Page 27 of Incurable Hearts

  “I never doubted you.” He smiled.

  “I thought my life was too complicated to share with you and still be happy but being with you I have everything I could wish for.”

  “Look inside your ring.” He said.

  The curly pattern I saw earlier was an inscription, ‘it’s as simple as we make it’

  “I remember you telling me this before.” I said slipping the ring back on.

  “You can remember that it is true then, nothing matters to me but us and have I told you how beautiful you are in your dress tonight?” He said bringing me closer to him.

  “A few times, you should see what I am wearing underneath.” I said biting my lip, his eyes looked like they were on fire.

  “Is that so?” He said leading me to the edge of the dance floor.

  He spoke to the DJ and he handed Christopher a mike.

  “Excuse me everyone. Your more than welcome to stay and enjoy the night but it is time for us to leave.” He told them winking at me.

  We said our goodbyes to everyone and before I knew it I was in the car being driven away from the house.

  “Would you like to tell me where we are going?” I asked him.

  “Tonight we are staying the Crowne Plaza and the tomorrow we are heading to the coast for a few days, this time of year we will probably be the only ones there. It will be peaceful for you,” He said kissing my hand while still keeping his eyes on the road.

  He had it all planned for the last couple of days, Rose had helped him by packing my case for me making sure I would have everything I would need. Without the warmth of the heaters in the marquee I was beginning to feel the cold, Christopher shrugged out of his jacket and put it around my shoulders once we got the hotel. When we walked into the Crowne Plaza I was took back to our first time here together, it was special staying here tonight as husband and wife where we spent our first night together in the first place.

  He had booked the same suite we stayed in before, when he opened the door he took me by surprise and picked me up bridal style and carried me over the thresh hold. He laid me on the bed and lay upon me.

  “I am going to love you everyday as if it were our last,” He murmured before kissing me softly along my jaw line and down my neck.

  “You know as my husband I could leave you everything, my houses, villas and apartments across the world, enough money to last you several lifetimes and more, cars. You could have everything at your fingertips.” I said lying beside him tracing patterns on his chest. I could feel him tense, he always done this when I mentioned leaving him anything.

  “None of that matters to me. I fell in love with you not your lifestyle. Anyway I would be bored shitless if I didn’t have to do anything for anything and before you argue with me if you do it anyway behind my back I will find out what you originally planned to do and do it for you.” He said.

  “So that is a no then?” I said making sure even though I knew before I said anything at all that he would be the same. For a fraction of time I could understand his views but he was relentless, he wouldn’t let me give him anything.


  “What do you plan on doing to keep me occupied so I don’t do anything crazy?” I asked leaning up on one elbow.

  “I can think of a few things.”

  Part Two…Christopher

  “Good morning beautiful.” I said smiling as Jas rolled towards me.

  “Morning.” She smiled her radiant smile.

  “How are you feeling today?” I asked.

  She had been extremely tired the last couple of days and spent most of her time in bed. I had been worried she wouldn’t be here for today not that I let it show in front of her.

  “So far I am feeling okay, the last two days in bed must have been what I needed,” She said, “Today is the day.”

  “It certainly is, your not going to back out are you?” I asked.

  I was a hundred per cent sure she wasn’t going to but I still wanted to hear her say the words.

  “Most definitely not. Are you sure about this, it isn’t too late for you to back out.”

  “As long as you are there then so am I.” I promised her.

  “Oh I will be there,” She said kissing me hungrily. This kiss was leading to staying in bed for much longer than I had planned but I didn’t care. We didn’t adhere to tradition and stay parted on the eve of our wedding, nobody argued the point with us, and there wasn’t any bad luck that could hit us worse than Jas’s illness.

  Just as our wedding morning was getting hot and heavy we could hear raised voices calling my name coming up the stairs, then twenty seconds later there was banging on the door. Jasmine started giggling.

  “Looks like we will have to carry this on tonight.” She murmured kissing my chest one more time.

  “I could make them leave.” I said trying to stay in the mood.

  “CJ…CJ…Come out or we will come in.” Jase shouted through the door.

  “I don’t think it will be that easy, you should go,” She said.

  She wasn’t angry about it like I was, “And anyway I have a busy day of making myself look beautiful, you will only distract me,” She said. She did have a valid point, she was easily distracted and I loved to distract her.

  “You don’t need the whole day to look beautiful, are you going to be okay?” I asked. Leaving her made me anxious. I wouldn’t see her till tonight and I knew today was going to be the longest yet.

  “I will be fine, I won’t be doing anything too strenuous. I will be storing my energy for tonight. Plus, I will have your mother, Nat and Rose oh and Henry with me,” She said rolling her eyes at me; she was so hot when she did that.

  “Last chance to get your ass out here.” Jase shouted.

  “Five minutes.” I shouted back.

  “Get dressed and don’t be late tonight, I don’t like to be kept waiting,” She said trying to be strict but failing.

