Page 26 of Incurable Hearts

  It was late afternoon by the time we made it back to the house, Henry and Rose were around somewhere but Jas, my mother and Nat were still out shopping, I hadn’t heard anything all day so I was trying not to worry about her but it wasn’t easy to do. I was showing Jase around the house when I got a text message from my mother saying they were on their way back because Jas was tired and actually asleep in the car. Jase wanted to see her car collection so we made our way outside, and that is where we were when Nat drove towards us. I was very relieved to know they were home.

  When the car came to a stop I walked over and opened Jasmines door, she looked more tired than I imagined she would be, I didn’t mention it though, it was better left unsaid, as we both knew it.

  “How was your day?” I asked finally being able to wrap my arms around her.

  “Successful and tiring. Yours?” She asked.

  “My list is completely completed, we have to pick up our suits on Thursday afternoon and our rings are with Alex safe and sound until Friday. Everyone has been called and everyone but two can make it.” I informed her counting it down on each of my fingers. She copied me sarcastically and told me what she had got completed today.

  “Sounds like a success then.” I said holding my hand up for her to slap.

  “Apart from being tired I am also starving. I doubt Rose will want to cook shall we order take in?” She asked. Sounded good to me, I was hungry too,

  “Chinese and we have a deal.” I said as I see Jase coming towards us.

  “Who is having Chinese?” he said making Jas jump a bit.

  “Would you like to stay for dinner Jase,” Jas asked him.

  “Aww, you are going to make CJ a great wife if I get fed too.” He said laughing.

  He liked Jas and I knew out of all my friends he was the only one she really clicked with. Apparently there was nothing to hide from us in the bags so Alex and I took them all into the living room, I wanted to speak to Alex so I left her and Jase arguing over the tree.

  “I don’t want Jas seeing the rings before Friday, no doubt when I say she can’t see them she might ask you anyway. Don’t show her them.” I said as we sat at the kitchen table.

  “I won’t.” He said.

  “She can be very persuasive.”

  “I said I won’t, I will avoid her if I have too.” He said.

  “So can I see the rings?” Jas asked coming up behind us, I looked at Alex to make sure he would stick to his word.

  “Not till Friday,” I said pulling her onto my lap, knowing she was this close to me was perfect, “I missed you today.” I said kissing her.

  “Okay I don’t need to see this.” Alex said getting up from his seat. I know he is my brother and I love him but I was glad to be alone with Jas.

  “You look tired.” I said to her noticing the dark shadows under her eyes.

  “I feel it, I am going to have dinner then go to bed,” She said laying her head against my chest.

  She sat there for a while without moving, I knew she was asleep by her slow breathing plus everyone’s chatter had got quieter, I was content to have her in my arms but she would wake up stiff, just as I was about to take her up to bed Rose came over.

  “You should take her up, I will put a plate in the oven in case she wakes up.” I smiled at her saying what I was thinking, I lifted Jas making sure I had a grip on her, I could swear she was continuing to lose weight, she was lighter than before.


  Part ONE…Jasmine

  The last three days flew by, it had been touch and go yesterday. I had spent most of the day in bed with headaches, vomiting and extreme tiredness. Fiona had been staying over to help with the preparations and eventually Rose had allowed her to help in the kitchen. Christopher hated leaving me on my own to take my place organising the wedding but I didn’t give him much of a choice. Henry reassured me the marquee had been set up and decorated to my satisfaction, my dress was delivered as promised yesterday afternoon, the flowers were delivered this morning and Christopher picked his suits up. Alex had the rings and had also pulled some of his connections for a DJ. We had done it; we had actually arranged a wedding in four days.

  At the present time I was standing in front of the full length mirror in my room, memorised by the reflection of myself. I loved my dress; I opted for Ivory instead of white, sleeveless pleated v-neckline with a silk satin draped bodice. The skirt softly draped on the floor, which hid my ballet pumps – I was nervous enough with out the added worry of having to walk in heels and stacking it in front of all his friends and family. My hair was as shiny as ever and pinned up and back leaving a few curled strands falling loosely around my face. The makeup and hair stylists had spent the afternoon giving us all makeovers and a natural look was the finished result.

  I walked to my window over looking the back garden to see the top of the marquee; I could see Christopher, Alex and Jase greeting the guests as they arrived. I grabbed my mobile phone to text him for the first time today. We didn’t convey to the tradition of spending the night apart however Alex and Jase did kidnap him this morning and left me Fiona and Natalie in his place. I had tried texting him earlier in the day but Natalie always took my phone away telling me about bad luck, as if there was anymore bad luck out there for us. In the end I had told them to go down to their family.


  I saw him reach into his pocket and look around to see where I was seeing him from when he read the text.


  He finally thought to look up; I knew he couldn’t see me because the lights shining of the marquee was bouncing off the windowpane.



