Page 2 of Darcy Swipes Left

  Jane and Lizzy have checked into Longbourn.

  Mr. Bennet and Miss Bingley like this.

  Jane: Home at last!

  Bingley: Hope u got there safely.

  To: The Bennet Family

  From: Mr. William Collins When: Monday, November 18, at 4pm What: I'm coming over so I can apologize 4 inheriting ur estate as the closest male relative. Sucks that u'll be homeless if Mr. Bennet dies. Can't wait 2 the ! Ur welcome!

  cc: Lady Catherine de Bourgh

  Mrs. Bennet I HATE that a random relative that we don't even KNOW is inheriting our estate, just bc we don't have any sons. BUT maybe he'll want 2 1 of our daughters.


  Lydia: is he a soldier?

  Mrs. Bennet: Nope! He's a clergyman.

  Lydia: swipes left

  Mr. Collins Dinner at my future house! #NomNomNom


  Collins: Lady Catherine de Bourgh, wish you were here!

  Lady Catherine de Bourgh: I'm most certainly glad I'm not. --LCdB

  Lydia: i wish those soldiers we saw today were here!

  Kitty: fans herself

  Lizzy: SMH

  Lady Catherine de Bourgh: I do not approve of acronyms, improper punctuation, or the silly little pictures you are employing. How do I report? --LCdB


  Mrs. Bennet, I think it's only right 4 me 2 offer marriage 2 one of ur daughters, so that the stays in the once I inherit it. Therefore, I've decided I would be willing to marry Jane. #HumbleBrag

  Mrs. Bennet

  OoOoOoh, well, that's a very good idea, though Jane is prob going 2 marry someone else very soon. (Bingley) wink wink


  Ah. I see. Well then, how about the next prettiest?

  Mrs. Bennet

  Lizzy? ?


  Perfect! I'll start looking at venues.

  Jane Out and about in Meryton!--with Collins, Lizzy, Kitty, and Lydia.

  Denny likes this.


  Denny: Lydia, I'm in town, getting my redcoat cleaned. Gotta look good in my uniform, right? Get @ me. My friend Wickham's here 2.

  Darcy: Wickham?? WTF!

  Wickham post: Oh, hey Darcy.


  Nice meeting you @ your aunt's party, Lizzy. Not to change the subject, but do u know how long Darcy will be in town? #TBT #Awkward


  IDK, how do u know him?


  Long short, we've known each other since we were , when my father was his father's steward.


  Is it just me, or does that guy suck?


  I'm biased, but yeah. Glad you agree! We used to be BFFs. Darcy's father ed me. He promised to help me pay for my dream job in the ! I would have made an awesome pastor. But when he died, Darcy plotted against me and made sure I didn't get it.

  Same w/ his sister, Georgiana. I thought we were #Meant2B, but now we don't even talk.




  Yep, but maybe keep it between us.


  I feel bad 4 whatever girl ends up w/ him!


  Yeah, he's supposed to Lady Catherine de Bourgh's daughter.


  Oh? I hear she's . That poor girl can't catch a break. #SoSad


  Yeah...but my story is sadder, right??


  I HAVE to tell you what Wickham told me last night.

  Hold on. I'll send you the messages....


  OMG, is this true? Could Darcy really have done all those terrible things to Wickham? I can't believe it. Bingley thinks so highly of him.


  Why would Wickham make it up? It's DARCY we're talking about. Even you can't deny what a jerk he is!


  Darcy can't be all bad. Maybe it's a misunderstanding?


  You're 2 nice, Jane.

  Bingley Bingley has created an event: Ball at Netherfield.

  Mrs. Bennet, Kitty, and Lydia like this.


  Wickham: Out of town on business--sorry!

  Darcy likes this.


  Elizabeth Bennet's 1st Dance is now available.

  Mr. Collins asks Elizabeth Bennet to dance.

  Elizabeth Bennet reluctantly accepts. #SwipesRight

  Elizabeth Bennet's 2nd Dance is now available.

  Mr. Collins asks Elizabeth Bennet to dance.

  Elizabeth Bennet very reluctantly accepts. #SwipesRight

  Fitzwilliam Darcy askes Elizabeth Bennet to dance.

