Page 31 of Incurable Hearts

  “Jasmine is this for real?” She asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, I thought you might be at a loose end sometime soon.” I smiled handing Henry him his present.

  I had managed to get him his favourite books all signed personally by the author. Next was for Christopher, he opened the box and whistled through his teeth when he saw the Rolex sitting shining inside.

  “Jas, this is too much.” He said still admiring the watch.

  “Would you believe me if I said it was a fake?” I asked.

  “I might if I believed you knew where to get them from,” He laughed. He took the watch out of the box and examined it.

  “Look on the back.” I instructed.

  “‘Making time count with you’, it is still too much but thank you.” He said kissing me.

  “Your welcome.” I said happily as he accepted my gift.

  Christopher passed me the small box I caught him hiding in between the other presents last night, it felt heavy for something so small, I opened it with excited trepidation, inside sat the bracelet I saw when Christopher and I first went shopping, it was in a little side street antiques shop. It was a beautiful, delicate white gold bracelet with a small heart dangling from the clasp encrusted with diamonds. This was the first piece of jewellery anyone had bought for me; it was nicer than having to buy it for myself.

  “You remembered? Thank you, I love it.” I said holding it out to him to put on my wrist.

  “Here is something to match it,” He said handing me another box. This one was a long rectangular shape.

  Inside was a matching necklace, a thin rope chain with a big locket, the intricate pattern on the front and back was beautiful and the diamonds encrusted around the edges made it stunning. I opened the locket and inside was two photographs, one – our first picture together at the ball and the second – a picture of us on our wedding day. Hang on, I didn’t know the wedding photographs had been delivered, the photographer said to expect them in the New Year.

  “When…how?” I stuttered.

  Henry and Rose handed me my next gift, it was heavily wrapped in hot pink tissue paper with a black satin ribbon tied in a bow, I looked confused at them both while I opened the present.

  It was our wedding album, ivory with black inscriptions of our names and the date of our wedding. Looking through the pictures with Christopher was emotional, they were beautifully taken, the photographer had taken natural shots of everyone and everyone looked so happy.

  “Our gift to you both.” Rose said.

  “Thank you, both of you.” I said.

  We opened the rest of our presents before heading to the kitchen for breakfast, both Christopher and Henry eyes lit up at the feast that was laid out before them.

  “Rose you are an angel.” Christopher said with glee sitting at the table grabbing him and I a plate.

  I didn’t fancy anything cooked, I opted for chunks of apple on my cereal, however, it didn’t stay down for long, Christopher held my hair back while I had my head hung over the toilet.

  “You don’t have to see this.” I said collapsing on the floor drained of all energy.

  “Hey, in sickness and health, remember?” He said pouring me a glass of water.

  “Yeah yeah.” I muttered sipping the water he handed me.

  “Feel any better?” He asked squeezing toothpaste on my toothbrush, he is such a good husband.

  “Yeah, thanks.” I said taking my toothbrush from him.

  Ahh, a fresh mouth definitely feels better. I lay on the bed recharging my energy while he got dressed, I already knew what I was wearing so it wouldn’t take me long to get ready.

  “We will have to go soon, are you up for this?” He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Of course,” I said pulling myself up, “I will be ready in fifteen minutes, why don’t you make sure we have everything together to take to your mothers.” I said giving him a peck on his cheek.

  It turned out I only needed ten minutes. I finished my look with a few squirts of my favourite perfume from Rose and headed downstairs. Henry already had his orders regarding the present I wanted to give Alex, I hadn’t told Christopher as I knew he wouldn’t agree saying it was over the top. Rose’s cake and homemade mince pies were still on the counter, no doubt they would be travelling on her lap not trusting to make the journey in one piece. Christopher came in, as I was making sure I had my medication in my bag, he bought my coat over and helped me into it, ever the gentleman.

  “Ready?” He asked.


  He carried the cakes out to the car and placed them next to Rose who smiled affectionately at him.

