Page 83 of The Odyssey

  Ogygia, 1.85; 6.172; 7.244-66; 12.448; 23.333; 388, 436; location, 1.50; 5.55, 101-2; 469. See also Kalypso Oichalia, 8.224

  Oikles, 15.243-44

  oil: textiles treated with, 7.107&n1; use after bathing, 6.79-80&n1, 96, 214-15, 219-20, 227; 385, 386

  Oinops, 21.144&n7

  Okyalos, 8.111

  Old Man of the Sea. See Nereus; Phorkys; Proteus olive trees: rooted, post of Odysseus' bed, 23.171-72, 177-204, 225-29; 435; wild, 5.476-81

  Olympians. See gods

  Olympos, Mount, ixmap; conclaves of gods, 4, 15-16, 19; 1.26-95; 5.1-42; 375, 383; Giants' plan to pile Ossa and Pelion on, 11.315-16; 400; 471; idyllic description, 6.41-45; 385; location of home of gods, 11.315-16&n7; 469

  omens: sneezing, 17.541-47&n4; 418. See also under birds; thunderbolts Onomakritos, 11.604n13

  onomatopoeia, 11.598n12

  opening of poem, 4

  oracles: on Poseidon's revenge on Phaiakians, 8.564-70; 13.171-83; 404-5. See also Delphi; Dodone oral tradition, 4, 13

  orchards, 7.112-21; 24.222-47; 387, 439

  Orchomenos, ixmap; 11.284, 459; 466, 469

  Orestes, 16, 17; 470; Agamemnon's shade asks Odysseus for news of, 11.456-64; 400; avenges Agamemnon's death, 17; 1.30, 40-41, 298-300; 3.195-98, 306-10; 4.546-47; 375, 378, 381; 442, 460, 470; chronology of revenge, 16, 17; 3.306-8; 4.546-47; 460; funeral rites for Klytaimnestra and Aigisthos, 3.309-10; as model for Telemachos, 16, 18; 1.293-300; 3.195-200; 378; 470

  Orion, 5.121-24, 272-74; 11.310, 572-75; 384-85, 401; 449, 470, 481

  Orsilochos, son of Idomeneus, 13.259-70; 405

  Ortilochos of Messene, 21.16; 428

  Ortygie, 5.123; 15.404&n8; 411

  osiers, 5.256

  Ossa, Mount, ixmap; 11.315-16&n7; 400; 471

  Otos, Titan, 11.305-20; 400; 471

  Ouranos, 7.206n4; 445, 455

  owls, small horned, 5.66

  oxen, plowing with, 18.371-75; 421

  Paieon, 4.232; 470

  Pallas (epithet of Athene), 470

  palm tree, 6.162-67; 386

  Pandareus, daughters of, 19.518&n16; 20.65-78&n1; 425, 426

  Panopeus, 11.580-81; 470

  Paphos, Cyprus, xmap; 8.362-63; 390; 449, 470

  Parian Marble, 7-8

  Paris/Alexandros, Trojan prince, 4.96n4; 379

  Parnassos, ixmap; 19.394, 410, 431-32, 466; 21.220; 24.332; 424, 429, 439; 470

  Parry, A.A., 1.29n1(27n1) pasture, 4.603-6; 13.245-46

  Patroklos, 3.109-10; 11.468; 23.68-92; 24.16, 73-77, 79; 401, 436, 437; 470-71

  paunches filled with fat and blood, in simile, 18.44-47&n3; 20.25-27; 419, 425

  pear trees, 7.115, 120; 24.340-42; 387

  Peiraios, son of Klytios, 15.539-48; 17.54-56, 71-83; 20.372; 411, 415, 428

  Peirithoos, king of Lapiths, 11.631; 21.294-304&n8; 401, 430; 471

  Peisandros, son of Polyktor, 18.299-300; 22.242-45, 268-69; 421, 432

  Peisenor, 2.38

  Peisistratos, son of Nestor, 471; in Pylos, 3.36-53, 400-401, 415, 454; 377, 378; travels to Sparta with Telemachos, 3.474-97; 378-79; in Sparta, 4.1-2, 20-75, 155-67, 186-202; 15.3-5, 44-55, 131-32, 166-68; 379, 409, 410; return to Pylos, 15.181-214; 410