  I put my phone down and carried on watching him greet the guests; apart from Jenna I didn’t know any of them I didn’t even know her date. He would occasionally look up and see if I was still here. Everything had been happening so fast it felt like my feet hadn’t touched the ground and in less than an hour I would be Mrs Jenson. He had been worried I wouldn’t take his name as I am a strong independent woman – his words – and would keep my own name, I didn’t have to think about it, the sooner I was Mrs Jenson the better. Christopher looked up one last time before heading into the marquee with his best men, must be show time!

  “All the guests…we should…Jasmine?”

  I turned to see Henry enter the room, he was talking to me holding my bouquet but I couldn’t hear him properly, I could only hear bits of what he was saying. No no no, not now! The closer he got the better I heard him,

  “You’re an angel Jasmine,” He said looking every part of the proud father of the bride. I heard his compliment but it was too quiet, I felt sick. Why did this have to happen now? I dug deep and returned to my deep breathing to calm the irrational feelings that were threatening to boil up.

  “You’re not having…” He said.

  “What?” I asked leaning in closer to hear his reply.

  “Jasmine what is going on?” He asked worried.

  If it wasn’t for the fact I needed my hearing for the vows I would have waited hoping it would return but I did need my hearing for the vows and the sick feeling was getting worse, I am going to let him down I thought.

  “It is my hearing, you sound very quiet and some words I can’t hear at all. What am I going to do?” I asked wafting my hands in front of my face trying not to cry and ruin my makeup.

  He leaned in so his mouth was near my ear so I could hear him.

  “This is nothing for you to worry about. You warned the vicar this could happen and he has written the vows down so you can read them, I will let Christopher know what is going on. You are going to get married this evening, I am not letting anything ruin that even if someone has to speak in your ear.” He said holding me close so I could hear.

  “Let’s get down there then, don’t make a big fuss about it, whis
per it in his ear or something.” I said.

  He nods and takes my arm in his and leads me to my wedding, ahh my wedding.

  “You look beautiful Jasmine.” Henry said before opening the door to the garden. We had positioned the marquee so the front half was for the ceremony and then through to the reception area. I could see the Jasmine flowers vine around an arch entwined with twinkle lights; it was simple but elegant and beautiful. A white carpet had been laid for us to walk on. As we walked around to the beginning of the aisle the music started and everyone rose from their seats. Heads began turning to see the woman who had captured Christopher’s heart, some gasped, most stared and smiled. As soon as Christopher turned to see me he smiled that smile that made me melt inside, he looked so handsome in his tux, once again the blackness setting his blonde hair alight. I hadn’t fully appreciated how beautiful he truly is. We didn’t lose eye contact the whole way and as far as I was concerned it was only he and I in here. I could faintly hear the music in the background but it didn’t matter because standing at the top of the aisle was a man who loved me for me.

  When we reached the alter Henry placed my hand in Christopher’s, he gracefully and coolly whispered our situation and stepped back to sit with Fiona and Rose and then in turn Christopher let the vicar know.

  “Are you nervous?” He asked holding my trembling hands.

  “It’s not nerves.” I told him knowing he would understand.

  He silently asked what ear was the problem; I gently tugged my left earlobe. Everyone took their seats when the vicar began speaking. I didn’t care that I couldn’t hear what he was saying I was happy enough to stand and stare at Christopher. We had chosen the traditional vows instead of writing our own. The vicar touched my arm to signal I was to recite my vows first. I read from the card he held to the side of me, as I said my vows Christopher’s smile got bigger and bigger. When it was his turn I moved closer so I could hear him, we couldn’t stop smiling and giggling. Rose, Fiona and Natalie was all dabbing their eyes with tissues in the front row. It came to exchanging the rings and I finally caught a glimpse of what he had chosen. Alex laid two platinum bands on a cushion the vicar was holding and stepped back, they were plain with a curly pattern on the inside. The vicar held it towards me and held another card for me to read from. I slid the ring on his finger repeating the words on the card, he was mine forever, my forever. Christopher took hold of my ring in his other hand, he stepped towards me so there was no space between us, he bent slightly so he was face to face with me and bought his lips to my ear.

  “I give you this ring, as I give you myself, with love and affection. Wear it in peace always,” he stepped back but not far and slid the ring on my finger, “Just wanted to make sure you heard.” He smiled.

  That done it for me, a couple of tears escaped but Christopher was there to wipe them away as he always would be.

  Before the vicar could declare us man and wife, and for Christopher to kiss his bride we were already in each other’s arms, sharing our first kiss as husband and wife.

  Fiona was the first one to offer her congratulations embracing us, followed by Henry and Rose. Christopher introduced me to the rest of his family and friends, they were happy for us but that didn’t stop them asking what the rush was for which Christopher had to answer as I couldn’t hear properly, he would always repeat that we didn’t see the point in waiting, blah blah blah.

  The harpist played a lovely melody for our first dance, it sounded from what I could hear very fitting to our relationship. No one apart from his immediate family knew about me so the tears they saw they thought were of joy.

  “Stay close to me, if we had more time no doubt you would have got me dancing lessons and there is no way I want to look an idiot in front of them lot.” He said making me laugh.