  “Don’t tell me, you forgot to tell me that you gave Henry the Ferrari for Christmas?” He said looking over at Henry sitting waiting to leave.

  “Not exactly.” I said, not a lot he could do now about my choice of gift for his brother. He wisely said nothing and closed my door.

  The drive to his mother’s took longer than usual because of the snow, on the street where his mother lived was a couple of kids playing on their new bikes while their mother shouted to be careful. Henry, Rose and Christopher took hold of everything so I didn’t have to carry anything, you could smell the turkey cooking as soon as you walked through the door. Christopher headed into the living room to drop of the bag of presents while Henry and Rose made a beeline for the kitchen. Fiona came bouncing down the stairs and into her small living room hugging us all in turn, leaving Henry to last and taking longer holding onto him, Alex and Christopher narrowed their eyes at the scene, Natalie and I just giggled.

  “Shall we start with the presents?” Fiona said straightening herself out.

  We all piled on to the sofa and chairs while Fiona sat on the arm of the chair where Henry was sat. Fiona had even got Henry and Rose presents much to their surprise, Rose received a cook book which she loved and accepted gracefully while she had got Henry a golf club, apparently it was a good one, I didn’t even know he played golf. He showed his appreciation by giving her a quick kiss on the lips; everyone’s mouths fell open at the sight causing Fiona to blush.

  “Oh leave it out you lot.” She said quickly jumping up to hand her gifts out to the rest of us. Both of the boys got football tickets, she handed me and Natalie our gifts at the same time.

  I opened my box and inside was a Silver bracelet with the letter J on the clasp, Natalie held a similar bracelet with the same letter J inscribed on hers.

  “These were my mothers passed down to me when she passed away, my maiden name was Johnson so the letter J is fortunate.” She smiled. Her sentiment was bewildering, how could I accept this when I may not be able to wear it for long?

  “Fiona I can’t accept this.” I said.

  “Of course you can, I was going to hand them down to my daughters but as I had boys I had to wait patiently for them to be married, your part of this family now as you are Nat, so boys sort your women out I have a Christmas dinner to prepare.” She said briskly leaving the room. Rose and Henry followed her out.

  “See I told you there was nothing to be nervous about.” Christopher said fastening the bracelet around the opposite wrist to the bracelet he got me.

  “So, what did you get me big bro?” Alex asked after he gave him their gift. A bundle of box set DVD’s but I didn’t see what ones. I opened my present and found a pink ipod which held all the music played at the wedding reception.

  “Actually I forgot you this year.” He joked before throwing him an envelope. Christopher had booked them into a spa hotel for a long weekend.

  “Thanks bro.”

  “My gift to you is outside, you might want to put some shoes on.” I said pulling my boots back on and standing up. He looked baffled.

  I pulled him up and dragged him outside with Christopher and Natalie following. Henry had parked the Ferrari behind the BMW so he couldn’t see it from the window. I handed him a black velvet box with a red bow on it, he opened it to find a set of car keys. He searched t
he street looking for a car he couldn’t find, I took his hand and led him to the bottom of the driveway showing him the Ferrari he loved so much.

  “You’re giving me a car?” He choked out eventually.

  “You’re the only one who loves it as much as I do, I can’t take it with me so it is yours.” I said.

  “Jasmine.” Was all he could say.

  He scooped me into his arms and swung me around,

  “The only mileage on the clock is from my house to here.” I informed him. His face fell even more.

  “Thank you so much,” He said kissing me on the cheek.

  “Finally, someone who will accept my gift without moaning about it.” I said looking straight at Christopher.

  “Why, what did you get him?” Nat asked shivering on the side of the path.

  “A Rolex, I had to try and convince him it was a fake.”

  “Like you would know where to buy a fake,” She laughed.

  Christopher joined in with her,

  “That is what he said.” I said frowning.

  Alex was revving the engine.