  ------. friendship with Telemachos, 15.44-47&n1; 15.194-214; 409, 410; tact, 15.195-214; 471

  Peisistratos, tyrant of Athens; text of Odyssey in time of, 479

  Pelasgians, 19.177; 471

  Peleus, 11.494-505; 401; 471; son of. See Achilles Pelias, king of Iolkos, 11.254-57; 399; 443, 459, 471

  Pelion, Mount, ixmap; 11.315-16&n7; 400; 471

  Pelops, 477

  Penelope, 4-5, 9-10; 471-72; Athene discusses her situation with Telemachos, 1.243-51, 275-78, 289-92; 375; sadness at song of Achaians' homecoming from Troy, 1.328-64; 376; deception over weaving shroud exposed, 2.87-110; 376; and Telemachos' journey to Peloponnese, and suitors' plot, 2.357-58, 373-76; 4.675-767, 787-841; 16.409-51; 377, 382, 383, 414; and Telemachos' return, 15.38-40; 16.130-34, 328-39; 17.36-44, 96-149; 409, 412, 413, 415; hears his and Theoklymenos' news of Odysseus, 9; 17.104-65; 415-16; and Odysseus disguised as beggar, 13.403; 17.492-588; 18.214-42; 418, 420; appears in hall, 18.158-249; 420; criticizes suitors for free-loading, 18.250-83; 420-21; coaxes more gifts from suitors, 18.274-303; 421; meets beggar/Odysseus in hall, 9, 10, 14; 19.53-64, 101-360, 508-604; 422-24; 442, 472; Athene distracts from Eurykleia's recognition of Odysseus, 19.476-79; 424; prays for death, 20.56-90; 426; and contest of the bow, 9-10; 19.570-81; 21.1-10, 42-79, 311-19, 330-42, 350-55; 428, 430; 472; comes to hall when suitors dead, 22.482-83; 23.1-84; 433, 434; meeting with Odysseus, 23.82-116; 434; testing and recognition, 23.165-246; 435; 471-72; Odysseus tells of Teiresias' prophecy, 23.247-87; 435-36; make love and talk, 23.295-96, 300-343, 348-65; 436; shades of Amphilochos and Agamemnon talk about, 24.125-48, 167-69, 191-202; 437, 438; 442

  ------. Agamemnon praises, 11.444-48; 24.191-202; 400, 438; Antikleia's shade gives Odysseus news of, 11.177-83; 399; and Artemis, 20.60-90; 426; beauty, 19; 1.54; 5.209-18; 17.37&n1; 18.187-97, 248-49; 19.54; 384, 420; 447; characterization, 4-5, 9-10; 471-72; dreams, 9, 10; 4.787-841; 19.535-69&nn18-19; 20.87-90; 383; 425, 426; 472; Elpenor invokes, 11.67; 398; on Helen, 23.218-24; 435; Klytaimnestra compared with, 16; 11.444-53; 24.191-202; 400, 438; 442-43; and Melantho, 18.322-23; 19.89-95; 421, 422; modesty, 1.334; 18.183-84, 207; 21.65; 420; mourning, 5; 17.49&n1, 101-4; 18.172-74, 178-81; 415, 420, 425; and Odysseus, (early years of marriage) 11.445-49; 24.117n3, (his instructions on departure for Troy) 18.257-70; 420-21; 472, (he tests her before revealing identity) 14; 19.165-248; 423; 442, (caution in identifying him) 9-10; 23.96-103, 107-114, 165-246; 434, 435; 471-72, (see also events above); possible remarriage, 4-5, 9-10, (Athene and Telemachos discuss) 1.243-51, 275-78, 289-92; 15.19-26; 375, 409, (choice as hers alone) 20.320-44; 427-48, (discusses with 'beggar') 19.508-34; 425; 472, (father's potential role) 1.275-78; 2.52-54, 113-14, 132-34, 195-97; 376, (indecision) 4-5, 9-10; 1.249-51; 13.378-81; 16.73-77, 126-27; 375, 406, 412, (Odysseus' instructions) 18.257-70; 420-21; 472, (pressure from parents) 15.14-18; 19.158-59; 409, 423, (and property) 15.19-26; 409; and suitors, 471, 472, (and Amphinomos) 16.397-98; 444, (avoids company) 15.515-17; 411, (coaxes gifts from) 18.274-303; 421, (criticizes) 18.250-83; 19.130-33; 420-21, 423, (keeps in suspense) 4-5, 9-10; 1.249-51; 13.378-81; 16.73-77, 126-27; 375, 406, 412, (praised by) 2.115-21; 18.243-49; 420; 444, (ruse of web) 4-5; 2.87-110; 19.137-56; 24.125-48; 376, 423, 437; 472, (see also events above); and Teiresias' prophecy, 23.247-87; 435-36; and Theoklymenos, 9; 17.151-65; 415-16; weaving shroud for Laertes, 4-5; 2.87-110; 19.1387-56; 24.125-48; 376, 423, 437; 472. See also under Athene; Telemachos Periboia, 7.56-61; 13.130n5