  Elizabeth Bennet accepts to avoid Mr. Collins. #SwipesRight

  Mr. Collins: N O O O O O O O O O O


  Lizzy, stop being so bummed Wickham isn't here. Don't b stupid & on a guy w/ 10x more just because you have a crush!


  Oh, shut up, Charlotte. #AlwaysPractical


  So, Darcy, what do u have against Wickham?


  IMHO he's good @ making friends, but not keeping them.


  Too bad he can't just be perfect all the time, like u.



  Miss Bingley

  Hey, Lizzy! So I ur into Wickham, huh? It's none of my business, but just FYI that guy is trouble.


  You're right.

  Miss Bingley

  That he's trouble?


  That it's none of your business.


  Lizzy, can I get Mr. Darcy's number?


  What? Why? No.


  Nvmd, I can just send him a request on Dancer.


  Absolutely do not do that. So uncool!!!!


  Too late!


  Fitzwilliam Darcy is now available to dance.

  Mr. Collins asks Fitzwilliam Darcy to dance.

  Fitzwilliam Darcy declines. #SwipesLeft


  Darcy, my boy!


  Do I know you?


  I'll give u a hint. Check out our mutual friends.

  Mr. Collins and Darcy have one friend in common: Lady Catherine de Bourgh

  Pretty cool, huh?



  Darcy has added Collins to Blocked Callers List.

  Mrs. Bennet Mrs. Bennet has created a wedding board:


  Jane: Mom, take that down!!!! Everyone can .

  Lizzy: Srsly, delete this!

  Mrs. Bennet: Why?? Lizzy, Jane marrying means u might marry 2! #Blessed

  FML. Mom went on and on all night about Jane and Bingley, and how much she hates Darcy. Then Mary got up and sang TERRIBLY in front of everyone. I thought I was going to die. Just when it couldn't get any worse, Collins gave a ridiculous speech. It's like my family is TRYING to ruin my life.

  Lizzy Notification: Mr. Collins has asked you to marry him. Do you accept?

  YES :) No :(



  WTF?! Collins, why do you want to get married?!


  I knew u would ask, so I made this .

  Reasons 2 Get Married

  #1 Lady Catherine de Bourgh wants me to.

  #2 Happiness

  #3 To set a good example for my parish

  #4 FOMO

  #5 YOLO


  No, I mean...why do you want to get married to ME?


  Lots of ladies want 2 marry me, but since I'm inheriting ur father's estate, I should marry 1 of his daughters to make every1 . I'm such a nice guy, I won't even make him give me a dowry!


  Hold up. I'm not marryin
g u. Thx, but no.


  Aw, r u doin that thing where u say no but u rly mean yes? So cute.


  No means no.


  But I have ! And connections (LCdB)! And no one else may ever ask you! Your biological is ticking, u know....


  Don't make this harder than it has to be. It's not happening.


  Adorable. I will take it up w/ ur parents, then.

  Group text: Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Bennet, Lizzy Mrs. Bennet

  Lizzy, if you don't marry Mr. Collins I will never you again!!!

  Mr. Bennet

  Well, you have a difficult decision to make, Lizzy. Because if you DO marry Mr. Collins, I'LL never u again.


  From: Caroline Bingley

  To: Jane Bennet

  Subject: Leaving! Wish u could come, but u can't!

  Just wanted 2 let u know we (all of us, including my brother) r leaving Netherfield 4 a long I don't know if/when we r coming back.

  --Caroline Bingley xoxo

  PS: Hate 2 break it 2 u, but my brother will probably fall in with Georgiana Darcy. Can't blame him, rly. She's beautiful, rich, elegant & accomplished. Their will bring so much 2 so many ppl.

  Kk. Buh-bye!


  Lizzy, I just got the worst !

  Bingley is leaving and never coming back!


  WHAT?! Jane, this doesn't sound like something he would do. I bet his sisters are behind it.


  Maybe, but what difference does it make now?

  List of People 2 Marry:







  Charlotte Notification: Mr. Collins has asked you to marry him. Do you accept?

  YES :) No :(


  Should I Marry Mr. Collins??




  Good character

  Situation in life

  Don't have to become a governess


  Being married to Mr. Collins

  Charlotte Charlotte is now engaged to Mr. Collins.


  Mrs. Bennet: Oh, did you see that, Lizzy? Charlotte is engaged. Charlotte will inherit your childhood home. #SlowClap Lady Lucas: How old is Mr. Bennet, exactly? How's his health? Do you mind if I stop by to take some measurements of your parlor?