  “Don’t worry I am not going anywhere.” I reassured him resting my hand on his shoulder and taking his free hand in mine.

  This was the only part of the day I had been dreading, everyone’s eyes solely on us for a whole song, but right now we were on our own and Christopher wasn’t doing too badly, I even got dipped at the end of the melody making everyone coo from their tables.

  “You’re not going to be one of those husbands who gets jealous if his wife dances with another man?” Jase asked Christopher.

  “Depends on who is asking.” He replied.

  “Great, in that case Jasmine Jenson would you like to dance with me?” He asked taking a bow at the same time.

  He was so laughable it was hard to say no to. He led me onto the dance floor making sure everyone knew he had the pleasure of dancing with me, I couldn’t stop laughing. He was very much the gentleman, he held me in a comfortable hold but not too close as to cause offence. He twirled me around the dance floor and made me laugh even more; towards the end of the song he slowed us down to the same speed as everyone else.

  “Can you hear me?” He asked leaning in.


  “Good, I never thought you two would end up married especially after you left the estate and disappeared. The way he has changed since he has been with you has been good to see. I want you to know that when he needs it I will help him anyway I can. It was a shame you couldn’t talk to us before you left, I don’t think you realised the effect you had on us, we would have protected you.” He said twirling me again.

  “You know?” I asked facing him again. I didn’t think Christopher or Alex had told anyone.

  “I put two and two together and came up with…Leigh beaten on the bathroom floor and you lot disappearing quickly, I asked Alex and he told me, don’t worry I haven’t told anyone else.” He said. I believed he hadn’t.

  “Thank you.”

  “It is you and CJ, sorry you and Christopher against the world babe and I think my time is up.” He said twirling me one more time, when I opened my eyes again I was Henrys arms.

  “May I?” He asked.

  “Certainly.” I said stepping closer. We didn’t dance in quite the same way as Jase and I did but I was happy to slow down.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked.

  “Yes. It is weird. I never thought I would ever let myself fall in love Henry. I told myself that if I never loved I would never get hurt. Being with Christopher has questioned everything I ever thought but I know he genuinely loves me as I him and now look at me. I have everything I distanced myself away from all these years.” I said smiling looking around.

  “You done us proud tonight. Rose and I have watched you grow over the years but seeing you with Chris has been extraordinary. I am glad you have found happiness,” He said proudly.

  “I certainly have found happiness, it doesn’t make dying as scary now.” I said sadly.

  I still prayed everyday for a miracle so I could live a long happy life as his wife, but dying now as happy as I am isn’t as scary as dying on my own.

  We danced until the end of the song and Henry escorted me back to my husband. Jase was tapping his fork on his glass to gain everyone’s attention, speeches. At least I only had to live through a couple of them. Apparently Alex and Jase had written theirs together so it was bound to be funny.

  “First of all we would like to welcome Jasmine to the family.” Alex said.

  “Most of you don’t know Jas but we have known her since we were kids apart from when she left us to become a mega rich cosmetic boss, we never expected to see her again. But she came back into CJ’s life and we haven’t seen him since.” Jase said pretending to be wounded. I narrowed my eyes making him laugh.

  “What he is trying to say is CJ fell in love with Jasmine from the start.” Alex said. “Who could blame him especially making the stunning bride she is.” Jase interrupted him making me fall a lovely shade of red.

  “As I was saying my brother has never been happier then he is when he is with Jas.” Alex said waiting for Jase to add his bit.

  “CJ wasn’t one for relationships, we have got many stories we could tell you all but CJ wouldn’
t want us too,” he said laughing while Christopher was shaking his head no, “That he is how we know they are meant to be together.” Jase finished,

  “You will have your limits but if we could have just a piece of what you two share life would be perfect.” Alex said.

  “To CJ and Jasmine, may you make everyday count.” they both said together.

  “We definitely will.” Christopher said kissing me.

  After Alex and Jase sat down Christopher stood up gaining everyone’s attention once more, he looked down at me and smiled before he turned to speak.

  “Thank you to you all who came tonight, as these two said many of you haven’t met Jasmine before tonight but all you need to know about her is that she is beautiful as you can see,” he said waving his hand in front of me causing me to blush, “She is also funny, brave, and the strongest women I know. I have bumped into a lot of women but none of them held my attention the way Jas has. I love you Jasmine and I will love you forever. To my wife.” He finished raising his glass.

  By the end of the night I had met all of his relatives and spoke with all of his friends, I remembered some of them but there were a few I hadn’t met before. They all commented on how in love we looked, how beautiful I was, and how long it would be before we started thinking about having children. None of the extended family and friends apart from knew about my tumour so we lied and told them we hadn’t thought about it yet. Christopher’s Nan told him she wanted a great grandchild by the end of next year, he told her he would see what he could do to keep her quiet. Little did she know she was getting her wish just not from us. Christopher and I ended up dancing the night away.

  “I told you you would be my husband by the end of the week.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.