  Periklymenos, son of Neleus, 11.285-86

  Perimedes, 11.23; 12.195-96; 398

  Pero, daughter of Neleus, 11.287-90; 399; 464, 467

  Perse, 10.138-39

  Persephone, 472; groves of, 10.509-10; 397; Odysseus prays to, 10.533-34; 11.46-47; 398; and Teiresias' shade, 10.494-95; 397. See also under Hades Perseus, son of Nestor, 3.414, 444

  Phaethon, Dawn's colt, 23.245-46

  Phaethousa (nymph), 12.131-36

  Phaiakians (Phaeacians), of Scheria, 472, 475-76; in Zeus' plan for Odysseus' return home, 5.32-40; 383; Odysseus' journey to land of, 2, 6; 5.282-493; 384-85; Odysseus in land of, Bks 6-12; 13.1-77; 385-404, (see also under Alkinoos; Nausikaa); hear Odysseus' account of travels, 6-8; 6-8; Bks 9-12; 392-404; convey Odysseus to Ithake, 8; 7.222-27; 8.15-55; 13.47-48, 70-125; 387, 388, 404; Poseidon punishes for helping Odysseus, 8; 8.564-70; 13.125-87; 391, 404-5; 443, 472, 474; Odysseus tells Penelope of, 19.277-82; 23.337-41; 436

  ------. Alkinoos' house described, 7.81-132; 387; assembly, 8.15-45; 388; city described, 6.262-72&n3; conveyance of strangers, 472, (of Odysseus) 8; 7.222-27; 8.15-55; 13.47-48, 70-125; 387, 388, 404; dancing, 8.370-84; 390; feasting, 8.56-95, 470-586; 13.23-62; 388, 391, 404; gifts to Odysseus, 3; 5.38-40; 8.385-448; 11.350-61; 13.1-15, 135-38; 16.230-31; 383, 390-91, 404,
413, (conveyed to Ithake) 8; 13.20-22, 67-72&n1, 119-24; 387, 404, (Odysseus' concerns on awaking) 8; 13.203, 207-8, 215-19, 230, 304-5, 362-71; 405, 406; and gods, 7.199-203; 387; 472, (see also under Athene; Poseidon); island, Scheria, described, 2; 6.204-5, 255-315; and Kyklopes, 6.5-6; location, 7.322n6; 388; 453, 475; origins, establishment on Scheria, 6.2-12; physical contests, 8.100-233; 389; wealth, 475-76. See also under Athene; Poseidon; seafaring Phaidimos, king of Sidon, 4.617-19; 15.117-19

  Phaidre (Phaedra), 11.321&n8; 400; 472

  Phaistos, 3.296

  Pharos (island off coast of Egypt), 4.355-57; 380; 472-73

  Pheai, 15.297

  Pheidon, king of Thesprotians, 14.316-37; 19.287-96; 407, 423

  Phemios, Ithakan minstrel, 473; plays for suitors, 1.153-55, 325-55, 370-71; 17.261-63, 270-71, 358-59; 375, 376, 416; Odysseus spares life, 22.330-56, 376, 378-80; 433; helps cover up death of suitors, 23.133-34, 143-45; 434; comes to assembly, 24.439-41; 439