  I would shower later so I quickly got my jeans on and a jumper from the drawers Jas had got me to put my clothes in.

  “I will be early not late, and the same goes for you too.” I told her leaning back on the bed to kiss her with the sheets dropping from her hold when she held onto me.

  The kiss lasting too long, I was getting hard and if I didn’t leave now I would have to see to my fiancé before I could go anywhere.

  I broke our kiss and forced myself to walk away from her, she was flushed; I could only imagine what I looked like. I left her falling back on the bed covering herself back up with the sheets as I opened the door.

  “About time. Morning Jas.” Jase said.

  He was in a good mood this morning. When I told him I was getting married he was more concerned to who the bridesmaids were, when I told him we weren’t having any he sulked for hours.

  “Morning Jase, you know you turn up at the most inconvenient times.” Jas said from the bed.

  “You should have let him out to play last night then.” He smirked.

  “Okay, you have seen enough of my girl, let’s go.” I said.

  He couldn’t see anything of Jas but I knew she wasn’t wearing anything under the sheet covering her, while she wasn’t self-conscious about her body, I still didn’t like anyone else seeing her.

  “Till tonight, I love you.” I said pushing Jase away from the door.

  “Tonight, I love you too.” She said with the biggest grin I had ever seen on her face. I closed the door and we headed downstairs, my mother was in the kitchen with Rose, Nat and Alex.

  “Thank god your awake, these women are driving me crazy and they are so bossy.” Alex said getting up from the table.

  “Don’t start Alexander Jenson,” My mother scolded him before turning her attention to me, “Aww…my eldest boy is getting married today! All you have to do is get into your Tux and be back here for six o’clock,” She said.

  “Yes mother.” I said taking a leaf out of Jas’s book and rolling my eyes at her.

  “And you two,” She sai
d turning her glare to Alex and Jase who were looking every inch the innocent they were not, “There will be no pubs today or hard liquor. You’re only allowed to take him away so Jasmine can get ready without him under her feet. Understood?” She said.


  “Yes Fiona.” they both said at the same time while Natalie was laughing gaining her own glare from Alex.

  “Good, then get out of here.” She said.

  “Please look after her and phone me if anything happens.” I told her.

  “I promise but nothing is going to happen today, I forbid it too.” She replied.

  “Thanks mum.” I said kissing her on the cheek.

  “Ready?” Alex asked.

  “Yes I am, am I allowed to check on Henry or is that not allowed?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Henry has it under control, you go.” Rose said hiding behind the three tier cake she had spent the last four days making.

  I don’t think she has had any sleep since she started. Rose had her own secret mission from me; she had to pack Jas’s cases without her knowing about it. I had booked the same suite at the Crowne Plaza we stayed in when we first…reacquainted ourselves with each other and then I was taking her to the coast for a few days. Going abroad for our honeymoon filled me with dread, I wanted to be close to home in case anything happened with Jas, not that I was thinking negatively.

  “Which of your drinking dens would you like to say goodbye to first?” Jase asked when we were at a safe distance from my mother.

  “I am not drinking today.” I told him.

  “Oh come on mate, by tonight you are going to be married off and I am going to lose my wingman.” He moaned.

  “I hate to burst your bubble but you have been my wingman all these years.” I said laughing.

  “Whatever, the point is you have to have at least one drink to toast away your bachelorism,” He argued.

  “Bachelorism? Is that even a word?” I asked.

  “I don’t know but you are having at least one drink with us.”

  “We have beers at mine, our suits are there so we might as well go there.” Alex said saving me from having to refuse Jase again.

  “Fine.” Jase said giving up.

  I never noticed before how much alcohol Jase drinks, he hadn’t not had a drink in his hand since we got here where as I couldn’t finish my first. Before my days were filled up with Jas I would drink with him, after work and at weekends but now I wasn’t drinking I could see clearly that it was a lot.

  I had been feeling healthy. I wasn’t struggling to wake up in the mornings either. Not drinking alcohol was having a positive effect on me.

  “You should go wash up, mum put your tux on the back of your door.” Alex said entering the kitchen suited and booted.

  The last time I saw him in a suit was when he was up in court for driving offences.

  “Looking good little bro.” I said pouring the rest of my beer away in the sink before Jase came back in.

  “You look nervous,” He said.

  “Do I? I don’t feel nervous.” I replied.

  “I will only ask you this once, are you sure you want to do this? You won’t be married long enough to want a divorce and that is a much better outcome then the one you are facing.” He said genuinely concerned for his big brother.

  “I have never been so sure of anything in my life. I might only have a week with her for all I know but I will never regret marrying her.” I said truthfully.

  “Then go and get showered.” He said finished with his best man duties for now.

  Rose must have packed my case as well as my wash bag was set out on the side with all my toiletries beside it.

  It struck me while I was in the shower that by tonight I would have a wife and I would be her husband. Time was dragging by painfully slowly like I knew it would, I hadn’t had any phone calls from back at the house so I reassured myself Jas was okay. I couldn’t imagine what she was going to look like tonight, she was breathtakingly beautiful on a normal day.