  “You fancy a quick spin around the block bro?” He shouted to Christopher, he didn’t need to be asked twice.

  “Please don’t kill yourself driving it, I don’t want you joining me.” I tried to joke which nobody found funny apart from Alex.

  “I wouldn’t want to cramp your style just yet Jas,” He said smiling gaining himself a punch on the arm from Christopher. We watched them drive up the road and disappear around the corner.

  Natalie and I walked back to the house and sat on the sofa trying to warm up again.

  “Here, I want to give you this while we are on our own.” I said handing her an envelope containing a check for seventy thousand pounds.

  “Jas! What the hell is this for?” She asked, her hands shaking.

  “That should be enough for you to go to university to get your teachers degree and cover any child care costs if you need them.” I said, it was hard to tell what she was thinking, she hadn’t stopped staring at the check.

  “If you need more let me know.”

  “This is more than enough,” She finally said, “Jas when are you going to realise when the time comes, it doesn’t matter how much you try to make our lives perfect we are still going to miss YOU like crazy.” She said taking me by surprise.

  “I know but this really is a Christmas gift. Do you know how much I give to charity each year not saying you are charity, your not, but I don’t like seeing others going without when I have the means to help them and with this little one on the way, when do you think you will have the time or money to follow what you want to do?” I asked.

  “You are one crazy women, thank you so much,” She said hugging me across the sofa. When she sat back down a sparkle caught my attention, I grabbed her left hand and sitting proudly on her third finger was an engagement ring.

  “How come neither of you said anything?” I asked her.

  “We were going to tell everyone at dinner, he was so sweet Jas.” She said happily.

  “Congratulations Natalie, I am so happy for you guys, a proper little family.” I said. We sat talking about the type of wedding she wants until the boys came back. Christopher slipped on the sofa beside me and put his arm around me, he was freezing.

  “That car is out of the world.” Alex said looking out of the window unable to take his eyes off of it.

  “I am glad to see you both back in one piece.” I said.

  “Just about,” Christopher mumbled smiling affectionately, “You’re going to have to be more careful with your…Nat in the car with you.” He said looking guilty.

  “You told him?” Nat asked Alex, he looked at her apologetically.

  “That is okay, Jas knows too.” She smiled.

  “Congratulations Nat.” He said getting up to hug her as I done the same with Alex.

  “Wife swapping already?” Jase asked from the doorway holding a case of beer and a bunch of flowers that looked like they had seen better days.

  “Hey man, you are early this year.” Alex said.

  Christopher had told me that Jase joins them for Christmas each year as he has no family around anymore.

  “Obviously I didn’t drink enough last night,” He laughed putting the beer and flowers down, “Knew you were here when I saw the cars parked out front, looking breathtakingly beautiful as usual Mrs Jenson.” He said kissing me on the cheek.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself apart from you smell like you bathed in beer this morning.” I said pulling away from him scrunching my nose up to prove my point.

  “You wound me Jasmine but to be fair I am going for the odour Stella Artios at the moment.”

  “Oh yeah and how is that working out with the ladies.” I smirked sitting back down on the sofa.

  “Are you still waiting for Santa Alex?” Jase asked noticing him staring out of the window still.

  “Nope, come with me.” He replied.

  While they disappeared outside I curled closer to Christopher, we were on our own, as Natalie had gone to see if she could help in the kitchen,

  “How are you feeling?” He asked me.

  “Good, I wish I had more Christmases with you.” I said.

  “So do I,” He replied.

  After an hour on the sofa together Fiona called us through, dinner was ready. I couldn’t believe I was seeing this amount of food on one table, there must have been every kind of vegetable in separate dishes with a selection of sliced meats on platters and potatoes, the list was endless.

  Fiona’s heart melted when she saw both her sons pulling Natalie and I chairs out while Jase muttered something about them being under the thumb,

  “Your just jealous as you don’t have your own girl.” She told him.