  Pherai, Peloponnese, 3.487-95; 15.186-88; 378, 410

  Pherai, Thessaly, ixmap; 4.798

  Pheres, 11.259

  Philoitios, cowherd: meets disguised Odysseus, 20.185-237; 426-27; serves at suitors' feast, 20.254-55; 427; weeps to see Odysseus' bow, 21.82-83; 428; Odysseus reveals identity to, 21.188-241; 429; killing of suitors, 21.240-41, 388-93; 22.14-15, 173-99, 201-2, 268, 285-91, 359; 429, 430, 431, 432; and clearing of hall, 22.435-39; 433; execution of maidservants and Melanthios, 22.454-79; 433; end of day, 23.297-99; 436; goes to farmstead, 23.367-72; 24.362-64; 436, 439

  Philoktetes, 3.188-90; 8.219-20; 378, 389; 473

  Philomeleides, 4.343; 17.133-35; 415

  philosophizing on life of man, 19.328-34; 424

  Phobos (Terror, Rout), 8.277n1

  Phoenicia, -ans (including Sidon, -ians), 473, 476; enslaving of Eumaios, 15.415-83; 411; Menelaos' visit, 4.83-84, 617-19; 15.117-19; navigation, 5.271n5; in Odysseus' cover stories, 13.272-85; 14.287-98; 405; trade, 15.415-82; 411; trickery, 14.287-98; 15.415-73; 407, 411

  Phorkys, Old Man of the Sea, 1.72; 473; harbor on Ithake, 2; 13.95-112&n4, 345; 404, 405-6; 473

  Phosphoros (Lucifer, star), 13.94n3

  Phrontis, Menelaos' steersman, 3.278-83

  Phthie, 4.9n2; 11.496; 473

  Phylake, 11.288-97; 15.235-36; 399-400; 473

  Phylakos, 15.231

  Phylo, 4.125, 133

  Pieria, 5.50; 473

  pigs: Eumaios' husbandry, 14.5-22, 101-2, 106-7, 409-12; 406, 408, (supplies suitors with fattened) 14.16-17, 26-28, 41, 81-82; 20.162-64; 406, 407; Kirke turns men into, 10.237-43, 382-97; 396-97; pulling out teeth of pig caught eating crops, 18.29&n2

  piracy, 15.427-28; 16.424-30; 17.424-41; 411, 414, 417. See also raiding (by sea) Planktai (Wandering Rocks), 12.59-72; 23.327; 402, 436; 459

  Pleiades, 5.272&n5; 384-85; 474

  plowing, 18.371-75; 404, 421; simile of weary plowman, 13.31-35

  poet's emergence as individual, 4

  poison, 1.260-64; 468-69

  Polites, 10.224-28; 396

  Polybos, of Egyptian Thebe, 4.125-9

  Polybos, Phaiakian artist, 8.373

  Polybos, suitor, 22.242-69, 284-85; 432

  Polydamna, wife of Thon, 4.228-29

  Polydeukes, 11.298-304; 400; 460

  Polykaste, 3.464-67; 378

  Polyktor, 17.207

  Polyneikes, son of Oedipus, 11.280n5; 15.247n5; 452

  Polyneos, 8.114

  Polypemon, fictitious Sicilian, 24.305

  Polypheides, 15.249, 252-55

  Polyphemos, the Kyklops, 6, 14; 9.181-542; 392-94; 462, 474; animal husbandry, 2; 9.219-23, 244-49, 308-9, 341-42, 438-40; 393, 394; home described, 9.181-86; 392; kills and eats crew members, 2.19-20; 9.287-97, 311, 344; 393; 'Nobody' name, trick of, 9.363-70, 406-14, 455, 460; 393, 394; Odysseus' blinding of, 9.318-412; 393-94; 474, (calls on Poseidon to avenge) 9.526-36; 394, (Poseidon's anger at) 18; 1.67-75; 375; Odysseus and men escape, 9.420-542; 394; Odysseus and men recall, 10.200, 435-37; 12.209-12; 20.18-21; 23.312-13; 395, 397, 402-3, 425, 436