  So disappointed in my friend Charlotte. Getting to Collins! Our relationship is changed forever.

  - Volume 2 -

  From: Caroline Bingley

  To: Jane Bennet

  Subject: London is the BEST

  Greetings from London! Bingley is sry he didn't get 2 say a proper good-bye when we left Netherfield (probably 4ever).

  Luv ya!

  --Caroline Bingley xx

  PS: Georgiana Darcy is even prettier IRL than I remembered!


  Bingley's never coming back.


  I'm so sorry, Jane.

  Ur an . I u. The more I of the , the less I understand it.

  1) How could Bingley leave you?

  2) How could Charlotte marry Collins? WTF?


  Oh, Lizzy. Don't be so harsh!


  I'm not being harsh. I'm being honest!

  Mrs. Gardiner

  Surprise, Lizzy! Your uncle and I are coming to visit. It's a Christmas miracle!


  You're in town?! Hooray! What a good !

  Mrs. Gardiner

  Yes, and I want to hear ALL your thoughts on Bingley and Jane. Do you think he was really into her?


  Definitely! He ignored everyone else and only paid attention to her. When he left, it was so weird.

  Mrs. Gardiner

  Do you think Jane would come back to London with us?


  Good idea! I bet she would.

  Mrs. Gardiner

  Excellent! And I want YOU to come with us on vacation later this year!


  Count me in! Thx, Auntie!

  Charlotte Charlotte Lucas is now married to William Collins.

  Jane likes this.


  Jane: Congratulations!

  Lizzy: I you, Charlotte! I hope it all turns out like you want it to.

  From: Jane Bennet

  To: Lizzy Bennet

  Subject: Lonely in London


  It's been 4 weeks and I still haven't run into Bingley. His sister waited 2 weeks(!) to say hi. When she did come over, she was so incredibly rude. I don't want 2 b friends w/ her anymore. Maybe she's protective of Bingley?? But that doesn't make sense bc he's completely ghosted me anyway. No , no , no . Nothing. Caroline even said he knew I was here. Maybe I'll never find . Time to start collecting s! Hope things are better on your end.

  xox Jane

  Miss King Miss King has inherited a lot of .

  Wickham likes this.


  Mrs. Gardiner Wickham is now engaged to Miss King.


  Mrs. Gardiner

  Lizzy, don't you think it's odd that Wickham hooked up with Miss King so quickly after she came into money?


  I don't think he's a gold digger, if that's what you're getting @.

  Mrs. Gardiner

  You said it--not me!

  Lizzy has checked into Hunsford Parsonage.

  Charlotte likes this.

  Charlotte: Thanks for visiting! The next 6 weeks are going to be awesome!!

  Collins: Can't wait to show u what u've been missing, Lizzy.

  Mr. Collins Mr. Collins has sent an update to all attendees of Dinner at Rosings with Lady Catherine de Bourgh.

  Attire: Wear the nicest clothes you have, but don't feel bad if you don't have anything nice enough. Lady Catherine de Bourgh wants people to dress according to their rank anyway.

  PS: Don't be late!


  Lady Catherine de Bourgh

  So. Lizzy. How many sisters do you have? --LCdB

  Are they married? --LCdB

  Are they attractive? --LCdB

  Are they educated? --LCdB

  What kind of carriage do you have? --LCdB


  Oh wow. Where to begin? So many questions!

  Pretty sure Lady Catherine de Bourgh is trying to steal my identity.

  Lady Catherine de Bourgh

  Do you still have a governess? --LCdB


  We never had one, actually.

  Lady Catherine de Bourgh

  Families with even less money than yours train their daughters!


  Would you excuse me? My is about to die.


  What did you think? Isn't Lady Catherine de Bourgh the best EVER? You're she talked to you, Lizzy. You're so beneath her, you know.

  I've been here for 2 weeks. We have gone to Rosings a # of times, all of which were terrible! But I did get some interesting --Darcy is coming tonight. I don't really want to see him, but it will be good for LCdB to have some fresh meat, not to mention I'll get to see how he acts with his "soul mate," Miss de Bourgh. #OTP Ha!

  Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam have checked into Rosings.


  Just got here.


  I saw.