  “Your right Fi but you know you’re the only one for me and if it weren’t for your sons I would have whisked you away years ago.”

  Everyone couldn’t help laughing, Jase was the ultimate clown and I think still a little bit drunk from last night.

  “Behave yourself Jase,” She laughed, “Tuck in everyone.” She said taking her seat next to Henry smiling fondly at him.

  Dinner was very filling. It looked like I hadn’t eaten a lot compared to the rest of them. There wasn’t a lot of food left over by the time the men had had seconds and in Jase’s case third helpings, I didn’t have a clue where they were putting it.

  I quietly slipped away from the table and headed for the bathroom, my first Christmas dinner in years wasn’t planning on sticking around for long, I barely made it to the toilet before my dinner made a reappearance. I hadn’t kept my breakfast down this morning and now my dinner. I wasn’t letting myself think of the fact I was getting worse.

  My vomiting was never ending, I barely had the energy to keep myself held up so I lay on the floor, and my whole body was shaking from the ordeal. Normally I felt better after being sick but this time I felt worse. I tried relaxing my body and taking deep breaths, my muscles began to unwind; I began to feel peaceful, too peaceful. My body felt like it was melted to the floor, if it weren’t for the knock on the door I would have fell asleep.

  “Jas, are you sill in there?” A male voice asked muffled through the door. I wanted to tell them I would be out in a moment but my voice had left me.

  “Jas, are you okay?” The same voice asked, I was too tired to reply.

  “I hope you are decent because I am coming in.” The voice sounded worried.

  Thank heavens I didn’t lock the door, the voice belonged to Jase, he opened the door slowly checking to see if I was decent probably, although when he saw me laying on the floor he rushed over.

  “Jas, what is the matter? Can you get up?” He asked.

  “Too…tired…can’t move.” I managed to tell him.

  “I am going to pick you up okay?” He said asking for permission to touch me. I mumbled in agreement, he had strong arms like Christopher, he lifted me as if I weighed nothing more than a child.

  “Here, I will put you in CJ’s old room.”

  He laid me on the bed tucking the blanket over me.

  “I’ll go and get CJ, are you going to be okay?” He asked.

  I closed my eyes for what seemed like a second and when I opened them Christopher was sitting in Jase’s place and it was dark outside.

  “Hi, you scared the crap out of me, are you okay now?” He asked stroking my hair of my face. I flexed my arms and legs, I could just about lift them of the bed, my stomach was at ease, the rest of my body seemed to be cooperating.

  “I guess I was tired, have you been sitting here long?” I asked him seeing his worried face.

  “Jase told me what happened and I have been here since, don’t worry you haven’t missed much.” He said.

  It all came crashing down, I had ruined Christmas, I couldn’t help crying.

  “Why are you crying Jas?”

  “Because I have ruined everything.” I sobbed.

  “You haven’t ruined anything,” He murmured.

  “I have. Every time I want a normal day I get sick or go deaf or blind. I am tired of it, I am just so tired.” I sobbed in his arms.

  “I know babe, do you want me to take you home?” He asked.

  “No, I want you to make me better so we can be married normally and spend everyday together where I can stay awake and be in full control of my body.” I begged.

  “I promise you if there was anything I could do, I would do it. I hate seeing you like this.” He said sincerely.

  I sat there in his arms sobbing until my eyes ran dry.

  “I am sorry about your shirt.” I said noticing the wet stain my tears had inflicted when I pulled away from him.

  “Don’t worry about it, I will borrow one of Alex’s shirts,” He said taking it off. “Jasmine, don’t feel you have to hide when your feeling ill, I want to be there for you, help you through it.”

  “I didn’t think I would be that bad, I just lost all my energy and I couldn’t move.” I explained.

  “I should have been the one to pick you not Jase,” He said kissing me lightly.

  “Let me get cleaned up and we will go back down stairs.” I said taking his hand.

  In the hall where the light was turned on I could see the time was after seven pm.