  pomegranate trees, 7.115; 387

  Ponteus, 8.113

  Pontonoos, 3; 7.179-83; 8.62-70; 13.49-54; 387

  Pontos; deep sea personified, 24.57n1

  Pope, Alexander, 22

  poplar trees, 2; 5.63-65, 238-40; 17.208-9

  population movements, forced, 4.174

  Poseidon, 474; and Aithiopians, 1.22-26; 443; and Aias, son of Oileus, 4.500, 505-7; 380; and Aphrodite's affair with Ares, 8.322, 344-58; 390; Athene's respect for, 6.328-31; 13.341-43; 386, 405-6; Charybdis as more powerful, 12.107; as Earth-Shaker, 474; and horses, 5.380; and Iphimedeia, 11.306; 400; libations to, 3.333-42; 378; morality, 11; 469, 474; Nausithoos and, 7.56, 61; 8.564-70; 391; and Odysseus, (anger, and disruption of return) 6, 18; 1.19-21, 67-75; 5.280-332, 339-41, 364-81, 423; 6.328-31; 9.518-36; 11.101-3; 375, 384-85, 386, 394, (in Odysseus' cover story to Kyklops) 9.283-84; 393, (Odysseus to make atonement) 11.119-34; 399; 474; and Phaiakians, (kinship) 7.35, 56, 61-63; 13.130&n5; 472, (precinct in city) 6.266, (punishment for helping Odysseus) 8; 8.564-70; 13.125-87; 391, 404-5; 443, 472, 474; Proteus as servant of, 4.386; sacrifice to, 3.5-10, 43-66, 178-79; 11.130-31; 13.181-87; 377, 399, 404-5; sender of storms, 6; 5.280-332, 339-41, 364-81; 11.399-400, 406-7; 24.109-10; 384-85; and Tyro, 11.241-53; 399, 480-81; vengefulness, 11; 469, 474; and Zeus, 8; 1.63-79; 13.125-38; 375, 404; 474, 482

  posset, 10.316&n4

  postern in house of Odysseus, 22.126-38&n1; 431-32

  Priam, king of Troy, 11.521n10; 441, 467, 474

  prizes, at Achilles' funeral games, 24.84-92; 437

  Prokris, 11.321&n8; 400; 474-75

  property: Eumaios' own, 14.3-4, 9, 449-52, 455, 526-27; Odysseus', (Eumaios' care for) 14.3-4, 449-52, 455, 526-27, (plans for management) 23.348-58; 436, (Telemachos' concern for) 1.245-51; 15.19-26, 87-91; 16.125, 384-92; 19.159-60, 530-34&n17; 409, 414, 423, 425

  prophecy: Apollo and, 8.79-81; 15.252; Athene and, 1.252-67; 375; ecstatic, by Theoklymenos, 20.350-72; 428; Helen's, of Odysseus' return, 15.171-78; 410; of Phaiakians' punishment for helping Odysseus, 8.564-70; 13.171-83; 404-5; of Polyphemos' blinding, 9.507-16; 394. See also oracles; and under Proteus; Teiresias Proreus, 8.113

  Proteus, Old Man of the Sea, 4.347-570; 380-81; 475; prophecy to Menelaos, 4.454-61, 491-569; 17.140-46; 475; shape-shifting, 4.417-19, 456-48; 380

  proverbs: about iron, 19.13&n1; no-one sprung from oak or rock, 19.163

  Prymneus, 8.112

  psychology of Penelope and Telemachos, 4-5

  Psyrie, Psyra, xmap; 3.171; 475

  puns: horn and ivory connected with truth and deception, 19.567n19; 425; 'ill Ilion', 19.260, 597; 23.19; on Leiodes' name, 21.144&n7; on Odysseus' name (odussomai), 1.62&n2; 5.423&n9; 19.276, 409&n14; 424

  purification with sulfur, 22.481, 493; 23.50-51; 433, 434

  Pylos, ixmap; 3.1-485; 475; city of Neleus, 3.4, 408-10; 4.639; 11.257; in Odysseus' cover story, 13.274; 405; Telemachos' visit, (Athene suggests) 1.279-88; 375, (he announces intention to go) 2.208-15; 376, (events of visit) 3.1-485; 377-78, (ship remains during his visit to Sparta) 4.599-600; 381, (he returns to ship and sails) 15.192-294; 410; 468, (later reports) 14.179-80; 17.109-15; 407, 415; other references, 11.459; 24.430; 439. See also Neleus; Nestor Pyriphlegethon, 10.513-15&n5; 397