  “Come on CJ, we haven’t got long before we have to leave.” Alex shouted through the door.

  “I will be ready in ten minutes.” I yelled back.

  The guests started showing up about half an hour after I got back to the house, Henry showed me around the marquee, Jas was going to be very happy with the outcome.

  Alex, Jase and I stood at the entrance of the marquee and began greeting the guests. The only guest I didn’t know very well was Jenna and her date; the rest was my family friends. Even as the marquee was filling up I still wasn’t feeling nervous. My phone started vibrating in my trouser pocket, I reached down to read it,


  It was from Jas, I quickly scanned the area around me to see where she was looking at me from before replying,


  I hit send and looked up to her bedroom window, she had to be standing there, I couldn’t see through the glass. The lights from the garden were reflecting off of it.


  I couldn’t fucking wait!


  I texted back.

  Once all our guests were inside in the marquee I followed Jase and Alex inside, looking up at the window one more time.

  Henry had managed to hire a woman to play the harpist for Jasmines entrance, I would never have thought of a harpist but she played really well.

  I knew what my family and friends were whispering about, ‘what is the rush?’, ‘has he knocked her up?’, etc. Nobody in my extended family knew about Jasmines tumour so I could understand their confusion.

  The harpist changed her melody. This was it. Any minute now my Jas would walk up this aisle and be mine. When I heard my family murmuring in the crowd I turned to see Jas walking towards me with her arm looped through Henrys. I always told Jas I could never catch my breath when I was with her but seeing her in her wedding dress tonight I forgot how to breathe altogether.

  “You are a lucky son of a bitch.” Jase murmured next to me seeing exactly what I saw. I wasn’t lucky though; I only had this angel of beauty for a short while. To me, lucky was having this girl beside me for many years to come, not wondering if I would be spending Christmas with her.

  I banished the negative thoughts and kept eye contact with my bride to be.


  Part One…Jasmine

  I was awake but I had yet to open my eyes, the wedding wasn’t how I imagined it would be like but yet it was perfect, we didn’t need the big church or loads of bridesmaids in tow, it was all about us. Remembering back I would never have looked at Christopher and thought I will be marrying you one day but here I am, Mrs Jenson.

  The last time I was in this room was our first weekend together and I was left crying thinking I would never see him again, even then I knew I wouldn’t be able to live without him, he is my life and when I am gone he will still be here living it for me.

  “Good morning Mrs Jenson.” Christopher murmured waking up. I loved hearing him call me that and he sounded proud to be calling me it too.

  “Good morning, so, did you get up to anything good last night?” I asked grinning.

  “Well I was forced to marry this women but it isn’t too bad she is beautiful and she does things to me in the bedroom that blows my mind so I guess I can live with it.” he said grinning back at me.

  “She sounds perfect.” I said playing along with him.

  “She is, I wasn’t really forced was I.” He said laughing.

  “No you weren’t. What time do we have to leave?” I asked.

  “When ever you like, after breakfast?”

  “Good because I need a shower and you promised you would be willing to accompany me from now on and the last time we were in the shower here we had so much fun.” I said letting him know exactly what I was after. He was more than willing to oblige.

p; Today was the first time I felt jealous of Christopher driving, the roads weren’t very busy and I hadn’t driven for ages now, the Aston was purring along nicely as usual.

  “Where exactly are we going?” I asked.

  I could have sworn he had told me already but I couldn’t remember, he looked at me confused as if he was thinking the same.

  “Were going to the coast for a few days babe, my mum used to take me and Alex when we were younger but we are going to a little place up the road from there.” He said reminding me.

  “How long until we get there?” I asked.

  “Not long now, are you okay?” He asked.

  “I am hungry.” I said fully aware I had eaten more then normal at breakfast.

  “There should be a drive through coming up if you want me to stop?” He said.

  I settled again listening to the music on the ipod, Christopher’s music taste was different to mine but not bad, I was used to it.

  He wasn’t wrong about the drive through, we stopped and ordered food and carried on with our journey, as Christopher didn’t order anything.

  It didn’t take long before he stopped the car outside a beachfront house; it was by far the best one around.

  “Are we staying here?” I asked getting out of the car.

  “Yes, the people who live here are away for Christmas so it is ours till next week, I am sure we would have gone somewhere exotic if things were different but there not.” He said retrieving some of our bags and what looked like shopping bags of food from the boot.

  The house was cosy inside, modern with an old feel to it; they even had a real fireplace in the living room. The kitchen had been refurbished recently and was to my taste, I sat on the side while Christopher put the shopping away.

  “This is nice, I like it here already.” I told him. He looked happy that I was pleased.

  “Good. Now what would you like to cook me for dinner tonight?” He asked.

  My eyes grew wide, he couldn’t be serious? The closest I got to cooking dinner was passing Rose a bowl of Peas about four years ago.