said.

  “Who is having Chinese?” Jase interrupted.

  “Would you like to stay for dinner Jase,” I said pretending I didn’t catch his hints.

  “Aww you’re going to make CJ a great wife if I get fed too.” He laughed.

  Being around Jase was easy and refreshing.

  I didn’t attempt to help them with the shopping bags when Christopher took most of them and Alex took the rest, they took them into the living room while I turned the Christmas tree lights on.

  “That is one hell of a tree Jas.” Jase said cocking his head to the side scrutinizing it. What was everyone’s problem with my tree? I know it isn’t decorated perfectly but I don’t think we did too badly.

  “If you say one more thing about my tree then there will be no Chinese food for you.” I said shooing him out of the living room towards the kitchen.

  “Your harsh woman.” He said chuckling.

  Rose was on the phone ordering the food, she called Jase over to see what he wanted to order, she knew what I wanted so I went and sat with everyone at the table.

  “So can I see the rings?” I asked looking at Christopher and Alex who were hunched together at the end of the table talking quietly, they both looked up when they heard me.

  “Not till Friday,” Christopher said pulling me onto his lap, “I missed you today.” He said kissing me on the lips.

  “Okay I don’t need to see this.” Alex said moving to sit with Natalie.

  “You look tired.” Christopher noticed frowning.

  “I feel it, I am going to have dinner then go to bed.” I said resting my head on his shoulder; I was a perfect fit against him. I thought I would close my eyes just for a moment but the longer I rested the harder it was to open them again.

  “You should take her up, I will put a plate in the oven in case she wakes up.” I heard Rose say as I was being lifted.

  Part Two…Christopher

  Never once have I thought about asking a girl to marry me, the thought of being tied to someone was excruciating to contemplate but I had no such thoughts with Jas, with her it felt…right. She wasn’t beside me when I opened my eyes, we had stayed up till the early hours of this morning discussing what we wanted. I was happy for Jas to have what she wanted for the wedding but that was because I knew she couldn’t go too crazy in four days. I hoped she got some sleep last night, she got over tired with a full night’s sleep so if she didn’t get any she would be done in by lunchtime.

  I got out of bed and jumped in the shower, no doubt Jas was up and dressed.

  I found her in the kitchen with Rose, her smile changed her whole aura, this is one of those times I forgot about her illness because who could be so happy and look so healthy when they weren’t under the surface.

  It didn’t take long for my mum and Nat to arrive, as soon as they were settled Jas informed us all what we had to do, I knew I wouldn’t be with her through today and it scared me senseless.

  I remembered I had to call Jase so I grabbed my phone and walked out of the kitchen, it rang for ages, just as the answer phone was about to kick in he answered.

  “Yeah.” He grumbled, I had woke him up.

  “Good morning to you too, what are you up to today?” I asked him.

  “CJ? What are you doing awake at this time? Is everything okay?” He mumbled still half sleep.

  “Everything is fine, listen, I need you to meet me in town at ten o’clock.”

  “What for?” He asked.

  “We need to get ourselves suits and I need to buy two rings.” Was all I said.

  “That sounds like a recipe for a wedding mate,” He said slowly taking in what I was telling him.

  “You can’t be telling me you an Jas are getting married?” He added.

  “That is exactly what I am telling you. I would like you to be my best man with Alex.” I said.

  “You’re being serious?” He asked.

  “Yes. Will you meet me in town?” I asked again.

  “Okay, where about do you want to meet?” He asked sounding more awake now.

  “I will be at the Grand Arcade at ten o’clock, I will get Alex to meet us there too.”

  “Okay.” He said hanging up.

  I quickly called Alex to let him know the plans and headed back to the kitchen just in time to see everyone getting ready to leave. I warned Jas not to overdo anything and warned my mother to look after her and to call me if anything happened with Jas.

  They all left leaving Henry, Rose and I on our own, Henry left shortly after not saying much and Rose was a whirlwind around the kitchen looking in cupboards to check for ingredients she did or did not

  I decided to go to town to look for the rings before I met with Alex and Jase as I still had an hour before I had to meet with them. I grabbed the keys to the Aston Martin Jas left on the side for me and made way out to the garage.

  I had never noticed where the jewellery shops were before so I wondered around for while before I came across one, there were so many rings to choose from but the plain white gold rings are the ones that stood out for me, I knew I wanted plain bands because I wanted to get them personalised. Jas had given me one of her rings from her collection so I got the right size for her.

  With the rings sorted I headed towards the Grand Arcade to meet my best men, Alex was waiting outside while Jase was nowhere to be seen.

  “You ready for this?” Alex asked.

  “Sure I am, I have sorted the rings so all we need to do is get fitted for the suits and then you can help me call and invite everyone to the wedding.” I told him hoping Jase would hurry his ass up as it was freezing out today.

  “So not much then.” He said sarcastically.

  “So my best friend getting married is the only reason I am up and out at this time on my day off.” Jase boomed coming up behind us earning stares from passer bys.

  “Thanks mate, all I need you to do today is come to a fitting for our suits.” I told him.

  “This really isn’t a joke then? You’re really getting married?” He asked.

  “Yes on Friday.” I said.

  “Friday! We best get a move on then.” He said walking in the wrong direction.

  “This way mate.” I said.

  It took over two hours to choose and be fitted for our suits, I had a feeling that Jas or Henry had phoned ahead of our arrival and told the tailor our situation as they seem to know him on a more personal level. He was very much in the know and more than willing to accommodate to our timeline. I didn’t even need to pay him, I wasn’t used to this treatment.

  While Jase went off to buy new shoes, Alex and I plotted up in a coffee shop and began making phone calls, Alex started with our relatives while I called my friends. There was a lot of ‘are you joking?’ or ‘you’re not even in a relationship’ or my favourite so far ‘have you knocked her up?’ all I answered honestly, made sure they could come and went on to the next phone call.