  Pytho. See Delphi

  quantity and metre, 21-22

  quivers: Odysseus', 21.11-41, 417-18; 22.3; 428, 431; stone in doorway like lid on a quiver, 9.313-14; 393

  quoit-throwing, 8.186-98; 389

  raft, Odysseus', 6; 5.33, 162-64, 173-79, 233-61; 383, 384

  raiding: by sea, 3.106; of livestock, 23.356-58; 24.111-13; 436, 437

  rain, sent by Zeus, 14.457-58

  rationalism, 7, 8

  Raven's Rock, Ithake, 13.408

  reading the poem, 25

  recliner, Helen's, 4.123, 136

  religion: differences from Iliad, 8, 11. See also gods; rituals; sacrifice reputation: and girls' marriage prospect
s, 6.26-35, 66-67, 262n3, 273-88; 385; Klytaimnestra's bad, 24.199-202; 438; Telemachos' journey as means of gaining, 13.416-24; 406

  returns of heroes from Troy (nostoi), 14; Nestor's account, 3.130-94, 276-312; 377-78; Phemios sings of, 1.325-55; 376. See also under Agamemnon; Athene; Idomeneus; Menelaos; Nestor; Zeus revenge. See vengeance

  Rhadamanthys, 4.563-65; 7.321-24&n7; 475

  Rheithron, 1.186

  rhetoric, 12

  Rhexenor, 7.63-65, 146

  rhythm of poem. See metre

  rituals: prayers to the dead, 10.517-40; 11.24-50, 146-49; 397, 398, 399. See also funerary rites; libations; mourning practices; sacrifice river god, on Scheria, 5.444-53; 385

  rock, no-one sprung from oak or, 19.163

  roges ("steps"?), 22.143n2

  Rumor, 24.413-14; 439

  sacrifice: of cattle of Helios, by Odysseus' crew, 12.356-65; 403; to the dead, 10.517-40; 11.24-50, 146-49; 397, 398, 399; Eumaios', 14.420-35; 408; failure to perform, 4.471-80; 14.93-94; feast begins with, 20.276-83; gilding victim's horns for, 3.384, 425-26, 432-38; 378; heralds' role, 20.276-77; Odysseus' to Zeus, 1.60-62, 66-67; 19.365-68, (ignored) 9.551-55; 394; preparations, 20.250-56; 427; rich, 3.380-85, 404-72; 378; wiping blood from knife on head of victim, 19.92&n3; women's role, 3.450-52. See also under Athene; Poseidon; Zeus sacrosanctity of suppliants, 5.445-50; 7.164-65, 180-81; 467

  Salmoneus, 11.236

  Same (Kephallenia), ixmap; 451, 460, 475; identification, 9.24&n1; 475; Odysseus' sister married on, 15.367; 410; suitors from, 1.246; 16.123-25, 249; 19.131; 20.288; suitors plan to ambush Telemachos near, 4.671, 844-47; 15.29; 382, 383, 409

  sausages, fat and blood, in simile, 18.44-47&n3; 20.25-27; 419, 425

  scabbard, ivory, 8.403-5; 390

  scar, Odysseus', 19.388-468; 424; as identifying mark, 19.364n12, 389-93, 467-75; 21.217-24; 23.73-77; 24.330-35; 429, 434, 438-39

  scenery, descriptions of, 1-2

  Scheria, 453, 475-76; Nausikaa's description, 2; 6.204-5, 255-315; Phaiakians' settlement on, 6.6-11. See also Phaiakians sea: Hermes' objections to flying across, 5.99-102; navel of, 1.50

  seafaring, 11; adverse winds prevent sailing, 4.354-62; 380; coming into harbor, 15.496-98; Kyklopes incapable of, 9.125-29; 392; navigation, 5.269-77; 8.555-63; 384-85, 391; 448, 474; Phaiakians', 6.262-72; 7.34-36, 318-28; 8.555-63; 388, 391; preparations for voyage, 2.289-91, 353-55; 8.48-55; 377; setting sail, 2.418-34; 15.286-91; 377; simile of shipwrecked sailors swimming to land, 23.233-38; 435; taking on water, 4.358-59. See also piracy; raft, Odysseus'; ships sentence length of speeches, 12

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